i have been told it will take two weeks for that part of the factory to be functional again
here's why it effects me:
it made the side panels. or rather, it painted them (it is literally called Paint)
so there is a possibility they will run at a reduced rate for two weeks
i don't think they're going to shut down for two weeks but they might
there is another part of the factory that can make some side panels but i don't know if it can keep up with 1,200 a day for our department alone (and i am probably lowballing that number)
Oh gosh I am glad if nobody was hurt.
But yeah that’s possible it might impact your hours? Like obviously they need to make sure it’s safe after that.
of course, i'm just a little worried about money as usual
capitalism hellscape yada yada
Yeah. It’s not your fault. But I hope you manage okay while they deal with it. Maybe if they figure blocking off the affected area and you can work in the rest of the factory?
oh we're working in it right now
you have to understand the size of this thing. the part i'm in is probably the size of two football fields (any kind of football)
and it takes five minutes to walk to the other side of it, where the nurse's office is
as long as a train isn't passing trough
it's so big it was built around an already existing train track
...so yeah we can work here safely, it's just down to 'do we have the parts to run the lines at all'
there are multiple other departments and i'm actually not even sure where the paint area is compared to where i work
it also takes up three or four residential city blocks
this is actually something of an ongoing issue because we second shifters all leave at 1am and i am pretty sure the houses built up around the factory hate us lmao
and the first shifters come in at 5am which might not be much better thh
i am pretty sure we've had noise complaints before and i have seen a cop sitting outside the parking lot just waiting to hand out tickets
oh welp.
I mean yeah it sucks if there is noise but. Uh. They live right near a factory so??? That is to be expected???
yeah it's just a thing that we all have to live with lmao
i am pretty sure some of the guys deliberately rev their engines in an annoying way and i think they deserve to be pulled over in that case lmao. maybe given a warning instead of a ticket...
lol the consequences from yesterday have arrived...
we were told to just use a different side panel to keep running all night
now we are out of that side panel when we actually need it
and we won't get more for three hours
so you are just waiting around for three hours?? ugh. I hope you have a book or something or can work on something else in the meantime.
yeah i have a book but they will probably expect us to clean lmao
Oh, yeah when it is quiet we try to clean at work too but. There's only so much of even that you can do?? Fffff.
oh they're having us do something annoying... they want us to skip to another sequence of machines but now we need to do something with the parts we have built
we are more or less back on track and apparently going back to working on the stuff we skipped
it's just such a pain when they tell us after stuff is already on the carts
because not only do we have to find a place to store up to 24 pieces, which are not small
we then have to fill the carts with 24 pieces and that takes time to make. especially when they don't give us someyhing easy
i know they don't do this on purpose but it is still very annoying
i know they don't do this on purpose but it is still very annoying
now we have the wrong motors
i have gotten over being annoyed, this shit is just funny at this point
seriously though this week is absolutely cursed
oh yes and apparently there is a pier strike happening now which means they canceled our Friday overtime
today a lot of people were half an hour late due to road closure because VP Harris came to the town we work in
no one warned us about this. i was told about it by my gf when i got up today but i guess they didn't bother closing the roads i take to work so i was unaffected
i really hope they don't dock points, this is in no way anyone's fault
one of my coworkers left his house 15 minutes early and he was still 30 minutes late
Oh damn yeah I would say that’s not their fault!
i'll talk to my boss about it later