shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
[yet more kneeposting] not me looking up what's going on there and having a momentary freak at THIS IS SERIOUS DRAINAGE then realizing oh it's serous drainage
latest #22
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
I was like shit it's not that much, but maybe I should go in if it's serious?
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
also I appear to have transferred my instinctive marathoner urge to talk constantly about my training to an urge to constantly talk about my wound
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
Gotta remind myself not everyone wants to see the latest close-up of stitches
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
My camera roll is a jump-scare rn
spooky mingos
1 weeks ago
i do. Show me ur kneesty
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
Yakule: (LOL) I will post a new update only because you asked
1 weeks ago
I’ve made this exact mistake before and my mom’s a doctor
and hey, I’m talking nonstop about a seizure I had over 24 hours ago so you’re fine this is a much badderass injury
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
I'm glad I'm not the only one to make that mistake though lol
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
I'm pretty sure the puffy pink bump is actively if slowly shrinking so drain baby drain
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
It's a good sign because the fluid is part of the healing process but also last night it felt like a maxi pad was strapped to the front of my knee, it was so uncomfortable
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
not painful just. annoying.
1 weeks ago
I’m glad you think so! And yes, get outta there! You don’t need all that squish!
1 weeks ago
Oooof yeah that sounds ....unfun
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
wingedvoices: I'm glad you're recovering also, I missed that plurk b/c I've been doing a lot of maar'ing this week. Here's to both of us doing better.
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
I will say that the whole thing is not as uncomfortable as last year when I scraped the living hell out of both knees in huge patches. That was a much less serious injury but oh god, when the scabs formed, any bending of the knees was agony.
1 weeks ago
Aw, thank you! Very much so
shifty & hooded
1 weeks ago
after i had my surgery i was daily googling about drainage and taking photos. my phone is still full of them, it was GROSS
so talking a lot about it is VALID
esp for anything worrying like this
(my drainage woes were forever fears of infection, it never got it but knowing the colour is hard)
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