annie just like: assholes on boats have tried this on me before
(i love her, she's very funny)
waningsunflower I just keep waiting for like... Corvo to see everyone get their powers back and go back to the talk he had with the Admiral on Vincent (Valentine)'s behalf and be like hm. No INTENTIONAL exceptions about power returns.
small request can Narrenschiff comment pages be made site default?
... I don't thnk there's a site....
like the dreamwidth default, sorry if I wasn't clear
just for when comment chains get big
OKAY I think I found that setting it's been a while since I had to edit the site settings on a community
Does it display correctly now? All my journals are set to display site skin on comment pages regardless, I can't tell
it's not too late to post a new NS crewmember, is it?
\o/ one (1) starfleet doctor incoming, then!
... I feel like this event needs a soundtrack.
Both to communicate the Narrenschiff's pirate/'what are you even doing?' theme, the undercurrent of violence
, plus however the heck this chapter is going to end.
/suggests Pirates of the Caribbean ost
NaraI also have this on offer.
Yes. I'm VERY curious if we're getting Narrenschiff Part 2. I check the event calendar occasionally.
I'm glad for the brief pause so people could catch up.
Oh absolutely! I'm having a lot of fun with the way things are now! If anything it's more like "still having X days left is a relief"
It's nice to have a max time of a month to play around. Makes it easier to set up interactions in stages.
(instead of a week, as most floods/breaches/ports go.)
(like, I know it goes closer to two depending on the event, but in practice it feels more like one.)
I definitely wonder if the mods are watching us have so much fun and thinking "hell yeah let's give them the whole month".
Though RIP the people who do prefer normal barge, all preferences are valid.
The mods are having fun too, though, looks like!
And so many side characters
Plot twist: the Barges also quarrel?? stay tuned, though I think also having heartwarming sibling-ship-shenanigans would be cute. ;~;