but it doesn't have to be.
Roseian Quartz is a feminine gender alignment from the Quartz System, although it is not female aligned or fiaspec because it loses touch with femaleness. It may also be described as Neutrois but feminine. Its connection to femininity may fluctuate but it doesn't have to.
The Fiagender Spectrum or Fiaspec is an umbrella term for anyone on the "female" side of the gender spectrum. This includes anyone whose gender is female/wifgender, partly female (but not partly miaspec), female-aligned, female-adjacent, female-related, or is similar to or in some way resembles femaleness.
Fiaspec sometimes overlaps with,
but not necessarily the same as fingender. Fingender includes genders that are related to femininity, and these genders may or may not being related to femaleness. Fiaspec includes genders that are related to femaleness, and these gender may or may not be related to
femininity. A fiaspec individual does not necessarily have to be feminine aligned or identify with notions of femininity.
Examples of fiaspec genders may include, but is not limited to: binary woman, non-binary woman, lunarian, demigirl, xirl, altegirl, feminenby, etc. Fiagender can also be used as a gender on its own.
The state of having a fiagender or having a gender which exists on the fiagender spectrum is called fiaty.
Wifgender is another word for binary woman, female, girl, or gal. It is a simpler way to refer to all individuals who are binary female, or very close to binary female. Some individuals are pleonotic, meaning they may identify as a "girl" or "gal" but not as a "women" or "female", or vice versa.
Wifgender gives the language to easily talk about all these individuals at once. Wifgender was coin on August 21, 2018 by Arco-plurist on Tumblr. The word comes from the Middle English word wifman meaning "woman".
Wergender is another word for binary men, male, boy, or guy. It is a simpler way to refer to all people who are binary male, or very close to binary male. Some people are pleonotic, meaning they may identify as a "boy" or "guy" but not as a "man" or "male", or vice verse. Wergender gives the language to easily talk about all these people at once.
Wergender was coin on August 21, 2018 by Arco-pluris on Tumblr. The word comes from the Middle English word werman meaning "man".
The Miagender Spectrum or Miaspec is an umbrella term for anyone on the "male" viabinary-to-binary spectrum. This includes anyone whose gender is male/wergender, partly male (but not partly fiaspec), male-aligned or adjacent, boyflux, or is similar to or in some way resembles maleness.It is similar to, but not necessarily the same as mingender.
Mingender includes genders that are related to masculinity, but are not necessarily related to maleness. Miaspec includes genders that are related to maleness (even if they are not masculine). They do not necessarily have to identify with notions of masculinity or be masculine-aligned. Examples of miaspec genders may include: binary men, non-binary men,
solarian, demiboy, xoy, alteboy, etc. Miagender can also be used as a gender on its own.
The state of having a miagender or having a gender which exists on the miagender spectrum is called miaty.
Viabinary is a term from the Alibinary System used to categorize the experiences of some non-binary people. It refers to people with identities which are close to or similar to one binary gender, even though they are non-binary. They relate to having an experience similar to a binary gender, while not being 100% that binary gender.
Possible examples of viabinary people may include:
Juxera or proxvir people.
Xirls or xoys.
Demigirls or demiboys.
Lunarians or solarians.
Bxys or gxrls.
Paraboys or paragirls.
Any other non-binary people who feel that they have a similar experience to a binary woman or to a binary man.
That said, just because one identifies as one of these genders, that doesn't mean they are viabinary. If someone doesn't feel like their experience is similar to that of a binary man or binary woman they would not be viabinary.
Juxera is a circa-binary gender that is strongly connected to femininity, but in a different way to how women are connected to femininity. Juxera is something separate and entirely on its own. It may be described as a gender that is feminine-aligned or fingender, but is not woman-aligned or fiaspec, and has no connection to womanhood.
The word juxera is used as an adjective, in the same way male and female are used, so one would say "I am juxera" not "I am a juxera".
The masculine equivalent to juxera is proxvir.
Ideobinary is a term from the Alibinary System used to categorize the experiences of some non-binary people. It refers to people with identities that rely on masculinity and/or femininity or other “projections” of binary ideas, without being necessarily close to binary genders. Their experience relies on binary-related concepts,
but they do not have an experience that is similar of that of a binary gender. Possible examples of ideobinary people may include:
Juxera or proxvir people.
Xirls or xoys.
Demigirls or demiboys.
Lunarians or solarians.
Bxys or gxrls.
Any other non-binary people who feel connected to masculinity and/or femininity without having any connection to maleness or femaleness.
That said, just because one identifies as one of these genders, that doesn't mean they are ideobinary. There is some overlap between ideobinary and viabinary. It is not based on what gender identity someone is,
rather it's based on what experiences one one is affected by and how one personally defines their gender. A person may relate to both ideobinary and viabinary, or to one of those, or neither of them. It may vary from person to person.
The Alibinary System (AS) is a system of terms used to describe how different non-binary people have different relationships to the gender binary. Since binary genders are considered to be the norm in most Western societies, the gender binary has an affect on how non-binary people experience exorsexism, dysphoria, erasure, and other experiences.
This system is not based on what gender identity someone is, rather it's based on what issues one is affected by. For example, one solarian may identify as ideobinary, while other may identify a viabinary. Some people may fit and identify as multiple terms. Some non-binary people do not use the alibinary system at all.
The terms were originally created in order to talk about specific issues that certain non-binary people face. The alibinary system and the terms in it are not meant to be an identity on their own. When talking about one should say “people who use the alibinary system”, not “alibinary people”.
Exobinary is a term used to categorize the experiences of some non-binary individuals. It refers to people with identities that are completely outside of or independent of the gender binary or anything related to it. Exobinary may be considered a synonym ofabinary. Possible examples of exobinary genders may include:
Any other non-binary gender that does not relate to masculinity/maleness or femininity/femaleness
Mesobinary is a term used to categorize the experiences of some non-binary people. It refers to people with identities involving both binary genders or being in between the binary genders, or those who relate to having the experience of both binary genders, or to having an experience of being in between binary genders.
Possible examples of mesobinary people may include:
Androgyne people.
Some bigender people.
Femache people.
Any other non-binary people who feel a they have the experience of being both masculine and feminine or in between binary genders.
Mesobinary is a term used to categorize the experiences of some non-binary people. It refers to people with identities involving both binary genders or being in between the binary genders, or those who relate to having the experience of both binary genders, or to having an experience of being in between binary genders.
Possible examples of mesobinary people may include:
Androgyne people.
Some bigender people.
Femache people.
Any other non-binary people who feel a they have the experience of being both masculine and feminine or in between binary genders.
Aporagender is a nonbinary gender or genders which is separate from being a man, woman, or anything in between, while still having a strong and specific gendered feeling or internal sense of gender. Aporagender individuals are not a combination or between man and woman, nor are they genderless or agender.
Aliagender or Aliusgender is a gender which is "other", or stands apart from existing social gender constructs. It is a specific non-binary identity which is not a mixture of male and female, nor an absence of gender, but instead a strong, specific gender identity that is not man or woman. It is removed from common gender descriptors and guidelines.
The term is often used by individuals who would identify as "third gender," but don't want to appropriate any culture-specific gender identity implied by the term third gender.
Aporine is a gender quality that relates to having the attributes regarded as characteristic of aporagender/aingender or showing qualities associated with aporahood. It is an umbrella term for gender qualities separate from masculine, feminine and anything in between while still having a very strong and specific gendered quality.
Proxvir is a circa-binary gender that is strongly connected to masculinity, but in a different way to how men are connected to masculinity. Proxvir is something separate and entirely on its own. It may be described as a gender that is masculine-aligned or mingender, but is not man-aligned or miaspec, and has no connection to
manhood. The word proxvir is used as an adjective, in the same way male and female are used, so one would say "I am proxvir" not "I am a proxvir".
The feminine equivalent to proxvir is juxera.
Nijuxera, or Junixera, is a nixic gender that is both nixera and juxera. This may manifest as identifying partially as juxera. These aspects can be experienced simultaneously, fluidly, or through fluctuations.
Not to be confused with altergender or altgender, Altegender is a xenogender that feels distant, as though it is in a parallel dimension, on a different plane, in a mirror universe, or in an alternate existence. It can be combined with other genders to form more specific genders, such as altegirl, alteboy, or altenonbinary.
Altergender is a term for people who are altersex and/or transsex and feel as though they do not fit the roles of transgender and cisgender due to this. An example of this would be an AFAB woman who is transsex, and no longer has a vagina, but still is a woman. Due to this,
they may feel as though the term cisgender doesn't fit their experience with womanhood.
Some other reasons this might occur include, but are not limited to:
Someone with gender dysmorphia who got hormone replacement therapy and/or surgery to alleviate this dysmorphia, while not feeling dysphoric or identifying with another gender.
Someone who got hormone replacement therapy and/or surgery due to being altersex or transsex, due to not feeling connected to their sex traits, while not feeling dysmorphic or dysphoric and/or identifying with another gender.
An AFAB lesbian or otherwise sapphic woman who got sexual reassignment surgery for the sexual side of their life, due to their own preference/fantasy.
An AMAB vincian or otherwise achillean man who got sexual reassignment surgery for the sexual side of their life, due to their own preference/fantasy.
A transsex person who was born with an intersex body, however due to their intersex traits being non-consensually removed when they were young, they feel as though the terms cisgender and transgender don't fit their experiences.
Altersex is a catch-all term to describe desiring sex characteristics that do not align with typical ideas of male or female bodies. Altersex is unrelated to the intersex & perisex dichotomy, and is not a third category or grey area between them, but rather an additional label that anyone can use.
Salmacian, also known as Aphrodisian, Bisex, Biadic, Ambissex, or Ambiadic is an altersex identity for people who wish to have mixed sex characteristics (such as a penis and a vagina), or something in between that could be considered a mixture of multiple sexes. A salmacian person may experience dysphoria or disconnect from their born sex traits, or they may
experience euphoria from the idea of having mixed sex characteristics. The sexes can be distinct from each other or they may be similar. The two sexes do not need to be traditional male and female, it may also include xenogenitals, faunagenitals, etc. It includes terms like bigenitalia- in which one specifically desires a mixed genital set,
and bigonadal in which one specifically desires mix gonads. They may or may not desire mixed secondary sex characteristics as well. Bisex may also be used by certain intersex people if they feel that describes their sex identity.
Salmacian does not correspond with certain gender(s). Bigender people are not necessarily salmacian and salmacian people are not necessarily bigender.
One with this identity may or may not also fit the diff-ot or diffcombo labels as well.
Faunagenital or Animagenital is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that are like that of nonhuman terrestrial animal, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as animalistic. It is a subcategory of xenogenital. Imagining
oneself with animalistic sex characteristics may reduce dysphoria/dysmorphia or cause euphoria for the individual.
