Yon Fellow
5 days ago
latest #24
Yon Fellow
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
God, exactly two years to the month after I joined Song and it feels weird to not have it in my catch-all toplevels
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Well, I guess it's not October yet, but you get what I mean
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I, uh, failed huge at being there for the last month
5 days ago
I am absolutely down to explore further what we did manage to touch on in the event :x
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Ye for real
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
AZULA ... is in a weird holding pattern but she's increasingly realizing that staying a hermit is bad for her and beginning to feel inklings that she's actually not great.
go тo вread
5 days ago
go тo вread
5 days ago
I'm coming for you.
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
She is naturally doubling down on her denial about it
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
atrypical: Hell yeah
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
ALADDIN ...SHOULD be getting married this month!
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I need to start poking at people about that, but we're not planning on threading out a whole ceremony or anything
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
But he's also got some weird perspective shifts as a result of the event
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
WESLEY went home, I'm going to say he did so randomly one night after having conversations with Angel because I don't want to play the "OH GOD HE NEVER CAME BACK FROM THE FUTURE TIMELINE" card.
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
And the big news is FAITH
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I am going to be bringing her instead
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
She'll be fun
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I'll be taking her from right after Buffy season 7
Tire Fire
5 days ago
OKAY. So, Zuzu and Azula need to Talk.
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Tire Fire
5 days ago
So they should do so. While doing forms or something because they cannot just "talk"
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
FDJSK don't worry, she'll have an occupation of sorts thanks to the event that he can join her for.
Tire Fire
5 days ago
I love Faith, I have my own I should haul out for the memes
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