3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
latest #13
3 months ago
Arthur was horrified. Merlin’s lack of grey matter had led him to many an errant assumption; but this was abhorrent
Arthur stared at him. “You’re actually mad, aren’t you?”

“Yeah.” He dimpled.

“Did you put that in your Match® | The Leading Online Dating Site for Singles ... profile?”

“No, I usually trot that sort of thing out on the third date or thereabouts. By then they already know what a good kisser I am, and it doesn’t matter.”
Arthur looked away. “Right. I don’t think anyone’s that good a kisser, but keep telling yourself what you have to.”

“Oh, I am, trust me,” Merlin said; and because he had lost his brain in an unfortunate accident, added, “You’d switch teams for me.”
Arthur stared at him. And Merlin, with pounding heart, went on attending to the hoofs, to show he had meant it as a passing jest; that it was not a come-on, but merely a put-on.

“I like to think if I were going to cross the divide, it would take more than you,” Arthur replied at last.
Arthur pulled back slightly. “Brunettes,” he said, sourly. “Stupid ones.”

“Oh, so they don’t notice about your face? Good idea.”

“They don’t seem to notice anything, actually,” Arthur replied, with maximum bitterness.
“You and mum are mad. He knows I’m bisexual and has never once made a peep about anything other than his history with women. If he wanted toI mean, he might have hinted, or something
“Yeah, to the man who told me he’s got his feelings locked up tight and has made sure to cover his tracks by talking about his internet dating profile and preference for literally anyone who isn’t the actual object of his sad homosexual longing?”
梅be like:瑟的推手臂撞肩膀都很直男哥的。相處反應他沒那意思

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