attempting to do this again, but i will try to be less complex than what i did last year
that's ultimately what tripped me up i think
but yes i will be once again breaking the rules by painting the art lol
i have no idea what to do with some of these. Discover? Exotic? sheesh
day one, backpack:
day two, Discover: i actually have an idea sketched out and will be painting it later tonight when i get home
but i didn't take a picture
i actually really like how the mountains turned out
in retrospect, looking back at last year, the tiny canvases i was using were in fact too small
these are much better sized
i am REALLY pleased with how the right one turned out, but perspective is still a struggle
i have decided for tomorrow i will try to do a zebra, we'll see how that goes
i'm really enjoying working with watercolor, i think i'm already getting something of the hang of it
i ordered some eyedroppers so i can more easily start mixing the paint and i hope that will really make things open up lol
i made a pineapple instead
i was gonna get all fancy and make it look better but fuck it
i'm spending so much time and energy on painting day 2 that i can't be bothered tbh
speaking of which... progress photo
i still have to finish the two hikers
and finally done
i am really trying to work on perspective with mixed results
i'll post some pics tomorrow when it's light out
the landscape is super cute tho
i'm so glad you think so! it's definitely my favorite so far
if i do it again i will blend the outline so it's not so... stark lmao
i need to do the one from the 7th still and i am getting a backlog of unpainted pictures lol, but i need to consider what a 'hike' would be...
it's so close to 'trek' lol
or i mean, i know what a hike is of course, but how can i represent it? i'm not sure
something to ruminate over as i get some sleep i guess