The term is commonly used by xenic and alterhuman individuals, but anyone can use it. Not all xenic and alterhuman people are faunagenital and not all faunagenital people are xenic or otherkin. Some who are faunagenital may also be non-human headmates in systems,
and because of this they feel genital dysphoria and/or dysmorphia because their outward body doesn't match their inward body.
Faunasex may be used if it relates to their sex as a whole, rather than just their genitals.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex. One who identifies as this may or may not also fit the diffauna label.
Aivotsex is a sex under the Tubuhive umbrella that is specific to systems. It is a term used to describe non-humans within systems who have sex characteristics that are not describable as male, female, or intersex. This term may be used by any non-human system member to describe the sex characteristics they have within their inner world.
For example,
a non-human system member who is partially or fully an animal may have something similar to a faunagenital, making them fit aivotsex better than terms for human sexes. This term is only to be used by those who are non-human system members, and is not to be used by singlets or anyone who is not a system.
One with this sex may or may not identify as aivotgender as well.
Aivotgender is a gender under tubuhive that describes non-human alters who are aivotsex, and feels as though their sex effects their gender.
Varioformic is a trangender-adjacent umbrella term for those who desire to transition partially or in an otherwise non-standard way, via Hormone Replacement Therapy, physical training and/or surgeries. Varioformic may be used by anybody regardless of gender identity or
sex; though most varioformic folk are transgender, cisgender people who intend to pursue transitional treatments may also use the term while still identifying with the gender they were assigned. Varioformic is not a gender identity, but instead an adjective which can be placed before one. Some examples may include “varioformic
transgender woman,” “varioformic cisgender man,” or “varioformic agender person.” The term may also be used on its own if the user is uncomfortable with revealing their gender identity.
Varioformic is an incredibly broad label that can cover an inexhaustible number of possible variations while also allowing folks a degree of privacy.
It is important to note that the partial state of the transition must be the desired end goal, rather than an in-between step to a full binary transition. The only exception to this would be cisgender varioformic folk who make a full bodily transition to the opposite sex without intent to socially transition.
Varioformic people who are male (trans or cis) or of a male-related gender may identify as variomasc, while varioformic people who are female (trans or cis) or of a female-related gender may identify as variofemme (variofem is also a valid spelling).
Xenogenital is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have nonhuman sex characteristics and/or genitalia, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as alien or otherwise nonhuman. This can be any form of sex characteristics that are not normally found in humans.
Imagining oneself with alien sex characteristics may reduce disconnect, dysphoria, or cause euphoria for the individual. The term is commonly used by xenic and otherkin individuals, but anyone can use it, as not all xenic and otherkin people are xenogenital and not all xenogenital people are xenic or otherkin.
This term could also be useful for non-human alters within systems.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex. One who identifies as this may also fit the diffxeno label as well.
Morphisex is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that are able to morph, change, and/or retract, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as morphing, changing, and/or retracting. Imagining oneself with morphing, changing,
and/or retracting sex characteristics may reduce dysphoria or cause euphoria for the individual. Those who desire morphing, changing, and/or retracting genitals may say they are morphigenital, and may fall under the xenogenital category. They may also identify as genitalfluid.
Some examples of those who may fit this label includes, but is not limited to...
A xenic individual whos gender is changing, morphing, or retracting and desires a sex that reflects that.
An alterhuman individual whos kin to a species or character with changing, morphing, or retracting sex traits. For example, an alienkin individual whos species morphs in such ways.
An headmate in a system who has changing, retracting, or morphing sex traits. They may also identify as cambiosex.
Someone who desires a retractable penis, clitoris, and/or retractable ambiguous genitals.
Someone who desires retractable breasts.
Someone who desires to have a penis that can morph into different sizes or shapes.
Someone who desires to have a vagina or clitoris that can morph to different sizes or shapes.
Someone who desires ambiguous genitals that can morph to different sizes or shapes.
Someone who desires breasts that can morph into different sizes or shapes.
Someone who desires nipples that can morph into different sizes or shapes.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself cambiosex. One who identifies as this may also fit the diffmorphi label as well.
Astrogenital is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that relate to outer space, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as space-like. It is a subcategory of xenogenital.
Imagining oneself with space-like sex characteristics may reduce dysphoria or cause euphoria for the individual. Astrosex may be used if it relates to their sex as a whole, rather than just their genitals.
The term is commonly used by xenic and otherkin individuals, but anyone can use it. Not all xenic and otherkin people are astrogenital, and not all astrogenital people are xenic or otherkin. Some who are astrogenital may also be non-human alters in systems,.
and because of this they feel genital dysphoria and/or dysmorphia because their outward body doesn't match their inward body.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex. One who identifies as this may also fit the diffastro label as well.
Cyberex is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that relate to being digital, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as digital.
Imagining oneself with digital-related sex characteristics may reduce dysphoria or cause euphoria for the individual. Those who desire digital-related genitals may say they are cybergenital, and may fall under the xenogenital category.
The term is commonly used by xenic and otherkin individuals, but anyone can use it.
Not all xenic and otherkin people are cyberex, and not all cyberex people are xenic or otherkin. Some who are cyberex may also be non-human alters in systems, and because of this they feel genital dysphoria and/or dysmorphia because their outward body doesn't match their inward body.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex.
One who identifies as this may also fit the difftech label as well.
A similar term is machinex.
Floragenital is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that are like that of a plant, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as plant-like. It is a subcategory of xenogenital.
Imagining oneself with plant-like sex characteristics may reduce dysphoria or cause euphoria for the individual. Florasex may be used if it relates to their sex as a whole, rather than just their genitals.
The term is commonly used by xenic and otherkin individuals, but anyone can use it.
Not all xenic and otherkin people are floragenital, and not all floragenital people are xenic or otherkin. Some who are floragenital may also be non-human alters in systems, and because of this they feel genital dysphoria and/or dysmorphia because their outward body doesn't match their inward body.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex. One who identifies as this may also fit the difflora label as well.
Machinex is a form of altersex referring to individuals who wish to have sex characteristics and/or genitalia that are robotic/mechanical, or individuals who prefer to conceptualize or imagine their sex characteristics and/or genitalia as mechanical/robotic.
Imagining oneself with robotic/mechanical-related sex characteristics may reduce dysphoria or cause euphoria for the individual. Those who desire robotic/mechanic-related genitals may say they are machinegenital, and may fall under the xenogenital category.
The term is commonly used by xenic and otherkin individuals, but anyone can use it.
Not all xenic and otherkin people are machinex, and not all machinex people are xenic or otherkin. Some who are machinex may also be non-human alters in systems, and because of this they feel genital dysphoria and/or dysmorphia because their outward body doesn't match their inward body.
Systems who identify with this may also call themself aivotsex. One who identifies as this may also fit the difftech label as well.
A similar term is cyberex.
Cambiosex (pronounced cam-bee-oh-sex) is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella used to describe an headmate within a system that has a changing sex or changing sex traits within the inner world. This includes, but is not limited to...
An headmate who is fluid between a penis and a vagina (or a combination of both.)
An headmate who is fluid between penis and
ambiguous genitals and/or clitoromegaly.
An headmate who is fluid between vagina and ambigiuous genitals and/or clitoromegaly.
An headmate who is fluid between having genitals or having none.
An headmate who is fluid between having breasts and a flat chest.
An headmate who is fluid between different secondary sex traits (such as body hair.)
An headmate who is fluid between the size of their genitals and/or breasts.
One who is cambiosex may also identify as genitalfluid/sexfluid or morphisex/morphigenital, depending on their inner body. This term is only to be used by those who are system members, and is not to be used by singlets or anyone who is not a system.
One with this sex may identify as cambiogender as well.
Cambiogender (pronounced cam-bee-oh-gender) is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella used to describe system members who are cambiosex and feel as though their sex affects their gender. This may be considered a neurogender in some cases, or a xenogender. An example of this would be a cambiogender person who feels genderfluid, genderswap,
or genderflux because of their sex.
Sinealt (pronounced see-nay-alt) is an umbrella term for altersex individuals who fall under the transgender and cisn't umbrella and only wish for a partial medical transition, rather than a full one. For example, one may desire top surgery but not bottom surgery or vice versa. One may also only desire to take hormones, but not have any surgeries.
Teresex, also known as Nullo or Smoothie, is a sex characteristic where one voluntarily had their genitals and sex organs fully removed, or was born with no sexual organs or genitals. Not all Teresex individuals are transgender, but some may be apothigenital or do it voluntarily for religious reasons. The removal doesnt always include the breasts or nipples,
but sometimes it does. while the procedure is typically done by men, some women and non-binary individuals also have it done. This overlaps with a few terms, such as angenital (however, is specific for those who have had their genitals removed fully instead of the desire), intersex (for those specifically born without any
genitals or sex organs, also known as agenital or sexless) and altersex (those who have altered their sex to remove their genitals and sex organs, such as angonadal).
Apothigenital is an altersex term for people repulsed by having any form of genitalia. One may or may not also desire no genitals (angenital,) or they may not desire a change due to personal, mental, emotional, and/or religious reasons.
Angonadal is an altersex identity that falls under the teresex umbrella in which one desires to be without gonads (testicles, ovaries, ovotestes,) or has had their gonads removed due to surgery.This includes, but is not limited to...
Someone who desires to be without testicles.
Someone who desires to be without ovaries.
Someone who desires to be without ovotestes.
Someone who had their gonads removed due to disease or injury.
Someone who had their gonads removed due to dysphoria, dysmorphia, or dysmorphia.
Someone who had their gonads removed to induce euphoria.
Someone who is angonadal may also be angenital, however they do not have to be.
Angenital (abbreviated ANG) is an altersex identity that falls under the teresex umbrella in which one desires to be without genitals, or does not have genitals (due to surgery, not due to any condition of intersex). One may also lack or desire to lack any other sex characteristics. It does not correspond to any particular gender,
and does not require any corresponding feeling of genderlessness. Agender people are not necessarily angenital, and angenital people are not necessarily agender.
An angenital person may feel uncomfortable (potentially dysphoric) with having any sort of genitalia (and potentially other sex characteristics).
One who is angenital may or may not also be apothigenital or angonadal.
Agenital is a term for a rare intersex trait under the teresex umbrella in which one is born without visible genitals or without parts of ones genitals, due to being abnormally closed, underdeveloped, or absent (genital aplasia). The variation does not usually occur by itself, but is usually coupled with other intersex variations.
It may or may not be coupled with gonadal agenesis, gonadal dysgenesis, and/or secondary sex agenesis. The opposite of this variation is macrogenital.
Sexless is an umbrella term for anyone who lacks one or more sexed characteristics or qualities and/or has an absent or null sex body or identity. This can include lacking any aspects of sex including genitals, gonads, hormones, or chromosomes. The term includes intersex people who were born sexless as well as people who became sexless later in life
(desired/planned or not) and people who desire to be sexless. Examples of people who may identify as sexless include:
People born without genitals (agenital), and people who have had their genitals removed or people who desire to not have genitals (angenital).
