the idea of existing is exhausting, I don't wanna
latest #45
why is it so tiring, why did I want to be an adult I didn't know it would be so exhausting
if I could go back in time i'd slap my teenage self that thought being an adult would be soooo cool, it sucks 0/10
like working? disgusting
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
I'd even take going back to my late teens and early twenties when all I had to worry about was dumb college classes.
i should go to bed because I have work in the morning (derogatory)
1 weeks ago
Yeah, like it fucking sucks that I'm having to look for a second job just to give myself some breathing room. And my dad jokes with me "You'll be doing this another 45 years!" and that just sounds so damn depressing. Like I don't WANT work to be my entire identity until I'm 80!
not to be dramatic but the idea of working till i'm 80 and possibly the rest of my life makes me want to not live that long.... honestly.... I get it. want to be more than a job, another cog in the machine.
same, I took all that for granted
I can't believe there was a time when I got upset having to go to my room or nake a nap
I wanted to be grown up so bad I want to go back and really appreciate it all instead of trying to rush it
I feel all of this
now going to my room and taking a nap is such a good feeling, I love passing out in the middle of day just because I can. and yeah, same. yes I did have my struggles in high school but looking at them now and dealing with bills and money and shit... i'll take homework and studying.
1 weeks ago
I think part of it is he has the traditional boomer mindset where your job really was your entire identity for their generation. But the difference is their jobs paid enough for them to actually have more to their lives than the very basics.
1 weeks ago
Like my parents have three more years to pay off their house and that depresses me because it's something I'll never have. I can't even afford to move out let alone put a down payment on a house! Which is bizarre because my grandparents from the silent generation are not like that at ALL with that mindset.
hit the nail right on the head with that. what's the point of working so damn hard if you don't have that much to show for it? I can't move out on what I make.
1 weeks ago
A job was something you did so you had time to live your life the way you wanted. Even Papa, who was passionate about his job to the point he (willingly) was working until the year he died, preferred spending time with family and traveling the world and moving up a social class by working rather than making that his entire identity.
its just wild how much has changed over the last decade or so, probably even longer. not to be all fuck capitalism, but honestly fuck capitalism
seriously, I don't know how my parents afforded a brand new house in a nice suburb on a single income and two kids
my dad was just a state employee at the small local university, nothing fancy
nowadays unless that job is like a CEO or something good luck
RIGHT like it was a three bedroom, 2 bath house on a 1/4 acre, my parents were in their early thirties and now at around the same age, I am lucky enough to barely qualify for a decent rental
and straight dollar wise, I probably make more than my dad did at my age
but adjusted for inflation, yeah...
I just looked up our old house- 1/4 acre, three bedroom, two bath- over 500,000
zillow shows the last time it sold the current owners paid less than $200,000
1 weeks ago
Yeah, my parents' house has four bedrooms, two and a half baths, and the downstairs is a set of four rooms connected to one another. They bought this place at almost the same age I am now. Oh and I might add they chose the SMALLER of some of the houses shown on the block, which are identical in structure to ours but have five bedrooms and 3 full baths.
1 weeks ago
It's now worth about 1.3 million dollars.
it's ridiculous how do they expect anyone making under $200,000/year buy even a small house these days?
I hate when boomers call us lazy like dude, you guys were playing on easy mode
we're just barely surviving at this rate and it's exhausting
1 weeks ago
See at least my parents refrain from the lazy part. They understand me and my sisters are working VERY hard even if they don't quite understand why we're not getting anywhere in life.
I’ve had people say it to my face at work. Just total random strangers talk about how this generation doesn’t want to work and are lazy and entitled shits.
Yeah we’re entitled cause we want to be treated fairly and paid appropriately and make enough to survive!!
I’ve had the “retail workers shouldn’t make 20$ an hour” convo with my parents like...... if someone is working than they should make enough. End of story.
Hey boomer parents??? How about: retail workers shouldn’t HAVE to make $20hr just to fucking survive

How about: something as basic as an apartment with barely an amenity in sight shouldn’t be $1200/mth

How about: I shouldn’t have to spend $3-400 a week on groceries

How about: I should have more than $75 left between checks after paying my goddamn bills
Any time I have more than $100 left to last between 2 weeks im gd ecstatic bc it’s so fucking rare 🫠
I'm over here laughing about this. because it's having 10 is WE DID AMAZING
I hate this timeline
Boomers had so much just handed to them and I’ve always gotten the impression they want to pick and choose who they share with/who ‘deserves’ help and if they don’t think you deserve help then you’re just entitled and greedy
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