queer power
6 months ago
latest #13
queer power
6 months ago
squints at this.....
6 months ago
yeah i have to read the blog post myself when i'm less tired but i'm like. sims what are you doing now...
6 months ago
i liked how kayla put it in that vid that yeah people have spent a lot of money on the sims 4, i just hope that they actually. fix whatever spaghetti code is constantly bugging out that game with every update
queer power
6 months ago
I'm just. they're turning the Sims into something like one of those train simulator games where they just pump out nothing but DLC for it
queer power
6 months ago
and on one hand I get that it's kind of nice that they're not making the Sims 4 obsolete yet when people have spent so much on it, but the same time I'm not jazzed about Project Rene being some sort of multiplayer thing
queer power
6 months ago
I wooould kind of like a Sims 5, maybe not immediately but in the future
queer power
6 months ago
4 is already the longest any game has been out in this series without a new entry though
queer power
6 months ago
I DO very much like the news about spinoffs though, I would be hype if they did a new Castaway Stories or Sims Medieval
queer power
6 months ago
though maybe the news about keeping 4 around just feels tough for me because like... 2 was my first Sims game and the most exciting one, and 3 has always felt the most feature-complete
queer power
6 months ago
I still remember when 3 first came out and everyone was making fun of the potato faces ffff, still pretty good game tho
queer power
6 months ago
one comment to the video pointed out that the Sims team has already claimed that things like vehicles, an open world, or a color wheel isn't possible in 4 due to the way it was made and like YEAH ALL THAT
queer power
6 months ago
unless they're going to drastically change the base game code or something, we're never going to see any of that in 4 which now seems to be a forever game? great
queer power
6 months ago
rant pretty much done, I know I'm not as invested in the Sims as I used to be but. damn. not particularly exciting news
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