i called my high priestess today
i've been pulling back for a number of reasons over the past few years and that discussion put a lot of things in context
and i was actually able to help her piece something together
basically one of our high members has been pulling some shady shit and lying to everyone to keep her manipulations on the downlow
we can't kick her out because she's the SO of our head priest
but the high priestess is taking back the reins on a lot of things she let slide over the years
one of the biggest things we talked about is a member that was kicked out years ago
Problem Person (pp) basically went to HP and was like 'if you don't kick her out i'll leave and take my man with me' and HP thinks PP was upset because she thought her man (we'll call him D) was attracted to this woman (we'll call her J)
for the record as far as i can tell they were just friends
so HP reluctantly agrees, but says 'i need to talk to D'
PP quickly goes 'oh no, it's fine. I'll tell him'
later on after i noticed she'd been kicked out i actually asked D what happened to her and he told me 'HP noticed that some of her items were missing and thinks J took them. I'm not happy about it but HP insisted she needed to go'
that all finally came to light recently, except apparently D didn't tell her any of the stuff he told me
and there was some other drama over a church we wanted to buy to conduct ceremonies but it ended up not happening because PP went to HP and again said if she bought the church PP would leave the coven
it's just manipulation and i'm astonished over how shady PP has been
one of our other members, B, said that PP called him a 'pot stirrer' because he went up and asked people what's going on to their face so
she just doesn't want people communicating at all so she can play her little games
so yeah HP has decided to put the meetings back in her house
they've been hosted at PP's house for the past few years and honestly it's a terrible place to host. It's small, made smaller by the furniture, and a dozen or so people can't move comfortably in it
the ceremonies take place in the basement which has very unwelcoming vibes and it's got stairs, which are so hard on anyone who is disabled (Rowan)
HP's house isn't all that much bigger but it's bigger enough that it feels very welcoming
and it's very handicap accessible
we do the ceremonies in the dining room area
i have always been unhappy with the change to PP's house and now maybe i understand why a little bit better
I am kinda fascinated ngl
lmao it's kind of fascinating to see all the lies laid out like that
also that i just believed the reason she got kicked out
ftr i am not just blindly believing all this but i do trust my HP and i'm not going to treat PP badly or anything
but i certainly will treat our relationship with caution going forward
i just wish i'd had the audacity to go to my HP all like 'why do you think J stole your things, i'm sure there was some kind of mistake' at the time
it would have come to light a lot sooner
what what's done is done i suppose
Ho boy, I'm glad some of this is being pieced back together
That was some freakin tea, too.