4 weeks ago
Had a dream last night where I and 4 other players were playing a ttrpg where we were a team of detectives, and I was statting out my character
4 weeks ago
it was also one of those "I knew it was a game but my perspective was me seeing the characters in action as if I was watching them on a show". I recall that we had 5 stats, and I was building my character as kinda low on physical stats but had the ability to see slightly into the future
4 weeks ago
He was sallow-faced and sad-eyed, a little short and with a slim build, wearing a rumpled trenchcoat that looked a little too big for him. And I remember deciding Speed would be his lowest stat, to reflect that he wasn't very physically fit.
4 weeks ago
And now? I kinda wanna play him as a character
4 weeks ago
though the idea of 5 players playing a team of 5 detectives is kinda hilarious to me. They were all of them wearing khaki trenchcoats and fedoras like it was a dang uniform.