HAPPY FRIDAY friday gotta do nothing on friday
ok actually after i am Super Productive at work today i want to tag out? i only owe two tags at this point so! i! wanna! do! things!
also i am kind of sort of writing a prsk fanfic? i guess?? it is kind of helping talking my inner demons out of trying to rp from this
aaaaand the new ace trappola ssr groovy is super cute i really love it
i think that about covers it for now?? how is everybun doing
don't tell the children i am writing

no promises
it is kind of fun but honestly i rather rp because i like some of the surprises of not knowing where a thread is gonna go
while i am gonna end this fic happily ever after because fuck it i earned this
this turned into a ship fic with questionable content if only because i was just i think i want to rp this character or maybe that other one. i don't super ship it but i don't hate it either
that being said it is also giving me crazy ideas like writing !era of one of my otps
i am still doing all this nonsense on my phone
you need to be nerfed what the fuck
but im glad it sounds like it's a lot of fun
,,,god do people not ship mitsuru and tomoya that seems like it would be pretty cute. (that is mitsuru and tomoya right. im sorry if it's not i have failed u)
as long as i don't rp from prsk a bullet has been dodged
people don't care about mitsuru tbh. and i guess if they do he shakes hands with emu in the camp of infantalized
....man that's sad tho. that really seems like it would be such a good ship??
the Fandom Baby curse sucks dick
tbh mitsuru is the only one who should be shipped with every other rabits because it makes sense but he's the one who doesn't
he's also like emu for me in that regard i am just yeah every combo of her and another w×s is acceptable

tough b eing so cute and getting hexed for it
i think emu and mitsuru should kiss
gee emu how come ur fucking two childhood friends like that what about tsukasa
fuck that guy emu's ballin etc
that's the fic i'm doing 😒
I KNOW I KNOW my least favorite emu combo
but i don't hate it and tsukasa is what inspired this nonsense
happy friday, eri! i hope colette is handling the cone of not shame
She's doing her best! Thank you 🥺
i am glad!! i know you love her so she deserves the world
A DUPE BUT THIS IS FINE!!!! he heard me praising him?! and in adjacent to prsk, no less, because this is his pegasus card. this is totally fate and not coincidence! and no, mitsuru isn't the same as tsukasa! mitsuru is 天満 and tsukasa is 天馬
which is why i think mitsuru is more powerful than tsukasa. he can't be contained
HE DID!! i love you sky bread
pegasus mitsuru just barely made it. he gave tomoya the boot rip
now i don't have a tomoya on my performance team

this tweet is kind of funny to me. people can ship whatever they want imo. but there is a bit of a hmmmmmm sort of half truth if we were to play devil's advocate
i wouldn't consider tomoya eighteen tbh. weirdly enough esy2 has went back to the ! way of starting the timeloop in april
and the thing is, tomoya is the youngest character character from the original cast. his birthday is march 29th. so he'd get a whole two days of being eighteen before we reset
and, generally speaking, that would be less of a month of him being eighteen before nazuna turning twenty-one. i ain't saying this a reason to not ship it. it's just an interesting technicality
by god for those two days they can sling it nasty
i just know if i was rping esy2 tomoya that i wouldn't list him as eighteen in his journal because it'd feel like i was lying
unlike playing !nazuna i am okay with listing him as eighteen since i'm not ever playing him from the first week of skool and that's less than a month anyway
this person can ship their ship that's fine. i just think any potential in the ship was lost at sea with !! starting tbh
shipping nazuna?? in this economy??
ok so i have enough to break two cards. but i was glancing through upcoming rewards and realize none of them are solo tickets which means i will have to pull in gacha again before halloween if i want hajime
do you ever get deranged enough to almost squeeze out a tear over the dumbest thing

you have got to be kidding me. i managed to max out this card in two pulls
MAAAAAAN i thought i was gonna have to lay out in the street when i saw that mayoi card again but this pull was just ok we will stop fucking with you
thanks satan
I cant believe I missed bunfriday so I will love on the buns today instead!!!
every day is bunday so it's okay!! it's okay!!
another round of enstars fans thinking the anime is canon but i guess it is but it's not?? bite me
K (@Ks_xd08) on X
stay tuned for violence
ok ok i actually spent most of the day playing enstars but it's fine because nazuna inbox is empty i did it
you can get it wrong by typoing.........
>opens twxtter
>closes twxtter
twst making it impossible to scroll jfc
🍅 (@lanrekichancawa) on Xa few of the clown+beige artists i enjoyed have long move on but it's good to see new ones consuming ! content. does my shriveled heart good
happy monday i guess
i am just internally aaaaaaaaAAAA
but i hope monday is decent to you robin
it will be a pain but i hope urs will be nicer
i still live in fear of the surprise audit so i will be clenched all day probably
in more fun? news? i noticed the cc in seibai itaAAAAAsu has it written so one rin's 'okay' is drawn out even though it isn't done that way in the song. it seems to match in the w×s version though where emu is that last 'okay' and
she holds it out yay
note to self in ten minutes: don't forget your work bag this time so those beer signs can be made today
a lot of people are so sure that Leona-chin is going to be the ssr for this upcoming halloween. and i'm just 'this means he's going to sing at us doesn't it'
he doesn't have a halloween ssr so i guess that means it's likely??
he may be the main character but so was light yagami. though that statement sounds bonkers because it sounds like i am trying to say these two are the same when they're not
if it weren't for the oogie boogie segment i think jack wouldn't look great. granted i don't think he does regardless
but this person's idea would make sense considering the new oc's mouth
behold: a disturbing image (the back of nazuna's head)
i actually still don't know ship names but that doesn't matter