People born without gonads or functioning gonads (gonadal agenesis), and people who have had their gonads removed or people who desire to not have gonads (angonadal).
People with Turner syndrome (X0 intersex).
People who are hypohormonal or have hypogonadism.
People who are indifferent about their sex (apagenital).
Headmates whose sex cannot be described as male, female, or intersex in the innerworld (aivotsex or neisex).
Sexlessness does not correspond to any particular gender, and does not require any corresponding feeling of genderlessness. Agender people are not
necessarily sexless and sexless people are not necessarily agender.
This term may or may not overlap with teresex.
Neisex (pronounced nay-sex) is a is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella used to describe an headmate within a system that is not female, male, intersex, transsex, altersex, or any other sex within the inner world, while not exactly fitting terms under the teresex umbrella. This includes, but is not limited to...
A ghost/spirit headmate who has no tangible sex traits due to being a ghost.
A wisp headmate who has no tangible sex traits due to being a spirit.
A deity headmate who has no tangible sex traits due to being a deity and (possibly) having little to no tangible body.
A headmate that is a concept/idea and has no tangible sex traits due to having little to no tangible body.
A headmate that is an animatronic/AI/robot and has no tangible sex traits due to having a body that is not formed to look like a specific sex.
This term is only to be used by those who are system members,
Neigender is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella used to describe system members who are neisex and feel as though their sex affects their gender. This may be considered a neurogender in some cases, or a xenogender. An example of this would be a neisex headmate who feels genderairy due to the emptiness of their sex.
Genderairy is a xenogender that feels light, windy, breezy, airy, and cool. It is similar to identities like agender or libragender in that it feels very light and/or nonexistent; however, it is different in that it also feels airy, windy, and cool.
Apagenital, Inersgenital, or Anvisgenital is when one feels apathetic to the genital set they have or don't care what genital set they or would would have. It is similar to cassgenital and may be used interchangebly at times.
Cassgenital is an altersex term for when one feels as if their genitalia is irrelevant, or one may be indifferent or neutral to the concept of having genitals. It may be used interchangebly with apagenital in some cases.
Hypogonadism is a rare intersex variation that leads to reduction in the functionality of one's gonads, whether it be testes, ovaries, or ovotestes leading to a reduction or complete block in production of sex hormones such as testosterone or estrogen.The main variations that fall under this umbrella are AFAB Hypogonadism and AMAB Hypogonadism.
AMAB Hypogonadism is an intersex variation - more specifically, a form of hypogonadism - leading to a reduction in the output of male sex hormones in AMAB people due to decreased functionality of the testes. Hypogonadism can be primary, meaning it's caused by a problem with the testicles, or it can be secondary hypogonadism,
meaning it's caused by a problem with the signals sent from the brain to the testicles. Symptoms will include the effects of low testosterone, such as low energy, fatigue, low muscle tone, and a lower sex drive (unless they are on the ace-spectrum already.) Those with congenital hypogonadism are usually diagnosed because they will not have started puberty.
It is important to note that not all the symptoms listed above are guaranteed to occur in someone with this variation, as someone may only experience one or several of these symptoms, yet still hold the variation.
AFAB Hypogonadism is an intersex variation - more specifically, a form of hypogonadism - leading to a reduction in the output of female sex hormones including estrogen and progesterone in AFAB or CTF people, due to decreased functionality of the ovaries. Hypogonadism can be primary, meaning it's caused by a problem with the ovaries,
or it can be secondary hypogonadism, meaning it's caused by a problem with the signals sent from the brain to the ovaries. One symptom includes the effects of low estrogen, which will cause one to not begin menstruation and will having slow or absent breast growth. Those with acquired hypogonadism will
stop menstruating and will experience symptoms of menopause, including lowered sex drive (unless they are on the ace-spectrum already,) loss of body hair, and hot flashes. This will occasionally cause extra production in testosterone, which may caused more masculine or androgynous traits to develop.
Those with AFAB hypogonadism are usually diagnosed because they will not have started puberty.
It is important to note that not all the symptoms listed above are guaranteed to occur in someone with this variation, as someone may only experience one or several of these symptoms, yet still hold the variation.
Tubuhive (pronounced too-bwa-iv) is an umbrella term of sexes and sex-related genders that are exclusively experienced by systems. This umbrella term is made to hold all sexes and gender identities that specifically relate to, connect to, or are effected by ones sex traits within the innerworld.
Tómtgender (pronounced tompt-gender) is an exclusive gender under the Tubuhive umbrella to describe system members who are tómtsex and feels as though their sex affects their gender. This may be considered a neurogender in some cases, or a xenogender. An example of this would be a tómtgender individual who has missing genitals and feels genderless because of
Innsex is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella exclusive for systems in which a headmate had medical intervention within the innerworld to change or alter their sex.
This includes, but is not limited to...
An individual who realized they are transmasculine, and started innerworld HRT in order to reflect this.
An individual who realized they are
alterhuman or otherwise non-human, and had innerworld transitions in order to reflect this.
One with this sex may or may not also identify as inngender.
Miscesex (pronounced me-shay-sex) is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella used to describe an headmate within a system that has a combination of a penis and a vagina within the inner world. This includes, but is not limited to...
A headmate with ambiguous genitals (if one considers this to be a combination of a penis and a vagina.)
A headmate with clitiromegaly (if one considers this to be a combination of a penis and a vagina.)
A headmate with both a vagina and a penis (that aren't combined.)
A headmate with both a vagina and a penis
(with parts combined together, such as the top half being a penis and the bottom half being a vaginal opening.)
One who is miscesex may also identify as intersex or salmacian depending on their inner body. This term is only to be used by those who are system members, and is not to be used by singlets or anyone who is not a system.
One with this sex may identify as miscegender as well.
Opposisex is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella used to describe an headmate within a system that has a different sex than their double within the innerworld. They may be identitical in all ways, with the only different being their sex traits. For example, one may be a CTF intersex person, while the other may be müllerian.
They may also be opposigender,
opposipronominal, and/or opposinominal.
Opposigender is a xenogender and/or neurogender under the Effective umbrella used to describe an headmate within a system that has a different gender than their double within the innerworld. They may be identitical in all ways, with the only different being their gender. For example, one may be a purrboy, while the other may be stargender.
They may also be opposisex, opposipronominal, and/or opposinominal.
Star Gender is a gender that can be broken up into 3 different definitions.
The first is simply having the gender of a star.
The second is “an other-worldly/non-human gender” which is likened too being beyond comprehension.
The third is “no matter how many genders are discovered/coined, none would match for the person
Müllerian is a sex category.a person having ovary / dominantly estradiolized from the uterus. It can also be described as Someone who has a vagina, uterus, ovaries and breasts, can create egg cells, can become pregnant, and has estrogen for their primary sex hormone. Different than AFAB, because some AFAB people medically transition,
have various medical conditions, or are intersex.
Purrgender is a xenogender that feels very small, nimble, and over all, cat-like, while still being loosely linked to a gender expression (femininity, masculinity, androgyny, etc.) Someone who identifies as purrgender might connect their gender to fluff, whiskers, the sound of a cat meowing very softly, the sound of a cat's purring,
and the sound and/or feeling of the pitter patter of cat paws. The gender also feels very restless at times, and other times very calm or even tired.
Samostasex (pronounced sam-oh-stah-sex) is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella that encompasses members of system whos innerworld sex is not their body's outward sex. This term is able to be used to better describe to singlets how their innerworld sex may effect their life, experiences, and/or gender identity.
Any system may use these terms.
Swapsex is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella exclusive for systems in which a headmate's sex swapped or changed in the innerworld at a random or specific point, without any innerworld medical-intervention.
This includes, but is not limited to...
An individual who realized they are transmasculine, and their mind swapped their sex in order to better fit this realization.
An individual who realized they are transfeminine, and their mind swapped
their sex in order to better fit this realization.
An individual who realized they are transneutral or transdrogynous, and their mind changed their sex in order to better fit this realization.
An individual who realized they are transsex or altersex, and their mind changed their sex in order to better fit this realization.
An individual who realized they are otherkin or therian, and their mind changed their sex in order to better fit this realization.
An individual whos innerworld sex changed due to trauma.
An individual whos innerworld sex changed for no apparent reasoning.
One with this sex may or may not also identify as swapgender.
Tómtsex (pronounced tompt-sex) is a a term under the teresex and Tubuhive umbrella used to describe an headmate within a system that has missing or partial sex traits within the inner world. This includes, but is not limited to...
An headmate with missing testicles and/or an undersized penis.
An headmate with a missing clitoris and/or missing spots of the outter vagina.
An headmate with missing ovaries or missing ovotestes.
An headmate with no genitals at all.
An headmate without breasts and/or other missing secondary sex traits.
They may or may not also identify as sexless or agenital depending on their inner body. For example, a headmate within a system that has only a single testicle may identify as both tómtsex as well as saying they have cryptorchidism.
This term is only to be used by those who are system members, and is not to be used by singlets or anyone who is not a system. One with this sex may identify as tómtgender as well.
Inngender is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella exclusive for systems in which a headmate is innsex and feel as though their sex effects their gender.This may be considered a neurogender in some cases, or a xenogender.
Examples of this include, but are not
limited to...
An individual who changed to a masculine sex, and thus feel more masculine in their gender.
An individual who changed to a feminine sex, and thus feel more feminine in their gender.
An individual who changed to an androgynous or neutral sex, and thus feel
more androgynous/neutral in their gender.
An individual who changed to a animalistic or non-human sex, and thus feel more non-human in their gender.
An individual who changed to have sexless traits, and thus feel more genderless or agender.
An individual who's sex was changed to be more otherkin/therian-related, and thus feel kingender.
Miscegender is a non-sporting doglike faunagender, or a gender related to non-sporting dogs in some way.
Faunagender is an umbrella term for genders influenced by animals. It can also be a standalone term as a xenogender related to animals in general.
Biogender refers to any gender that is connected to nature in some way. It may be an aesthetic connection, a connection through kintype, or another type of connection. The gender may also be described as being like, sharing qualities with, or being related to, nature or some aspect of nature.
It can be used an umbrella term for a subgroup of xenogenders or as an identity on its own. As an umbrella term, it includes subcategories such as aerogender, faunagender, and floragender.
Floragender (also known as genderplant) is an umbrella term for biogenders deeply connected with a specific plant or multiple plants.
FELIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Feline-In-Nature.
Felidaegender is a faunagender and aesthetigender relating to cats, being fuzzy, fluffy, and wanting one's chin scratched.
Xerocolian is a faunagender related to xerocoles (desert-adapted fauna).
Xerosian is a biogender related to deserts and arid regions.
NOHIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Nonhuman-In-Nature.
Animalia-In-Nature or Animalistic-In-Nature (AMLIN), is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to animals.
VULIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Fox-In-Nature.
Animalcoric is a coric xenogender related to animalcore. It invokes the aesthetic of animals and nature.
Avian-In-Nature (AVAIN), is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to birds.
It may be considered a subset of AMLIN.
Corvusgender is a crowlike faunagender, or a xenogender that is influenced by or compared to corvid birds in some way.
Kingender is a gender identity and umbrella term used to describe someone whose experience of gender is related to or influenced by their kintype.
The identity is exclusive to those who identify as otherkin, because the gender of individuals who identify as kingender is intertwined with their non-human identity.
Angeligender is a kingender that is defined as “an angelic gender, a gender found only among angels that is difficult to describe to non angels.” Angeli- can be used as a prefix to other genders (e.g. angeliboy, angelienby). It is a term only to be used by angelkin and/or godkin
Birdgender is a faunagender described as light, airy, fluttery, chirpy, and fast like a bird.
Aviangender is a faunagender strongly connected to birds. It may or may not be a kingender.
Gullgender is a form of xenogender where one feels like gulls are connected to their gender, either strongly identifying as them or simply just wanting to incorporate them into your gender better to understand their identity. Gullgender was made with neurodivergent and gull or gull-adjacent kintypes in mind, but anyone can identify as gullgender.
This means it can be considered a neurogender, but is not exclusively one. It can also be considered faunagender, biogender, or birdgender, but does not have to be.
Crowgender is a xenogender for when one loves and connects with crows. The gender may be playful, dark, mysterious, related to label hoarding, a kingender, or simply related to crows in some way. It is especially intended for crowkin and neurodivergent individuals but is not an exclusive gender.
Kingenderfluid is under the kingender umbrella for those who experience a change in their gender when they kinshift. This identity is exclusive to people with more than one kintype. This identity is similar to kingenderflux.
Kingenderflux is a gender under the kingender umbrella where your gender fluctuates in intensity when you kinshift. This identity is exclusive to otherkin as it is intertwined with their kintype. This identity is similar to kingenderfluid.
Dracostatic is a gender identity where one's gender is static and cannot be described with just a few labels, so one "hoards" them.
CAIN, or Canine-in-Nature, is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to canines.
COYOIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Coyote-In-Nature.
Crocodilian-In-Nature (CROCIN), is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to crocodilians.
It may be considered a subset of REPIN.
Crustacean-In-Nature (CRUSIN), is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to crustaceans.
It may be considered a subset of FHIN if you think shellfish count as fish.
Crustaceanic (Also known as Crustaceaphiles) is a xenogender in which an individual feels an extremely strong emotional connection to crustaceans, like crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and the like. They may also feel a strong bond to other sea creatures in general, as they feel deep ties to ocean life in general.
It may also be used by people who are have a kintype related sea-creatures. Thus, it may also be a kingender .
Crustacean-In-Nature (CRUSIN), is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to crustaceans.
It may be considered a subset of FHIN if you think shellfish count as fish.
DINOIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Dinosaur-In-Nature.
DOEIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Deer/Doe-In-Nature.
DUCIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Duck-In-Nature.
ERISIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Hedgehog-In-Nature.
FERRIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Ferret-In-Nature.
FOCIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Seal-In-Nature.
JIRAIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Giraffe-In-Nature.
KANGIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Kangaroo-In-Nature.
JELLIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Jellyfish-In-Nature.
KOAIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Koala-In-Nature.
LEPIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Leporidae-In-Nature.
LUPIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Wolf-In-Nature.
Mammilian-In-Nature (MAMIN), is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to mammals.
It may be considered a subset of AMLIN.
Ursinegender is a faunagender strongly connected to bears. It may also be a kingender.
Urthebaeon is a faunagender connected to Asiatic black bears.
Lapingender is a faunagender that feels like a rabbit or is influenced by rabbits.
Gendercuniculus is a faunagender and biogender that is rabbit-like and connected to spring, grass, and meadows.
Ailmelaeon is a faunagender connected to panda bears.
Helamayaeon is a faunagender connected to sun bears.
Maritaeon is a faunagender connected to polar bears.
Melursianeon is a faunagender connected to sloth bears.
Urarcaeon is a faunagender connected to brown bears.
Urarmaeon is a faunagender connected to North American black bears.
Muridae-In-Nature (MUIN or MURIN) is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to mice or rats.
It is a subset of RODIN.
MONIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Monkey-In-Nature.
NUTRIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Otter-In-Nature.
Rodentia-In-Nature (RODIN) is a gender nature term used to describe genders that share the characteristic of being related to rodents.
It is a subset of AMLIN.
SQUIRIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Squirrel-In-Nature.
TORTIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Turtle-In-Nature.
URIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Ursine-In-Nature.
Beargender is a faunagender and aesthetigender connected to bears along with feeling warm and cuddly.
Condigender is a xenogender only felt under specific circumstances. For example, a condigirl may only feel like a girl during specific times or with specific people, a condiboy may only feel like a boy during specific times or with specific people, etc.
Mutogender is a genderfluid identity that changes depending on the situation.
Mothgender is a mutogender that comes and goes depending on the light. In the light, one feels gender, but in the darkness, gender is not felt.
Existigender is a condigender that only exists when one thinks about it, or is quiet until called to attention. It may include feeling genderless until a gender is consciously chosen.
Flirtgender is an AGIN condigender where gender is primarily experience when flirting, either with gender or people.
Gamegender is a fictigender only felt when playing video games, or is in some way connected to video games. The label can be altered to be a specific game (e.g. simgender, portalgender, etc.).
Fictigender is an umbrella term for when one's gender is connected to or based on a work of fiction.
Showgender is a gender only felt when watching shows, or in some way connected to shows. The suffix -showic may be used for showgenders.
Moviegender is a gender only felt when watching movies, or in some way connected to movies. The suffixes -movian and -filmic may be used for Moviegenders.
Crossinggender is a gamegender related to the Animal Crossing series. It is also an umbrella term for any other Animal Crossing-related genders.
Terrariagender is a xenogender / gamegender that is in some way related to or influenced by the video game Terraria. This includes any of the following:
A gender related to Terraria.
A gender influenced by Terraria.
A gender influenced by a Terraria kintype.
A gender related to a Terraria character.
A gender that is best explained or identified using Terraria.
Terrariagender can also be used as a prefix for other genders, such as terrariaboy, terrariagirl, terrarianonbinary, etc.
Nuhoricrossic is a gamegender related to the video game Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Cowcrossingic is a fictigender connected to the cow villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Alligatorcrossingic is a fictigender connected to the alligator villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Anteatercrossingic is a fictigender connected to the anteater villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Bearcrossingic is a fictigender connected to the bear villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Birdcrossingic is a fictigender connected to the bird villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Bullcrossingic is a fictigender connected to the bull villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Catcrossingic is a fictigender connected to the cat villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Chickencrossingic is a fictigender connected to the chicken villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Genshincomfic is a Comfic gender connected to Genshin Impact being one's comfort game.
Comfic is a term that refers to genders related to something that gives one comfort, such as a show, movie, video, game, food, character, etc. A comfort item is something that makes one feel positive emotions that one often returns to when feeling bad and needs an emotional pick-me-up.
-comfic can be used as a suffix for comfic genders (e.g. plushycomfic, Genshincomfic, etc.)
Plushycomfic is a comfic xenogender related to plushies being one's comfort item.
Toyyic is a xenogender related to toys.
Toygender is a Xenogender that is closely linked with childhood, playfullness, and toys. It can be soft-masculine-leaning, but it doesn’t have to be. People under this label feel like their gender and identity is tied with their experiences with toys growing up, or their affinity for toys even as an adult or teen.
People under this label may also feel like they fall under a miniature, simplified, or 'toy' version of a pre-existing gender but cannot relate to the gender in full.
Genshinspinnic is a neurogender connected to having Genshin Impact as a special interest.
Spinigender is an autigender and neurogender, tied directly to an autistic person's special interest.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Genshinhypic is a neurogender connected to hyperfixating on Genshin Impact.
Genshinconic is a conic gender related to having a strong emotional connection to Genshin Impact.
Plushyic is a xenogender related to plush/stuffed toys.
Plushgender is a xenogender related to stuffed animals or stuffed animal kin. It may be connected to soft things such as blankets and pillows. It may also be a gender that feels soft, comforting, and almost nostalgic in a way.
Clayic is a xenogender relating to clay and/or play dough.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Crayonyic is a xenogender relating to crayons.Similar terms include clayic, dollyic, plushyic, puppetic, puzzleic, squishyic, teddyic, and toyyic.
Dollyic is a xenogender relating to dolls and/or figurines.Similar terms include clayic, crayonyic, plushyic, puppetic, puzzleic, squishyic, teddyic, and toyyic.
Puppetic is a xenogender relating to marionettes and/or puppets.Similar terms include clayic, crayonyic, dollyic, plushyic, puzzleic, squishyic, teddyic, and toyyic.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Puzzleic is a xenogender relating to puzzles.
Squishyic is an Aesthetigender and Xenogender related to squishies. These can be squishies of any kind but most commonly cute/'kawaii' ones. This can be a gender alignment or a gender itself.
Not to be confused with teddygender or teddybeargender
Teddyic is an aesthetigender related to teddy bears. Teddyic is a subset of plushyic.It is very similar to teddybeargender but is specifically an aesthetigender.
Not to be confused with teddygender or teddyic
The teddybeargender flag.
File:Alternate Teddybeargender flag.jpg
An alternate teddybeargender flag by Reign of the breadsticcs.
Teddybeargender is a xenogender in which a person feels connected to teddy bears in some way.
It can also be a person who's gender feels soft, comforting, and warm or is tied to soft teddybear/plushie aesthetics.
Not to be confused with teddyic or teddybeargender.
Teddygender is a subcategory of catgender, in which the person feels the catgender is soft, fuzzy, and light gray. This can also be considered an aesthetigender as it differs from catgender by feeling softer in nature.
Minecraftgender is a gender related to Minecraft, and also serves as an umbrella term for any genders connected to Minecraft. It can be related to being otherkin and/or having kingenders.
Minecraftgender can relate to the atmosphere of the game itself or certain mobs/blocks, that are exclusive to, or well-known because of Minecraft (such as creepers, villagers, etc).
Endergender, also known as enderian, endrien, genderender, and vwoopgender, is a minecraftgender with strong ties to endermen from Minecraft. Some coinings define it as simply a gender related to endermen, others define it as a kingender, and others define it in still more specific ways.
Purpurgender is a Minecraftgender that is connected to purpur blocks.
Nerthergender, is a gender defined by it's connection to the nether realm from the game minecraft. it is a xenogender that can be used by those who have a strong connection towards the nether or to those that enjoy the nether for comfort purposes.
the gender is deeply associated with fire, netherrack, nether warts and lava, along with basalt, soul sand and netherite.
