Math Mage
1 weeks ago
[PJO] So there’s going to be a sequel to The Sun and The Star ...
latest #16
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
Not sure I’m sure how I feel about that
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
I just did not gel with TSATS
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
I should try to read it again
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
I still also have to read the Chalice of the Gods book about Percy
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
Oh shit, and Wrath of the Triple Goddess
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
Fuck it. Reread the whole damn series
1 weeks ago
chalice of the gods was so good LMFAO
Math Mage
1 weeks ago
angelonia: So I heard! I have it, I just need to read it.
1 weeks ago
I'm a lil biased tho, percys my boy
I have so many books to read
I haven’t even gotten to the sun and the star LMAO
Math Mage
6 days ago
trevenant: S a m e
Math Mage
6 days ago
angelonia: I know he is. He's a good boy. just needs to remember to think
6 days ago
absolutely not LMFAO
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