Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
latest #15
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
It's so refreshing to have a candidate I actually support for other reasons besides just "At Least It's Not Trump"
Kamala Harris genuinely has a really good campaign to run on
several legs to stand on
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
I'm specifically thinking of her housing policy
25,000$ grant to folks buying a house for the first time, more for ppl whose p@r3nts didn't own a house
Outlawing AI price gouging for renters that drives pricing through the roof, and capping off rent at a liveable price
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
Doing away with several Tax Breaks for ppl with multiple homes so that there's less incentive to hoard more homes could be owned by ppl who don't even have one
Stipends to construction companies building low-price housing for new homeowners
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
like???? if she goes through with this, I might be able to buy a house, and I have up on that very shortly after moving out once I realized how expensive just existing in this country is
This could tank the housing market in the best way possible
Vrbo and Air BnB would be practically doomed, and all those extra properties ppl would be selling
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
would be at what the market would now consider to be giveaway prices to ppl in the same tax bracket as I am
I don't wanna buy a house yet, I have too much to do that requires more wiggle room than my own property could provide
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
but like maybe in my thirties?
If Harris follows through with this, that's not an unlikely option
and that's groundbreaking
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
that and her firm stance on making affordable healthcare
Restoring Roe vs. Wade
Yeah she's weird about immigrants and China but like she's a politician
I can't ask too much of her XD
that and her VP going so gung-ho for trans rights????
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
Just to be clear
Restoring Roe vs. Wade would not just protect an individual's right to get an abortion
Roe vs. Wade is specifically phrased as a protection for an individual to decide what is appropriate for their body alongside their doctor, not the government. Roe getting overturned was The Reason why 2023 had such an explosion of anti-trans legislation
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
Because according to the federal government at this point, personal medical procedure can be regulated and restricted by the government of the states.
So that's what happened, medical procedure is being regulated and restricted by state governments and it's quite frustrating
Restoring Roe will yank the rug out from under All of that because at that point,
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
there will be power to the individual to decide what their medical care looks like, regardless of human biases or prejudice affecting the government
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
anyway yes the future of America is demonstrably brighter with Harris in charge and I'm very excited
istg though if Trump tries to pull another coup 🙄🙄🙄
I love how JD Vance is going Ackshully Trump is a Good Guy because he handed over power willingly
when like that is both objectively false and also
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
So Far Below The Bar Of Good Guy
Like he's talking like Trump is some sort of deposed ruler who gracefully stepped down because That's What Was Best For The People T-T
my man didn't get overthrown
the impeachment didn't even come early enough to actually threaten his office
he got voted out
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
That's a normal thing that has happened Several Times in US history
Many presidents only served One Term and get this
none of them staged a coup after getting voted out
Not a one
To say he's some sort of High Brow Honorable Guy for going along with The Way Things Work In America
Especially when he very clearly Did Not
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
Is like saying I'm an amazing and perfect person because I've never stolen from my p@r3nts
First of all
Inaction is not a sign of greatness. In this case it is the social contract.
Second of all.
It's objectively false
Sigyn Silica
3 days ago
I don't think the Trumpies are rallied together enough this time to storm the Capitol or anything, nor have I heard of any plans to go crazy like there certainly was in 2020
Project 2025 however might throw a wrench in things
I doubt those guys are gonna go down without a fight
interested to see how it'll work out though
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