[scams????] trying to pay my internet bill and hoo boy
latest #17
so i googled their number (spectrum ftr) and it gave me a few results
normally they have my phone number in the system and it automatically knows that this is the bill i'm paying, it's actually very nice
this service asked me for my number, and as i was giving it it just started redirecting me to a person. This is not normal
they had a distinct non-American accent when they asked me how i could help and i was just like uhhh i'll call you back
try the second number, that just immediately gets picked up by a person and i hung up without saying a word
i found the official site which is yet a third number and that one has the correct response of the computer already knowing who i am and having my card on file and everything
i don't know for sure if this was a scam thing but it sure feels fishy af to me
...also i don't like talking to a person because then we have to get into the whole Thing about how the internet is in Rowan's name but I pay it with a card in my name
googling the first one immediately sent me to a 'hey this is a scam number' site so i'm going to pat myself on the back over how good my instincts are
and assume the second number is a scam as well
write down and save in contacts the good number so you don't have to hunt for it next time
yeah good idea, i will do that
and i blocked the bad numbers
there's a way to report scam sites to google, especially if they're saying they're Spectrum
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