So Zerxus is a tank with healing magic, he is getting DEEP in search and rescue. Tempus will be able to help with getting people (and pets!) from the surface to the island, but isn't as much use under water.
may well get super banged up in the initial disaster and not...heal much of it because there's a limit on his magic and he has NO IDEA how many people are injured or how badly
and lbr there are a lot of space this man will NOT be able to get into
Meanwhile Maddie is a v strong swimmer and - will not be hell-bent on Saving Everyone She Can, but will be deeply concerned about certain people in particular. May need a rescue herself, which would be more strides in a good direction
and once they're actually on the island she does have some survival skills.
I was going to have Lahabrea offer his abilities for rescuing since he can teleport. Does Zerxus want wizardly back up?
....lmao i can. absolutely make zerxus get stuck in the ridiculous swimwear i put him in for the next six days