discord is przmz if you wanna plot/link shit to me there!!
i'm mostly sooooooo down to soak in all the memshares and there's aphros which is my bread n butter y'all but those can also be tagged out mwahaha
gonna hit up backtags first bc i've been running bucky fcken wild all weekend but i'm comin for ya SOON
i haven't even read the event i just thing reno and karlach should hang out
OK BUT SAME they can feed each other mooncakes or smthn
also toki has goodbye kitty party up that Reno would 1000% be invited to!!
yessss enjoy goodbye kitty party......
what if we go live there instead tbh
they try to put the next person into the room and there's people in there still
good luck getting in we're using the bed as a barricade
i pinged u in mine for ur choice on what u want
yus i will be top leveling
perfeeeect I wanna do one of the ones where she is getting saved... because 2 reasons
1. I want k to go way harder on this whole you need to learn how to defend yourself thing
2. k seeing Brienne & being like

shiiit who's ur friend
whenever she protests waking up at the crack of dawn to go lumberjilling: "BRIENNE wouldn't let you sleep in would she????"
"actually she would because she serves ME"
k is the last person who needs to be dealing with GOT nobility and yet...
i feel like she would fucking demolish the whole class system tbh
I think she'd also get beheaded in the first season
or offered up to the lord of light
grips you so much over this thread rn?????
owlits: clutches my heart these two ....
Karlach is the only person shes' told this to okay THEY'RE HAVING THE BIGGEST MOMENT
nooooo sweet girl

we're getting your papa back and taking him to fcken mars

noh wants to change her wish...bring him back, and give him a better life in a better world. Because now she knows she can do that????
cool have her tell k that she'll personally strangle whoever she needs to make it happen
thancred filled her head up with thoughts of CRAU possibilities lmao so she's like NO. I'LL FIGHT EVERYONE UNTIL WE GET THAT TOO AND WE CAN ALL STAY TOGETHER
omg??? KARLACH
she will.......she'll contact her after all this bc she needs to have that convo with homie first
she'll be like "ASTARION'S ALSO IN"
astarion, off screen: "I'm what?"
YEAH KIDNAP ASTARION for a better life
his old place sucks anyway
Noh’s gotta have her boys

brings homie too
noh brings her boys, k brings her girls, they all live happily ever after on a commune in mars.

the True Ending we all needed
it's that or paint the galaxy red gdammit we're WARRIORS