Genders such as withergender, ghastgender, endergender and other minecraft related xenogenders (minecraftgender/umbrella
term) can co-exist with nethergender due to it having no stable place in the gender system. Nethergender can also be paired alongside any gender in any spectrum such as the non-binary umbrella and more.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Minehypic is a subset of Minecraftgender that is connected to Minecraft in a way that cannot be worded due to a Minecraft hyperfixation.
The Quartz System is a gender alignment system that was coined for people that feel they have a lost touch with a certain gender.
Onyxian is a term from the quartz system for being maverique, aporagender aligned, or atrinary aligned. It can be described as a gender that is never empty, and starts of genderless but an unidentified gender that grows overtime, similar to a white hole.
Jasperian is a feminine gender alignment from the Quartz System, although it is not xeno aligned/xenic or xiaspec because it loses touch with xenoness. It may also be described as Neutrois but xenine. It's connection to xeninity may fluctuate but it doesn't have to. They may also have a vauge idea of their identity but they don't have to.
Hermithypic is a neurogender specifically related to having a hyperfixation on Hermitcraft.
Creeperhypic is a neurogender that is specifically related to having a hyperfixation on the Minecraft creeper mob.
Fascigender is an autigender related to special interests.
Galaxitian is a term from the quartz system that rejects all ties to any alignment. It is similar to gendervoid and agender. It can be described as being as empty as a black hole, and if there is any gender experienced by a person who identifies as galaxitian the person will start
experiencing that gender less and less until it doesn't exist as if it is being sucked up and ripped apart bit-by-bit, similar to a black hole.
Rhodonitian is a combination between roseian quartz, jasperian, and milkian quartz from the quartz system. It is feminine, neutral, and xenine aligned, but it is not female aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but ambrosian. It can be fluid through the three genders but it doesn't have to be.
Prasiolitian is a combination of jasperian and blue moonian quartz from the quartz system. It is masculine and xenine aligned, but it is not male aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but luxian. It can be fluid through those genders but it doesn't have to be.
Peachian Quartz is a combination between jasperian and milkian quartz from the quartz system. It may also be described as Neutrois but crystallian. It is neutral and xenine aligned. It can be fluid through them two genders but it doesn't have to be.
Crystallian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a combination of the neutral element tellusian (earth), and the xenine element alterian (spirit). It is represented by the element of crystal. The noun form of the word is crystali (ex: I am crystali).
Xenic is a gender alignment term used to describe individuals whose gender is aligned to something that doesn't fit the Western human binary of gender alignments. Instead of male or female aligned, one may feel like they're more aligned with animals, plants, things, or concepts. Xenic is the xenogender version of male or female-aligned. It may be used in a
sentence as "I am xenic" or "I am xeno-aligned." The term was designed to be used by individuals who identify as any xenogender, but any nonbinary individual may use it.
MCCgender is a mediagender specifically related to the Minecraft Championship in some way.
Kriniosgender is a mcytgender that is specifically related to Minecraft YouTuber Krinios.
Stampygender is a mediagender that is specifically related to Minecraft YouTuber StampyLongNose.
Stevegender is a fictigender related to the character or design of Steve from Minecraft.
Herobrinegender is a playergender related to the character or design of Herobrine from Minecraft. It is described as a foreign gender that feels like it's been removed many times.
Bedgender is a xenogender under the Bedtime System umbrella that is related to laying down in a warm cozy bed.
Endervoid is a xenogender that refers to a gender that feels like there is a black hole that sucks in gender from outside, there is also a connection to Endermen, the Ender Dragon or the End in some way, whether that be just the idea of the End or something more specific such as the sucking in of outside gender being similar to how Endermen pick up blocks.
Certain genders may be sucked in easier allowing for the use of modifiers such as endervoidgirl or endervoidboy.
Enderhoard, also known as Enderhoarder, is a xenogender defined by its connection to endermen and/or the End from Minecraft, space and/or voids. It is meant for those who feel a connection to endermen, or feel that their gender is fluctuating, partially or fully absent or hard to understand/pinpoint. In addition, those
who identify as enderhoard may "hoard" or "collect" other gender identities that build onto thier sense of gender, similar to how an enderman will steal and place blocks for itself. This gender was made with neurodivergent people in mind as a way to help grasp their gender using Minecraft as a base concept but it can be used by anyone.
Bluesclueshowic is a showgender connected to, affected by, or related to the show Blue's Clues.
Centaurshowic is a showgender connected to, affected by, or related to the show Centaurworld.
Citrusgender is a floragender related to any kind of citrus fruit or tree. It can be an umbrella term for any citrus-related genders.
Xerophytian is a floragender related to xerophytes (desert-adapted plants).
Swapgender is a term under the Tubuhive umbrella exclusive for systems in which a headmate is swapsex and feel as though their sex effects their gender. This may be considered a neurogender in some cases, or a xenogender.
Examples of this include, but are not limited to...
An individual who swapped to a masculine sex, and thus feel more masculine in their gender.
An individual who swapped to a feminine sex, and thus feel more feminine in their gender.
An individual who swapped to an androgynous or neutral sex, and thus feel more androgynous/neutral in their gender.
An individual who swapped to a animalistic or non-human sex, and thus feel more non-human in their gender.
An individual who swapped to sexless traits, and thus feel more genderless or agender.
An individual who's sex became more otherkin/therian-related, and thus feel kingender.
Diffprodu (pronounced diff-pro-do) is an umbrella term for altersex and/or transsex individuals to describe when one desires different reproductive traits than the ones they currently have, even reproductive traits that are not tangible by human biology. This may be due to one being transgender and/or cisn't,
however cisgender individuals may desire these as well.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Transsex is a sex label to refer to someone whose biossex or sex identity does not correspond to their birth sex. It serves as an umbrella term for non-cissex sex labels, such as transgenital. A transsex individual is not necessarily transgender; for example, a cisgender person who changes their genitals through surgery may be transsex.
Cissex, also known as Cissexual, is a sex label to refer to someone whose current and desired sex characteristics match their natural/original sex characteristics. This means that their, genitals, gonads, and other secondary sex characteristics have not been altered through hormone replacement therapy, or surgery, and they have no intention to do so.
Cissex is not the same as cisgender. Transgender people who don’t plan to medically transition would be considered cissex. Additionally, some non-trans people desire different sex characteristics, making them not cissex. It is not necessarily protosex since someone can be cissex and altersex.
The difference between cissex and cisgenital is that one who is cisgenital may or may not want to change other sex traits, such as breasts, while one who is cissex does not desire to change any sex traits. This means that all who are cissex are also cisgenital, but those who are cisgenital are not always cissex.
The opposite of cissex is transsex.
Altgender is a xenogender (specifically a musicagender) that is connected to or in some way influenced by the alternative genre. One can feel as if their gender is related to instruments, bands, or even songs that are a part of this genre, as well as musical aesthetics of the genre.
Blue Moonian Quartz is a masculine gender alignment from the Quartz System, although it is not male or miaspec aligned because it loses touch with maleness. It may also be described as Neutrois but masculine. It's connection to masculinity may fluctuate but it doesn't have to.
Milkian Quartz is a androgynous gender alignment from the quartz system, although it is not androgyne-aligned because it's not male-aligned or female-aligned. It's connection to androgyny may fluctuate but it doesn't have to.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
The Xiagender Spectrum, aka Xiaspec or Xenoic, is an umbrella term for anyone on the xeno spectrum. This includes anyone whose gender is whose gender is xeno, partly xeno, xeno-aligned or adjacent, xenoflux, or is similar to or in some way resembles gender xenoness. It is similar to, but not necessarily the same as xingender.
Xingender includes genders that are related to xeninity, and these genders may or may not being related to xenoness. Xiaspec includes genders that are related to xenoness, and these gender may or may not be related to xeninity. A xiaspec person does not necessarily have to be xinine aligned or identify with notions of xeninity.
Xiagender can also be used as a gender on its own. The state of having a xiagender or having a gender which exists on the xiagender spectrum is called xiaty.
Amethystian is a combination between roseian quartz and blue moonian quartz from the quartz system. It is both feminine aligned and masculine aligned, but it is not male aligned or female aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but vaporian. It can be fluid through them two genders but it doesn't have to be.
Amethystian describes a woman, or feminine-aligned person, who is wlw and wlnb, meaning a woman who is attracted to women and to non-binary people, but who does not necessarily prioritize their attraction to women and non-binary people over other attractions they may have. This attraction need not be exclusive, although it can be.
A woman who is amethystian may identify as omnisexual, polysexual, bisexual, sapphic, or another multisexual label.
This is a similar term to Agatic.
Agatic is an orientation that describes a woman that loves women and nonbinary individuals.
Ametrine is a combination between roseian quartz and milkian quartz from the quartz system. It is both feminine aligned and neutral aligned, but it is not female aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but glacian. It can be fluid through the two genders but it doesn't have to be.
Not to be confused with Spinelian, Spinellian is a combination between Roseian Quartz and Jasperian from Quartz System. It is both feminine aligned and xenine aligned, but it is not female aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but Tenebrian. It can be fluid through the two genders but it doesn't have to be.
Spinelian refers to someone who is mlnb, nblnb, mlw, and nblw, meaning someone who is non-binary and a man who is attracted to non-binary individuals and women. Being "non-binary and a man" includes A) individuals who are genderfluid, and are sometimes non-binary and sometimes men. B)
Bigender or multigender individuals who are men or man aligned and non-binary at the same time. C) Masculine aligned non-binary individual who feels connected to manhood as well as being non-binary. A spinelian individual is attracted to non-binary individuals and women
over other attractions they may have. Spinelian is an umbrella term, like diamoric, though it can also be used as an identity by itself.
Tenebrian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a combination of the feminine element eluvian (water), and the xenine element alterian (spirit). It is represented by the element of shade. The noun form of the word is tenebri (ex: I am tenebri).
Eluvian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a feminine gender element represented with the element of water, which is considered feminine in alchemy.
Sapphirian is a combination between Blue Moonian Quartz and milkian quartz from the quartz system. It is both masculine aligned and neutral aligned, but it is not male aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but ferrian. It can be fluid through them two genders but it doesn't have to be.
Chalondian is a combination between blue moonian quartz, jasperian, and milkian quartz from the quartz system. It is xenine, masculine, and neutral aligned, but it is not male aligned. It may also be described as neutrois but tephrian. It can be fluid through them three genders but it doesn't have to be.
Diamond is a combination of roseian quartz, blue moonian quartz, jasperian, and milkian quartz from the quartz system. It is feminine, masculine, neutral, and xenine aligned, however it is not female aligned or male aligned. It may also be described as Neutrois but locusian. It can be fluid through them four genders but it doesn't have to be.
Fluoritian is a combination of roseian quartz, blue moonian quartz and jasperian from the quartz system. It is feminine, masculine, and xenine aligned, but it is not female aligned or male aligned. It may also be described as neutrois but busarean. It can be fluid through them three genders but it doesn't have to be.
