I had to train someone at work this morning and I got a real burst of adrenaline at seeing that this dropped while I was in the middle of training LOL
I already knew what Morph's little speech was going to be thankfully
oh boy
the one thing I did leave out is that Morph is pretty sure this is a sick science experiment but that might come up in the replies
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
im making her own top-level but she'll respond to them too
What a perfect un-timing for you! 😂
lgkhjkl yeah I know I don't have to be super fast but it still made me go 'noooo'
I'm crying a little.... Morph when you have the crazy clown on your side you might be doing something wrong
out of all the people to start shouting at Morph I didn't think it'd be Fandaniel, but I was right about the shouting
I ALSO GOTTA SAY.... I will be very surprised if there's many votes for wrecking the setting, it seems like not a lot of people want to take the chance and I did expect that
the emotional consequences of knowing you're stuck in a simulation though...
Morph has been watching their castmates suffer from the glitches already and the suffering is going to probably continue - maybe not from glitches specifically but that doesn't mean other fucked up things won't happen
it doesn't even mean the glitches will permanently be gone
'you're at the whims of a machine and might not even be real' like damn fam
rogue will always have your side, morph
morph is truly out here doing their best
they try!! but everyone's out here worried about dying or whatever
for kotone she's suddenly facing the 'eventually someone will figure out a way to go home and i'll have to die again' situation actually being a real possibility 😔 also complicated feelings abt robots AI
oh god Root came in trying to debate Morph about the nature of reality or some shit
they are honestly convinced that half the Chosen are just pricks
so far Morph is VERY on the fence about actually destroying any terminals, they don't think it'll ultimately help, but y'all might tip them over at this rate
otherwise at this point they're tired of arguing and pretty much done trying to convince everyone tbh. everyone's either being very cautious or just being an asshole about it
so they're just resigning themselves to continuing to Suffer I guess
why both Root and Akechi fml
poor Morph
Douman'll be ready to go get a beer with them again if he ever manages to get out of his staredown with Seimei
LOL yeah they could use the company

at this rate they're just going to be sitting at home anxiously waiting for the reset to throw them into a fresh new hell
All three of them should go for a beer
Rogue is going to drink Moonshine for remy
it's definitely time to get drunk
wait, did they actually ever exchange numbers? or do you want Douman to just randomly drop by again?
I MEAN either/or, they know each other's network names so I assume calls are possible
Yeah, you can contact anyone with their username
Everyone has everyone on their phone contacts by default
lmao considering that Douman's is "principal" I can't imagine that many would try to call him without knowing who he is
ljhlj; only because of all the teenagers who hate school
everybody knows that having to talk to the principal means you effed up!
also gonna add: I don't think it's out of line for Morph to be mad that no one's shared much information about the setting after being there for 3 months
they had to figure out it was a simulation on their own when there's people out here that knew system crashes kill like who knows how long ago smh
AND LIKE I know you can't force other players to give background info to newcomers but it's kinda like.... seems like maybe there should've been a welcome packet huh
yeah. fauna definitely is super pissed at everyone who's been here long enough to know anything.
if she has to start putting together shit to try to explain it she will but this is a bad thing for everyone because she does not understand it.
yeah Morph might've had a different take on the whole thing if they were told... anything at all lol. at least a softer take perhaps
waiting until there's a disaster is not a good strategy
maybe morph should bully people into making a welcome packet for the future!
bc kotone is very much Not the exposition girl, if someone asked her a direct question they would get a direct answer, but also she'd try to foist them off on someone else bc explaining things is So Much Work she's allergic
(usually it's scott she voluntells as the explainer)
idk Morph might've just burned what little goodwill they had with that unpopular opinion LOL
they're doing their best!!
but they are definitely pretty sour about it rn. like thanks guys, you just purposely told no one anything so you can go 'well acksually' when someone makes a suggestion
but yeah idk how many characters are the free-exposition type, kotone would definitely need to be cornered and asked jflsgkfjd idk abt others
YEAH LIKE.... it's tough b/c this is an only IC problem, OOCly I don't care, I knew it would be a bad take but I felt like someone should say it
ICly no one's getting the info for probably like 20 reasons
at least morph isn't trying to cause problems on purpose, unlike Some People (looks at gogol)
yeah but everyone's still posting to this thing like 'let's not do the stupid option lol' and Morph is like.... 🙎♂️okay fuck y'all then
like the current threads, whatever they'll get over that, but the fact that no one's been sharing information is far more of a They'll Remember That thing
... lmao just had a thought, did SCOTT know that the setting was a simulation before the glitches got bad?
