3 weeks ago
My insomnia is kicking my butt and slapped me with a headache but I finally drew a thing for the first time in uhhhhhh static noises so I'm feeling pretty okay about it
latest #15
bean check
3 weeks ago
Oh no i love it
any other name
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Downside, I drew this and now I'm sad I won't be able to actually get these in game because I made them up for me
oh yeah that's the eternal struggle of gear design
3 weeks ago
Going to color it and post it uhhhh somewhere. Not sure where is safe to post art anymore
3 weeks ago
bean check
3 weeks ago
could use your carrd site, though you might want to glaze and watermark it just to be safe
bean check
3 weeks ago
gosh who else would be in that season? would be fun to base them on sky's own staff with developers and musicians and such, though the theme and dynamic might overlap too much with Performance in that case
3 weeks ago
Yeah I need to get glaze and nightshade and start slapping that on everything, come up with a fun watermark
3 weeks ago
superfine: I like to think it'd be called Season of Creation or something
bean check
3 weeks ago
since you use ZiriO it would be neat to have a watermark with a stylized "Ziri" or Z in a circle to represent the O
3 weeks ago
So basically my signature 🤣
bean check
3 weeks ago
bean check
3 weeks ago
don't knock what works
Many Birds
3 weeks ago
aw cute!
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