Alterian is a xenogender from the element system. It is xenine, which refers to identities that don’t conform or relate to any concept like feminine, masculine, or neutral. It is instead something that is related to other concepts, like symbols, nature, shapes, feelings, or anything else that one may feel their element embodies or is connected to.
It's symbolically associated with the element of spirit, or quintessence, which reflects the nature of the gender element, since they are both on a different plane than the other elements and operate on different levels. It can be used as an adjective (an alterian being) or a noun (I’m an alteri.) It can be used by alterhumans as well as everyone else.
Tellusian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a neutral gender element and is represented by the element of earth. It is not masculine, feminine, or xenine, but still present. It is best compared to neutrois or maverique. Earth is used to represent it, because it has been frequently used to represent neutral concepts, identities, and terms.
One whose gender element is purely neutral would be called tellusian. The noun form of the word is tellusi (ex: I am tellusi). The term can be combined with other gender terms, such as demitellusian, or tellusiboy.
Vocivian is a xenogender from the element system. It is associated with the element of the void, and represents individuals who either reject or don’t have a gender element. Vocivians can consider the element of void to be the description of their element, or simply say they are void of one. It can be described as being similar to agender or singularian.
By its nature, vocivian cannot be combined with other gender elements. The noun form of the word is vocivi (ex: I am vocivi).
Fervian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a masculine gender element represented by the element of fire, which is considered masculine in alchemy.One whose gender element is purely masculine would be fervian. The noun form of the word is fervi (ex: I am fervi). The term can be combined with other gender terms, such as demifervian, or ferviboy.
Ventulian is a xenogender from the element system. It is associated with an "undefined" gender element, which is represented by the element of air. The undefined element is described as an element that "may change in a way that is hard to keep up with, impossible to describe or understand, or simply be vague and fleeting in nature, but it is present".
Air is used to represent it because it reflects the nature of the gender element, “up in the air” so to speak. One whose gender element is purely undefined would be called ventulian. The noun form of the word is ventuli (ex: I am ventuli). The term can be combined with other gender terms, such as demiventulian, or ventuliboy.
Vaporian is a xenogender from the Element System. It is a combination of the masculine element fervian (fire), and the feminine element eluvian (water), and is represented by the element of vapor. The noun form of the word is vapori (ex: I am vapori).
Caligian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a combination of the feminine element eluvian (water), and the undefined element ventulian (air). It is represented by the element of mist. The noun form of the word is caligi (ex: I am caligi).
Etherian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a combination of the xenine element alterian (spirit), and the undefined element ventulian (air). It is represented by the element of the ether. The noun form of the word is etheri (ex: I am etheri).
Ferrian is a xenogender from the Element System. It is a combination of the masculine element fervian (fire), and the neutral element tellusian (earth), and is represented by the element of metal. The noun form of the word is ferri (ex: I am ferri).
Fulmian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a combination of the masculine element fervian (fire), and the undefined element ventulian (air). It is represented by the element of lightning. The noun form of the word is fulmi (ex: I am fulmi).
Glacian is a xenogender from the element system. It is combination of the feminine element eluvian (water), and the neutral element tellusian (earth), and is represented by the element of ice. One whose gender element is a combination of feminine and neutral would be glacian. The noun form of the word is glaci (ex: I am glaci).
Harenian is a xenogender from the Element System. It is a combination of the neutral element tellusian (earth), and the undefined element ventulian (air), and is represented by the element of sand. The noun form of the word is hareni (ex: I am hareni).
Luxian is a xenogender from the element system. It is a combination of the masculine element fervian (fire), and the xenine element alterian (spirit), and is represented by the element of light. The noun form of the word is luxi (ex: I am luxi).
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Ignean is masculine, feminine, and neutral - a combination of fervian (fire), eluvian (water), and tellusian (earth). It is represented by the element of magma. It is derived from the Latin word ignis meaning fire.
Tonitrian is masculine, feminine, and undefined - a combination of fervian (fire), eluvian (water), and ventulian (air), it is represented by the element of thunder. It is derived from the Latin word tonitrus meaning thunder.
Tephrian is masculine, neutral, and xenine - a combination of fervian (fire), tellusian (earth), and alterian (spirit), it is represented by the element of ash.
Aurorian is masculine, undefined, and xenine - a combination of fervian (fire), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit), it is represented by the element of the aurora.
Vitrian is masculine, neutral, and undefined - a combination of fervian (fire), tellusian (earth), and ventulian (air), it is represented by the element of glass. It is derived from the Latin word vitrum meaning glass.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Ambrosian is feminine, neutral, and xenine - a combination of eluvian (water), tellusian (earth), and alterian (spirit), it is represented by the element of nectar.
Nebulian is feminine, undefined, and xenine - a combination of eluvian (water), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit), it is represented by the element of clouds. It is derived from the Latin word for clouds.
Nivalian is feminine, neutral, and undefined - a combination of eluvian (water), tellusian (earth), and ventulian (air), it is represented by the element of snow. It is possibly derived from nix, the Latin word for snow.
Busarean is masculine, feminine, and xenine - a combination of fervian (fire), eluvian (water), and alterian (spirit), represented by the element of wisp. It was named by an anonymous wikia user. The origin of the word is unknown.
Omoyan is neutral, undefined, and xenine - a combination of tellusian (earth), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit), represented by the element of gravity, though the creator seemed unsure about whether it should be represented by gravity or not. It was named by an anonymous wikia user. The origin of the name is unknown.
Temporian is masculine, feminine, undefined, and xenine- a combination of fervian (fire), eluvian (water), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit), it is represented by the element of time. It comes from the word "temporal".
Resonian is feminine, neutral, undefined, and xenine- a combination of eluvian (water), tellusian (earth), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit), it is represented by the element of sound. It comes from the word "resonance".
Locusian is masculine, feminine, neutral, and xenine- a combination of fervian (fire), eluvian (water), tellusian (earth), and alterian (spirit), represented by the element of space. It was named by an anonymous wikia user. It comes from the word locus, the Latin word for space.
Fysian is masculine, feminine, neutral, and undefined- a combination of fervian (fire), eluvian (water), tellusian (earth) and ventulian (air), represented by the element of nature. It was named by an anonymous wikia user. It comes from the word fysi, the Greek word for nature.
Sumacian is masculine, neutral, undefined, and xenine- a combination of fervian (fire), tellusian (earth), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit), represented by the element of magnetism. It was named by an anonymous wikia user. It comes from the word Sumaku, the Swahili word for magnet.
Vivician is a combined gender element from the element system. It is the combination of all five base elements, fervian (fire), eluvian (water), tellusian (earth), ventulian (air), and alterian (spirit). Vivician represents the element of life. A person with all five gender elements may be fluid between them, or the elements may be static.
Their elements may be split evenly between the five them, or it may be unequal. The noun form of vivician is vivici (ex: I am vivici.)
25nightcordgroupic is a xenogender and subset of Prosekaigender related to the unit Nightcord at 25:00 within the game. This gender may be related to a character(s) within the unit, songs sung by the unit, or the unit in general.
5C3N3 AI G3ND3R.EXE is a xenogender based on being a scenecore ai.
Natugender is a xenogender part of the therian system that feel conected to or surrounded by plants.
Imprisexual is a term for those who have such specific sexual preferences, it may feel as though it matters more than one's orientation itself. This goes for any form of preference, whether genital, aesthetic, or even personality preference. The individual may feel those preferences strongly affect their attraction more strongly than their orientation.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Someone who is imprisexual can be any orientation, such as impri-gay, impri-straight, etc. Dating someone who does not fit said preferences causes a lower range in attraction, and thus affects how their orientation feels. This is meant to not be exclusively LGBTQ+, as those who are queern't may also use this label to describe themselves.
This could also be used for other forms of attraction, such as impriromantic, impriplatonic, imprialterous, etc.
Fictkingender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is a fictionkin. Fictkingender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a fictionkin individual kinshifts, a gender that is effected by a fictionkin person's
exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their fictotype (such as being demigender due to their fictotype being agender,) and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.
Lurric is a term to be used only by unearthly (such as alienkin, deitykin, etc) who are not attracted to earthly beings. They are not attracted to humans, or any type of therian. They may be attracted to people who are demonkin, angelkin, deitykin, alienkin, or any other unearthly kintypes, including more abstract kintypes like voidkin.
Kindifluid, also known as kindigender or kingenderfluid, is a form of genderfluidity in which one is fluid between different kingenders. This is typically caused by having multiple kintypes and shifting between them, or the result of being a polymorph or shapeshifterkin. This gender can only be used by otherkin and therian individuals.
A kindifluid individual individual may be fluid between any number of kingenders, as well as any kingenders, so long as the kintype associated with the gender applies to them as well. For example, one may be angeligender when angelkin, then vixengender when foxkin.
Xenokinfluid is a mutogender and a combination of xenogenders, kingenders and genderfluidity. It is a gender that is the same as your kintype when you are in a kinshift (your kintype becomes its own xenogender, only lasting until the kinshift is over). It is fluid and changes with your kinshifts. For example if you were angelkin and xenokinfluid,
during a kinshift you would be angelkingender. This identity is exclusive to otherkin and therian who have more than one kintype. Similar genders include kingenderfluid and xenofluid
Rainbowaesic is an aesthetigender related to rainbow aesthetics.
Pinkaesic is a xenogender that is related or connected to the color pink in various aesthetics, to aesthetics that promptly/commonly feature the color pink, and/or to the aesthetic of the color pink in general.
PIIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Pink-In-Nature.
Sunindic is a xenogender related to indie songs, pink, heart-shaped sunglasses, lemons, the <3 emoticon, strawberry lemonade and bunnies.
Autix is an umbrella term and neurogender for any autistic individual who feels like their gender is affected by their autism in some way. It changes based on the individual who uses it, as one autix individual could view their gender differently from another autistic individual, even if they have the same
gender. It can be used as its own gender ("I am autix") or as a modifier ("I am an autix non-binary individual"), as well as alongside other genders. It can be any alignment, can be fluid, flux, etc. This gender is only for autistic individuals to use, and it was coined as an alternative to autigender. A general neurodivergent version of this term,
rather than being autistic-exclusive, is neurotix.
Prosekaigender is a xenogender and fictigender connected or related to the game Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, also known as Project SEKAI. This gender may be related to a character(s), group, location, or song within the game, or the game in general.
Wonderxshowgroupic is a xenogender and subset of Prosekaigender related to the unit Wonderland x Showtime within the game. This gender may be related to a character(s) within the unit, songs sung by the unit, or the unit in general.
Tsukasatenmacharic is a subset of wonderxshowgroupic that is connected or related to the character Tsukasa Tenma from Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! (also known as Project SEKAI).
