I love playing engineer characters, the question was who haven't I yet played?
-Constanz from Little Witch Academia. Brian mentioned that some others were also interested in her? But she's been on my bucket list. Maybe I'll put her in the #2 or #3 slot
-Entrapta, but deferring to
coveredinbees because I'd love to see their take on the character
-Holtzmann from Ghostbusters because YES PLEASE
-Professer Heimerdinger (someone I considered for a previous Nekocon, as a Video Game character, but his Video Game version lacked enough characterization to put together a sheet. Right now this pick has a big ol' asterisk next to it, dependent on Arcane Season 2. I'm hoping it shows off more of his engineering skills!)
I had also briefly considered Lexington, but I had no idea how the "stone by day" problem would be worked out in LARP
though it would be legit hilarious if I just...was only active in LARP after sunset and spent the rest of the time doing the rest of the con
meet people on Friday, come back after the dinner break on Saturday like "hey guys what did I miss?" and be completely absent on Sunday
Occasionally doing cameos to just hold a weird pose in the corner
or GMs can just claim "Puck did it" and I'm human during the day or sun-resistant for the weekedn
Polaris134: Given that I have LARPed as Lexington before (KatsuLARP), trust me, there's ways to solve this. XD
Ahshdfth thank you 🙏🏽 Honestly Entrapta is my only idea so far so appreciated
I love my quirky one step removed from mad engineer girl
She is such a good <3 Her and Scorpia are my fave characters from She-Ra Princesses of Power
amazing choices, and ngl, I've pondered Egon Spangler, so I'm a bit nervous/excited about what he and Holztman both would get up to together
mostly I...do not have many ideas right now though
I'd love to se eyou do any of these
rn my top two choices are Viktor, but whether it's Arcane version or LoL version idk yet
having Arcane Heimerdinger there while i am Machine Herald would be a trip lol
I haven't actually played LoL so if I go for Heidinger, it would definitely be the Arcane version
but yeah, that can get wild
Heimerdinger: what the heck happened to you??