From the saltierthankrayt community on Reddit: "Conc... "Every time a live-service game with no hook or strong word of mouth fails to penetrate an oversaturated market, the most annoying people on the planet will be there to blame diversity." 每次那些誘因不強又沒名氣的線上遊戲拿不下過飽和的(玩家)市場時,地表最強酸民就會跑出來怪多元文化。
There is several days of a month, or a week, that you feel powerless, meaningless, even worthless. You know that isn't true: lots of choices have to be made, the meaning hasn't revealed itself, and value isn't bound with decision or action itself. However, it would seem, that none of the required actions is urgent.
They are not unimportant, but there is no rush. It's like one of the choices you would make if you are going to die here and now. In that sense, it is a choice that you will make if you're going to live forever. The former and the later carry the same weight: you have to "live" by your decision.