Virtualsingroupic is a xenogender and subset of Prosekaigender related to the VIRTUAL SINGER group within the game. This gender may be related to a character(s) within the group, songs sung by the group, or the group in general.
Mikugender is a gender where you know that your gender is superior or is the main protagonist of your life.
Vivibadsquadgroupic is a xenogender and subset of Prosekaigender related to the group Vivid BAD SQUAD within the game. This gender may be related to a character(s) within the group, songs sung by the group, or the group in general.
Leoneedgroupic is a xenogender and subset of Prosekaigender related to the unit Leo/need within the game. This gender may be related to a character(s) within the unit, songs sung by the unit, or the unit in general.
Momojumpgroupic is a xenogender and subset of Prosekaigender related to the unit MORE MORE JUMP! within the game. This gender may be related to a character(s) within the unit, songs sung by the unit, or the unit in general.
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
Vocagender or VOCALOIDgender is a gender that is tied to the VOCALOID software. A vocagender individual may feel that their gender is connected to or influenced by a certain VOCALOID or by VOCALOIDs in general. It may also be connected to songs featuring VOCALOID vocals,
VOCALOID producers, VOCALOID voicebanks, the avatars of VOCALOID vocals, or anything related to VOCALOID in general. This gender may also be related to similar vocal synthesizers or derivatives, such as FANLOIDs/Vocaloid Derivatives, UTAUs, or even possibly SynthesizerV vocals. Vocagender may be considered to be a technogender or a subset of audiogender.
Vocagender is an audiogender in which one only experiences their gender(s) when one is talking about them out loud. Vocagender can be combined with any relevant genders, for example: vocaboy, vocagirl, vocanonbinary, etc.
Vocaloidcatgender is a catgender related to Vocaloid music or Vocaloids themselves. The gender holds ties to cats, Vocaloids, Vocaloid music and similar themes of both cats and Vocaloid.
Freegender is a xenogender part of the therian system that feel conected to being naked and/or not using "human things" like toothbrushes, cellphones, utensils, etc.
The Prince System is a set of Nonbinary Boy, prince-related aesthetigenders. It is a NONBIN and MAIN system of genders with a connection to something, while also having a connection to Nonbinary Boyhood and princehood. Some genders within the Prince System may be considered Combination Identities.
Its FEIN counterpart is the Princess System, and its NIN counterpart is the Royal System.
Princess System is a gender system coined by Pupyzu that is connected to being a nonbinary girl and princess aesthetics. The masculine equivalent is the Prince System and the neutral equivalent is the Royal System. The suffix for princess system genders is -cesse.
Pyretic is a xyric orientation that refers to a xenic individual who is exclusively attracted to non-binary and xenic indivduals. One may or may not have a preference. It can be abbreviated to XLNB (Xenic Loving Nonbinary) and XLX (Xenic Loving Xenic).
Softgender is the gender of being soft, sweet, sensitive, and caring. This gender is inclusive to all ages.
Lazulic is a xyric orientation that describes xenic individuals loving (exclusively) men and non-binary people.
Garnetic is a xyric orientation that describes xenic individuals loving (exclusively) women and non-binary people.
Juvelic is a term for gender-based attraction and orientation labels that have a reference to gender (non-specific) on both sides.
Xyric is a diamoric orientation for xenic individuals who are attracted (exclusively or not) to other xenic individuals. Anyone identifying as xenic can use the term xyric to describe their identity. This is an umbrella term and this attraction could be exclusive or non-exclusive, meaning they could be attracted to other genders as well,
as long as they are xenic and are attracted to other xenic individuals. It may be abbreviated to XLX (Xenic Loving Xenic).
Idemic is a juvelic term for an individual of any xenogender who is attracted, exclusively or not, to other xenogender individuals. Idemic can also be called XELXE (Xenogender Loving Xenogender) when using the gender-loving-gender format.
Xenxic (Zen-sic-k) is a xyric orientation where a xenic/xenogender individual is attracted (exclusively or not) to women or woman-aligned individuals. It can be abbreviated to XLW (xenic loving women). They could be attracted to other genders as well, or just be XLW.
The masculine equivalent to xenxic is zoric, the non-binary equivalent is zenzee, and the exclusive equivalent to xenxic is tourmalantic.
Zoric (Zor-ick) is a xyric orientation where a xenic/xenogender individual is attracted (exclusively or not) to men or masculine-aligned individuals. It can be abbreviated to XLM (xenic loving men). They can also be attracted to other genders, or just be XLM.
The feminine counterpart to zoric is xenxic and the non-binary counterpart is zenzee. The exclusive counterpart to zoric is Aquamarina.
Tourmalantic (Tour-mah-lan-nd-tic) is a xyric orientation, where a xenogender or xenic person is attracted to women or woman aligned people exclusively.
The masculine counterpart to tourmalantic is aquamarina. The non-exclusive counterpart to tourmalantic is xenxic.
Aquamarina Is a xyric orientation that is xenogender loving men or male-aligned individuals exclusively.
The feminine equivalent to aquamarina is tourmalantic, and the non-exclusive equivalent to aquamarina is zoric.
Carnic is the xyric orientation that is attracted to xenogender loving xenogender exclusively.
The non-exclusive equivalent to carnic is xyric.
Xenya, is a xyric orientation. that is used for xenic or xenogender individuals attracted to agender individuals (XLAG), exclusively or not. They can be attracted to other genders or just attracted to agender individuals.
Agateic is a xyric orientation that describes xenic individuals loving genderfluid/flux/fluix individuals (exclusively or not).
Floritic is a xyric orientation that refers to a xenic individual who is attracted (exclusively or not) to bigender individuals. One may or may not have a preference. It can be abbreviated to XLB (Xenic Loving Bigender).
The multigender counterpart is malachitic.
Malachitic is a xyric orientation that describes xenic individuals loving multigender individuals (exclusively or not).
Xephryan is a gai orientation for gai xenogirls. It describes xenogirls who are attracted to other xenogirls, or who are attracted to other similar genders in a uniquely non-binary way that feels gai or unstrayt. This attraction does not have to be exclusive.
It may be considered a type of xyric orientation. The masculine equivalent is xeminian.
Xeminian is a gai orientation for gai xenoboys. It describes xenoboys who are attracted to other xenoboys, or who are attracted to other similar genders in a uniquely non-binary way that feels gai or unstrayt. This attraction does not have to be exclusive.
It may be considered a type of xyric orientation. The feminine equivalent is xephyran.
Xoma (Zo-mah) is a sexuality that could be considered xyric, this sexuality is the attraction of xenogirl attracted of women. (XGLW)
Lapisian is a term for someone who is xenic, non-binary, and a woman who is attracted to xenic people, women, non-binary people, and men. Being xenic, non-binary, and a woman means that either they are A. genderfluid and flow through xenic, woman, and non-binary, B. trigender, or C. xenic non-binary person who is woman-aligned.
Xaniee (Xan-een) is Xyric orientation that allows xenic or xenogender to be attracted to both men and women.
Xaniee can be attracted to other gender or just men and women. (XLM+XLW)
Jadic is a xyric orientation that refers to a xenic individual who is exclusively attracted to men, women and non-binary individuals. One may or may not have a preference. It can be abbreviated to XLM (Xenic Loving Men), XLW (Xenic Loving Women), and XLNB (Xenic Loving Non-binary).
Bismuthic is a xyric orientation that describes xenic individuals loving men, women, non-binary, and xenic people.
Jupiteon is an M-Spec sexuality that describes the attraction of xenic-loving-xenic women.
Nomascbian is a sexuality and xyric orientation that describes a xenic individual who is attracted to all feminine and non-binary genders. It only excludes masculine genders.
The masculine counterpart is nofembian.
Nofembian is a sexuality and xyric orientation that describes a xenic individual who is attracted to all masculine, man/male-aligned and non-binary genders. It only excludes feminine and woman/female-aligned genders.
The feminine counterpart is nomascbian.
Quartzic is a xyric orientation that refers to a xenic individual who is attracted to all genders. One may or may not have a preference. It is the xenic-specific version of terms like pan, bi, or omni.
Obic is a Xyric orientation that refers to a Xenic individuals who are attracted no one. It can be abbreviated to XL0 (Xenic Loving Zero), following the same format as Zeroic.
An Obic individual may also be considered Anattractional or Aspec.
Anattractional, also known as attractionless, non-attracted or a-ttraction, is when one feels no attraction whatsoever. This includes feeling no physical attraction, emotional attraction, and tertiary attraction of any type.
Rosboyicesse is a gender connected to being a Rosboy princess. This gender is connected to being a Rosboy, Rosboy aesthetics, princess aesthetics, and Nonbinary Girlhood.
Azurgirlicesse is a gender connected to being an Azurgirl princess. This gender is connected to being an Azurgirl, Azurgirl aesthetics, princess aesthetics, and Nonbinary Girlhood.
Azurgirl is a term for a masculine girl or woman. This also includes those who consider themselves a girl and have some significant connection to masculinity, either in their gender or expression, and masculine-aligned girls. Azurgirl may be used as an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a girl and masculine.
Demiazurgirl is a term for a partial Azurgirl. This also includes those who consider themselves a partial Girl and have some significant connection to masculinity, either in their gender or expression, and those who consider themselves a Girl and have a significant connection to partial masculinity, either in their gender or expression.
Demiazurgirl can also be used as an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a partial Girl and masculine, being both a Girl and partially masculine, and both a partial Girl and partially masculine.
Demirosboy is a term for a partial Rosboy. This also includes those who consider themselves a partial Boy and have some significant connection to femininity, either in their gender or expression, and those who consider themselves a Boy and have a significant connection to partial femininity, either in their gender or expression.
Demirosboy can also be used as an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a partial Boy and feminine, being both a Boy and partially feminine, and both a partial Boy and partially feminine.
Pixelrosboy is a subset of demirosboy or polygender in which rosboyhood is the smallest addressable element in an overall gender experience.
Magirosboy is a term for being mostly a Rosboy and partially another gender / other genders. This also includes those who consider themselves a Magiboy and have some significant connection to femininity, either in their gender or expression, and those who consider themselves a Boy and have a significant connection to Magifemininity,
either in their gender or expression. Magirosboy can also be used as an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a Magiboy and feminine, being both a Boy and Magifeminine, and both a Magiboy and Magifeminine.
Magiazurgirl is a term for being mostly an Azurgirl and partially another gender / other genders. This also includes those who consider themselves a Magigirl and have some significant connection to masculinity, either in their gender or expression, and those who consider themselves a Girl and have a significant connection to Magimasculinity,
either in their gender or expression. Magiazurgirl can also be used as an umbrella term for all identities that involve being both a Magigirl and masculine, being both a Girl and Magimasculine, and both a Magigirl and Magimasculine.
Pixelazurgirl is a subset of demiazurgirl or polygender in which azurgirlhood is the smallest addressable element in an overall gender experience.
Azurxenogirl is a term for being both a Xenogirl and a Azurgirl.
