Yon Fellow
6 days ago
[SOTRP] A few things to discuss in here
latest #87
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
I'm torn. I've done nothing all month for endgame, really, and I've been so slow with my remaining threads. Part of this is because of timing. Rachel really only has meaningful CR with Tobias.

As for Azula, very little of her CR is still in-game, and I'm not entirely sure how to work with what's left beyond ideas of "this thread would be nice/cute"
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
I know I want to get some closure with their remaining CR but I'm not sure how, if I'm honest.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Still up in the air
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
So a lot of the stress in this game has actually cleared up for me.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
The circumstances that led to that recent private plurk have, I think, subsided?
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
So on the mod front, I'm optimistic, energized, moisturized/in my lane/thriving/whatever the saying goes.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Azula hasn't moved as much as I'd hoped in two years. I'm not giving up on it, I am still hoping to find a way to develop her more.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Aladdin is vibing, and I'm looking forward to his IC wedding in October once Lil and I figure out the details. He's always been my most reactive and casual muse, I can basically throw him into any situation and have fun
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Okay, I'm gonna be real
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Wesley hasn't... done much
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
He doesn't even have any new threads this month.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
I'm increasingly thinking I may drop him.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
If I do that, I may app in Faith instead, because I feel like she's a lot more energetic and dynamic.
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
I haven't committed to it, but, well
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
It's been half a year and his only substantive CR is castmates
6 days ago
I mean, Adrien would love to see Rachel again before the end
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
(I could throw her at him on the final event)
6 days ago
And somene is trying to enable me to notretire Iroh by going "I could try Zuko...."
6 days ago
Please and thank you.
6 days ago
grips your hand
6 days ago
we can do it. we can move our assholes in a 'better place'
6 days ago
yeah I wanted Thor to be more of a positive influence on her
6 days ago
we should put our heads together and figure something out
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
lightdrizzel: Hell yeah
I've been mulling on the problem for Song, too. Aang invites Azula for a last tea? Offers her travel with the Gaang?
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
SamuraiMarmoset: He was making good headway last year!
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
c_for_characters: I kinda dig the idea of him trying to teach her normal not-a-crazy-person meditation.
6 days ago
YEAH it was just...work exhaustion left me barely able to concentrate on RP. But that's out of the way now!
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Hell yeah!
That could be part of it!
6 days ago
I would be happy to torment Azula with Arrakis more. A lot of people have come and gone in the two years he's been in Lab and it's starting to wear on him, especially after being sent to the empty timeline. He will be glad that Azula is still here.
thanks for taking care of my game, yon
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Nicholaj: That's totally an option
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
i hope vaeros remains a shitlord
6 days ago
he does -_-
6 days ago
at least given how many people want to hurt him, I take as being a good sign of a good shitlord
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
His shittiness has only compounded over time, I assure you
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
His lordliness is hit and miss lately, which is his own fault
6 days ago
would you like a late tag in on the event? I've been slow this month so I haven't tagged out much yet orz
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
I'm down for that!
I'm probably letting go of Illyria tbh because she's only really there to play with castmates. I love her dynamic with Wesley and she can be fun with Angel but I'm just mrehhh on games rn
she was more fun in a sandbox type game where she could just be weird and vibe weirdly
so if you're keeping Wesley for castmates pls let it be known that you have my full blessing to drop; we can always find a meme
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Yon Fellow
6 days ago
Your Illyria is A+, would definitely thread with more
A Lil Crazy
6 days ago
speaksincolor This is totally fair and understandable. We haven't threaded much, but it'd be great to do it again elsewhere if you wind up dropping
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
UPDATE: Trigger: Pulled
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
But hey, I really had fun with Faith on the TDM at the beginning of the year
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
So I may try her instead
chreepy 🎃
5 days ago
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
D r a p
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I dorped
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I drupped
I'm out too; I would totally try her again somewhere with either you or LilCosgrove but I think Laby is too big and structured for me rn
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Totally fair
maybe I'll put her in Folk eventually
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I'm definitely gonna throw Faith at the October TDM
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I felt like she got a lot more traction very quickly
5 days ago
Wesley died as he lived
5 days ago
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Is uh
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Is being tortured with magic and then stabbed a British way to die?
5 days ago
some would say it is the most British way to die
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
But yeah, unfortunately aside from the castmates I had nothing consistent going on for him. Didn't help that some of the more interesting potential CR I thought might work out well for him wound up dropping.
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
This does mean that Jimothy won the battle of the shop
A Lil Crazy
5 days ago
We'll definitely have juicy CR for Faith and Angel, so I'm not complaining too much; like I said before, Wes and Angel are good bros, but their CR development has also basically peaked
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Wesley was just sort of "Has Angel's back while snarking at him"
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I don't even have AC for anybody
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Because I just haven't been tagging
5 days ago
/offers hugs
I know there are people who are willing to boomerang.
5 days ago
this month has been strange.
chreepy 🎃
5 days ago
you have AC for Myrta
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
chreepy 🎃
5 days ago
I can try to actually tag back for once boomerang Laios' thread with Aladdin if that would help
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Don't worry about it, I don't like pushing people to boomerang.
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
I'll figure it out.
Yon Fellow
5 days ago
Lil and I may wind up fixing it anyway
A Lil Crazy
5 days ago
It's true, we have an Angel/Azula thread that could help... and we really need to continue that inbox thread :V
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