1 weeks ago
Update: I have been feeling so off this week I opted to pause the new migraine meds/supplements.
latest #8
1 weeks ago
Pulse is racing and I haven't eaten almost anything in the past 3 days because I can't stomach it. Like. Plz. Body. Don't hate on the new meds. They were helping.
1 weeks ago
My routine this week: Work (Functionality majorly impaired, I'm getting what I need to do done each day, but mostly zoning out) Go home and take out Bucky, Eat whatever amount I can convince my stomach isn't too much. Sleep/toss and turn because I'm not actually tired, just in too much pain/too foggy to function.
1 weeks ago
Now the pain is aggravated by the fact a cold I had settled in my sinuses. But stilllllllllll
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
Summation: I'm whiny and stressing.
1 weeks ago
6 days ago
:: sends love at::
6 days ago
I dunno what kind of headache this is but I was wrong about it being a sinus headache. Sinuses are clearing and I'm still in staggering amount of pain. Also my whole scalp is so sensitive it feels sunburnt which... I've had with a couple past headaches I just dismissed those. Anyway new and exciting headaches. Yey. I'm gonna ditch the screen again.
5 days ago
Oh no! Hope you can get some help and feel better soon!
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