Rosxenoboy is a term for being both a Xenoboy and a Rosboy.
Panazurgirl is a term for being all terms under the Azurgirl umbrella, within ones experience.
Pxnrosboy is a genderness which is both Panrosboy and Agender, or somewhere in between.
Panrosboy is a term for being all terms under the Rosboy umbrella, within ones experience.
Pxnazurgirl is a genderness which is both Panazurgirl and Agender, or somewhere in between.
Priazurgirl is a gender connected to being an Azurgirl prince. This gender is connected to being an Azurgirl, Azurgirl aesthetics, prince aesthetics, and Nonbinary Boyhood.
Royalazurgirl is a gender connected to being Azurgirl royalty. This gender is connected to being an Azurgirl, Azurgirl aesthetics, royal aesthetics, and being Nonbinary.
Postazurgirl is a term for one who feels that their identity was shaped by their past Azurgirl identity. This person no longer identifies as an Azurgirl, but feels that their past identification as such has shaped their current identity.
Postrosboy is a term for one who feels that their identity was shaped by their past Rosboy identity. This person no longer identifies as a Rosboy, but feels that their past identification as such has shaped their current identity.
Damogirl is a term for being a Girl, Woman, or Female in a "Boy" way, or being a Boy-aligned or Boy-like Girl, Woman, or Female. It is a Gender in which "Boy" is part of being a Girl. Being a Damogirl is not necessarily a Masculine gender or experience.
Damseboy is a term for being a Boy, Man, or Male in a "Girl" way, or being a Girl-aligned or Girl-like Boy, Man, or Male. It is a Gender in which "Girl" is part of being a Boy. Being a Damseboy is not necessarily a Feminine gender or experience.
Beaugirl is a term for a Transfeminine individual, who still has a connection with their original Masculinity, but with little to no connection to being Male.
Beauboy is a term for a Transmasculine individual, who still has a connection with their original Femininity, but with little to no connection to being Female.
Syndegender is a gender for when one knows they're a certain gender, but one has a deep connection to another gender. For example, being a boy, but feeling strongly associated with femininity.
Syndegirl is a term for being a Girl, but feeling strongly associated with Masculinity.
Syndeboy is a term for being a Boy, but feeling strongly associated with Femininity.
PrinceGirl has multiple definitions. PrinceGirl is a Masculine Fingender that feels connected to being a prince, or an idol. PrinceGirl is a gender that feels Female or Female-Aligned, but Masculine presenting. PrinceGirl is a gender that might feel both angelic and demonic.
PrinceGirl is a gender that doesn’t feel like a Boy at all, but has euphoria being seen as one. PrinceGirl is a gender that feels connected to being a Prince and a Girl.
PrinBinary has multiple definitions. PrinBinary is an Androgynous Mingender or Fingender that feels connected to being a prin/x, or an idol. PrinBinary is a gender that feels Binary or Binary-Aligned, but Neutrois presenting. PrinBinary is a gender that might feel both angelic and demonic.
PrinBinary is a gender that doesn’t feel Genderless, but has euphoria being seen as neither Binary gender. PrinBinary is a gender that feels connected to being genderless royalty and a Boy/Girl.
PrincessBoy has multiple definitions. PrincessBoy is a gender based on the song Princess♂ by Tophamhat-kyo. PrincessBoy is a Femme Mingender that feels connected to being a princess, or an idol. PrincessBoy is a gender that feels Male or Male-Aligned, but Feminine presenting. PrincessBoy is a gender that might feel both angelic and demonic.
PrincessBoy is a gender that doesn’t feel like a Female at all, but has euphoria being seen as one. PrincessBoy is a gender that feels connected to being a Princess and a Boy. PrincessBoy is a gender that feels connected to the song Princess♂ by Tophamhat-ky, or is the song Princess♂ by Tophamhat-ky.
Mingirl is a gender that is both MIN and Female. Mingirl may be an umbrella term for all genders which are combinations of being MIN and Female.
Minboy is a gender that is both MIN and Male. Minboy may be an umbrella term for all genders which are combinations of being MIN and Male.
Mascugen is a Female gender that is deeply tied to one's Masculine Gender Nonconformity. Mascugen is a Female gender in which one’s Masculine Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Neutragen is a Female gender that is deeply tied to one's Neutral Gender Nonconformity. Neutragen is a Female gender in which one’s Neutral Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Formaregen is a Female gender that is deeply tied to one's Gender Nonconformity. Formaregen is a Female gender in which one’s Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Formaregenflux is a fluctuating Female gender that is deeply tied to one's Gender Nonconformity. Formaregenflux is a fluctuating Female gender in which one’s Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression. A Formaregenflux person could also fluctuate between being Gender Non-Conforming and Gender Conforming.
Formarenec is a Male gender that is deeply tied to one's Gender Nonconformity. Formarenec is a Male gender in which one’s Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression
Feminec is a Male gender that is deeply tied to one's Feminine Gender Nonconformity. Feminec is a Male gender in which one’s Feminine Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Mascunec is a Male gender that is deeply tied to one's Masculine Gender Nonconformity. Mascunec is a Male gender in which one’s Masculine Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Neutranec is a male gender that is deeply tied to one's neutral gender nonconformity; a male gender in which one’s neutral gender nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Formaregec is a Neutral gender that is deeply tied to one's Gender Nonconformity. Formaregec is a Neutral gender in which one’s Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Mascugec is a Neutral gender that is deeply tied to one's Masculine Gender Nonconformity. Mascugec is a Neutral gender in which one’s Masculine Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Femigec is a Neutral gender that is deeply tied to one's Feminine Gender Nonconformity. Femigec is a Neutral gender in which one’s Feminine Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
Formarenecflux is a fluctuating Male gender that is deeply tied to one's Gender Nonconformity. Formarenecflux is a fluctuating Male gender in which one’s Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression. a Formarenecflux person could also fluctuate between being Gender Non-Conforming and Gender Conforming.
Femigen is a Female gender that is deeply tied to one's Feminine Gender Nonconformity. Femigen is a Female gender in which one’s Feminine Gender Nonconformity is part of their gender itself, not just part of their expression.
NIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Neutral-In-Nature.
NONBIN describes genders that have the shared characteristic of being Nonbinary-In-Nature.
Prirosboy is a gender connected to being a Rosboy prince. This gender is connected to being a Rosboy, Rosboy aesthetics, prince aesthetics, and Nonbinary Boyhood.
Royalrosboy is a gender connected to being Rosboy royalty. This gender is connected to being a Rosboy, Rosboy aesthetics, royal aesthetics, and being Nonbinary.
GenderNH is an umbrella term for a gender which is impacted by being nonhuman in some way. This includes but is not limited to alterhumans and nonhumans in systems, delusional misidentification, vampires, and any alterhuman.Being GenderNH is not inherently transgender or non-binary, though genderNH individuals may be.
The term can include cis nonhumans who feel like their gender is still impacted by a nonhuman identity.
Medusan or medousan is a NHLNH label for any nonhuman or alterhuman who is attracted to other alterhumans and nonhumans.
NHLNH or nonhuman-loving-nonhuman is an identity for nonhumans who are attracted to other nonhumans, exclusively or not. Interpretation of the term varies from being nonhumans in systems only to any individual who is nonhuman, such as otherkin and alterhumans.
Gleichaeus is a NHLNH label for a nonhuman who is attracted to other nonhumans, exclusively or not.
Alterhumangender, also known as alteranthrogender, alteranthropogender, and alterhumanogender, is an umbrella term for beings whose gender identity is tied to their alterhumanity.
Genderkin is a term used to describe otherkin individuals that are kin to a gender in some way, shape, or form, regardless of whether that gender is involved in their current gender experiences.The first example of this is someone whos kintype is a gender. This is often considered a form of conceptkin,
as gender and gender roles are all concepts in of themselves.
The second example would be someone who is kin to a person that has a strong gendered experience. For example, being kin to a woman who is involved in feminist movements, and thus feeling womanhood is intertwined with their kin experiences.
The third example of this would be someone who is kin with someone of a gender, without that someone being specific. For example, someone may be kin to a man, but not know who this man is, what this man's name or appearance is, what this man has experienced in their lifetime, etc. All they know is that their kintype is a man,
regardless of whether they are a man in their current lifetime.
Adkingender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders for connected to the fact that an individual is adaptkin. Adkingender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when an adaptkin individual kinshifts,
a gender that is effected by an adaptkin individual's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their kintype (such as being[xenogender due to their kintype having a xenogender,) and anything similar.
Beforangender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, and/or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is beforan. Beforagender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a beforan individual kinshifts,
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a gender that is effected by a beforan individual's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their past life (such as being a feminine gender due to their past life being a woman,) and anything similar. This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.
Choicekingender or choikingender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is a choicekin. Choicekingender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a choicekin kinshifts,
a gender that is effected by a choicekin's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their kintype (such as being a fluid gender due to their kintype being genderfluid,) and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.
Colinkgender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is a copinglinker. Colinkgender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a copinglinker connects to their linktype,
a gender that is effected by a copinglinker's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their linktype (such as being a xenine gender due to their linktype being a meliuswoman) and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.
Meliusgender is a gender identity that is similar to xenogender, but for individuals within the binary genders that feel like their gender can be explained better by animals, concepts, plants, ect. One with this gender identity does not typically identify fully as a xenic gender,
as they still feel connected to binary terms more than the xenic genders they relate to. An individual identifying as the gender may or may not use the neopronouns associated with the gender. For example, a meliusman may say their masculinity is best defined through an ocean, while still identifying fully as a man. Meanwhile,
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a neptunun-man puts the ocean aspect of their gender before or at the same level of the manhood they feel.
Ficfligender (pronounced fick-flee-gender) is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is a fictionflicker. Ficfligender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a fictionflicker connects to their flicktype,
a gender that is effected by a fictionflicker's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their flicktype (such as being a xenine gender due to their linktype being a meliusman) and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.
Hukingender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for system members that have genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders for connected to the fact that an individual is a humukin. Hukingender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a humukin kinshifts,
a gender that is effected by a humukin's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their kintype (such as being a neutral gender due to their kintype being neutrois,) and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender and similar terms.
Oheartgender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is otherhearted. Oheartgender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when an otherhearted person connects to their hearttype,
a gender that is affected by an otherhearted person's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is affected by the gender of their hearttype (such as being a masculine gender due to their hearttype being a man), and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.
Ospingender is a term under the alterhumangender umbrella for genders, gender modalities, or xenogenders connected to the fact that an individual is a otherspin. Ospingender can be used to describe a gender that changes or fluctuates when a otherspin kinshifts,
a gender that is effected by a otherspin's exomemories/exolimbs/exotrauma/exopain/etc, a gender that is effected by the gender of their kintype (such as being a neutral gender due to their kintype being neutrois,) and anything similar.
This may be considered an overlapping term to kingender, genderNH, and similar terms.