6 months ago
CajsaLilliehook shared an article about the pet eating thing:@CajsaLilliehook - About those cats...for context on this particular right wing outrage creation (which is 1000% in response to pissing off "cat ladies")
6 months ago
as much as i'm not entirely comfortable with weird as an insult (there's a lot to unpack there and most of you probably already get it because you were on that side to start with), this is another one of those "why are you so weird?" except that needs to be directly followed by "that's not actually happening and you know it"
6 months ago
Thank you. Replurking.
6 months ago
The citizens at the August 27 Council meeting in Springfield were upset, real and some even leaving town. Two weeks before Trump said anything.

Why would the press not let their concerns be heard? Is there a specific number of pets taken that get empathy or any care from the press?
6 months ago
CommalaHarriBalz2024: here's the problem: there's no truth to any of it, it's been debunked as a story that's passed through multiple hands that was made up. you won't care, because you have decided that truth doesn't matter- but truth does in fact matter, and making up a story doesn't make it true.