he kind of figured that they were in a video game or something, like he's seen like 'progress bar' on the tablets before and figured it was something weird
ahh gotcha, that's not full blown 'I saw evidence' so it's fine
he was part of the whole AU memory thing that went on, where they believed they used to live in Aldrip the entire time, but a lot of the times, scott just figures that the world throws them into difficult situations here and there
he didn't really know about like 'the first set of chosen' or graveyard thing that Miller mentioned to Rogue
if morph asks scott, he'll tell him everything he knows, but he talked to the AI only once before and it was him basically being a shitlord fjalkeji
ty! I'll see if they get suspicious enough to ask, rn though I'd say they're pretty distrustful of. pretty much any of the other old-timers they don't have CR with haha
haha yeah rogue right now is just "im just gonna be here for my team. the chances of me befriending anyone or be good with anyone is probably suuuuuuuuuper low"
WHICH SHALL BE A CHALLENGE OOC-WISE since you know, i cant keep having the same people as AC check time
but im up for the challenge
YEAH like we talked about I think Morph is going to be more withdrawn for a while after this, assuming the reset doesn't immediately mind-wipe everyone
the main evidence that scott would know that the city was weird, is like aldrip transforming from a small village to a city in like a day and the city itself glitching, but he just sort of assumed that morph and rogue just sort of know about it now with people glitching into AU versions and etc
yeah in fact Morph heard about the city changing from Ange way back in their first TDM
they're way more mad at the people who apparently knew it was a simulation months and months ago and didn't share
i have been so late to the post but if you want ange to share info with morph i can make that happen!!!
i'm literally only now tagging around on it bc work has been crazy
i think with rogue, she figured they were in a simulation/ video game when she started seeing the glitches.
at first she thought they were in a mind of a child telepath or something
cause the distracts all looked drastically different from one another
queeningsquare ty!! kinda late now though LOL they're still mad at everyone else. it is half that the lack of knowledge made them look stupid 😔
Morph also did not realize it was a simulation until the glitches got bad, they assumed it was like an interdimensional kidnapping kind of deal
ahhh well, if you don't want it i can stay away, i'm sorry for being so late!! ;;
nooo it's totally fine, if you think Ange would share then go for it
she's def not the only old-timer character that could've said something, the only one who directly told Morph anything was Akechi, who was predictably a dick about it
and Rogue found out the graveyard thing from Miller and passed it along
Nope, it sounds like a pretty reasonable IC reaction to finding it out like that to me, especially since they're already in a rather frustrating situation with having their suggested solution questioned or opposed so much.

yeah this isn't just about being shouted down, though that wasn't pleasant either lol
OOCly I understand why many people would rather not IC community-slap all the new characters with a "in the last 242 episodes so far". Like you said there can be many valid IC and OOC reasons for that, not to mention that doing it each new app round would gwt old pretty fast.
But IC isn't OOC, so yay for a new potential character arc? |D;
on the other hand Morph was the... June TDM so it's literally been 3 month
so yeah everyone being like 'well obviously we're just minds in the matrix' is pissing them off lol
Douman's about to suggest another drinking session in oue thrwad because he doesn't consider discussing stuff like that safe on the network btw lol
I swear he's not trying to make Morph an alcoholic!
oh Morph absolutely still wants to get drunk after all of this is over, so no worries there
no exaggeration, in canon they're always bringing Logan beer as it is 🤦♂️
3 times in 10 episodes. Morph stop acting so down bad
Lol getting Logan out of all ppl drunk and easy sounds like the worst plan of the century
lkjhkl as a friend joked to me once, Logan just drinks beer like it's goddamn tea because that's what a healing factor does for you
ironykills now picturing Douman going home and marketing a terrible knock-off of the X-Men
Behold! The H-Men, a movie direct by Byroot Swinger, based on the stories from Stem Lee and Jack Kürbis!
and everybody involved, actors and all, are Mandragora >3
that would be super cute but I also know that's so he wouldn't have to pay them
yup~ Just bills it as the movie club's culture festival project and 'borrows' Haruaki is Mandragora-tamer to them, then leans back and watches the fireworks that'll inevitably cause
or should that be Mandragora-whisperer instead?
incredible... good luck hitting the box office Douman
well something is going to be hit for sure, so his money-grubbing sadist side should be fed at least