Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
okay here’s my spoiler filled thoughts on Transformers One
latest #40
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Megatron’s revolution in this movie is not founded on a desire to change and rebuild society for the better. It’s founded on his on a personal feeling of hatred and anger at discovering his idol not only failed but lied to him his entire life
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
His extrajudicial execution of Sentinel is about satisfying his own pain and heartbreak in a way that can never be sated, because he was ultimately HAPPY as a miner following the rules, and he can’t reconcile that with the changed worldview Alpha Trion showed him
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
The only response is to destroy everything even resembling that life; not just abolish the caste system, not topple just Sentinel’s rule, not just expose him, but “burn it all down”
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
But there’s a problem there
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Iacon already existed. Sentinel didn’t build it, he STOLE it
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
And that’s the fundamental problem with Megatron’s goals here. His anger at his pain can never be satisfied. It can only be transferred. Once Sentinel is gone, Iacon must burn. Once Orion betrays him, it’s the Primes who are false and must be toppled.
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
He has nothing anymore. Following the rules, being a good miner, it was all meaningless. So everything else must be meaningless as well.
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
He even claims the legacy of his idol, Megatronus, but divests it of its true name, becoming simply Megatron. Because he can’t abide what came before, while still being shackled to it by his own anger and hatred.
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Anyway that’s my thoughts on Megatron
1 weeks ago
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Orion is great. I think making him a worker like Megatron, nay, all the Autobots, avoids the problems of previous media
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
He definitely reads as autistic to me
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Cybertron feels alive here, with the wildlife and alien landscapes and constantly shifting landscape
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Bee was not as annoying as the trailers made me fear he was; he comes off more as just excited to have friends and is kind of endearing
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Elita being ambitious and jockeying for promotion was an interesting take beyond making her just the love interest. I really liked her
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
I’m so glad Shockwave is a loser again. Just like the G1 cartoon, he spends all his screen time getting pushed around
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Previous Starscreams: No, please Megatron, not in the face!
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Airachnid is made of nightmares as usual
1 weeks ago
im so mad i don't have time to see this sounds so good :[
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
I’m headcanoning Jazz’s actual name is J-422, and he chose the name Jazz based on that
1 weeks ago
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Every cogless probably has a numerical designation and pick up “real” names as they go along
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
D-16 never picked one because he never really desired to color outside the lines
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
About the Primes; you have no idea how thrilled I was to spot Vector Prime looking just like he did in Cybertron
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
And....that’s all I have for now.
thot crimes
1 weeks ago just sold me on seeing this
1 weeks ago
I want to see it so bad man aughhh
i hope it does well at least :[[[
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
athensbrat: see it for the toxic yaoi, if nothing else
thot crimes
1 weeks ago
do you understand just how much of my damns about transformers center around the toxic yaoi
thot crimes
1 weeks ago
this movie was made for me, I am the target audience
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Haha. I’m serious, it’s exactly that. Orion is always dragging D-16 into situations that D doesn’t care for and their friendship is very imbalanced well before D starts his homicidal breakdown
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
It’s a very powerful and heartbreaking story about how Optimus and Megatron shouldn’t fuck each other
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
(I actually came out of this shipping Optimus and Elita I am a basic bitch)
thot crimes
1 weeks ago
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago okay so Chromia is definitely a hastily renamed Mirage xD
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Tries to think about how minicons could fit into this universe
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
Also I’m headcanoning the racing announcer was Blaster
Bob Netherlands
1 weeks ago
athensbrat: let me know when you see it
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