🔍 I am going to have to go looking 😭
I believe u Jay go drink some agua
I believe ur going schizo but it’s ok but I been there
I just been in ur shoes before I want u to feel better
I believe what you’re going through but also at the same time most likely isn’t the best way to go about it (T_T) and even if it’s a conflict of interest because I’m friends with aki I promise u I been through this before and I went to the mental hospital 3 times man I’m sure u have people who are listening to u so don’t worry
(And by those theee times it’s bc my ex broke up with me like 5years ago 💀)
We can be enemies but we can be friends....bats eyelashes
Maybe not friends xd but we can be amicable lol
No I was mean but I was nice idk about good 💀
My demons were taking over
Don’t bring karol here it’s a war zone...
I would say same for u but I’m sure u already know swag 😎
No u deserve a good rest some food and wata
You gotta fix that Jay 😭 I have been there and sometimes I still struggle with it but know that these bad feelings you deserve to not feel them you deserve to be happy
what about therapy, have you been participating or can you not afford it?
I do a lot of DBT/CBT worksheets when I’m not in session, they help me decipher my emotions a lot
no those platforms suck all they do is try to make sure y don’t kill yourseld
you should try printing out/writing on them, the physical aspect is what really helps you
Maybe do u have an iPad?
Or maybe just redo it on a piece of paper
Like write the content and then write your own stuff after
I’ll have to check, I only know of some in my own book that I own idk if they have free ones online
beaware: Yeah I had a friend in Brazil who did lol
Is Brazil really that poor?
Don’t worry u will get an iPad one day trust
beaware: tbh same in America but it depends where you live
and that’s for nonspecialized work/without a degree
I’m gonna translate that hold up
No way man...
I was making $2,800USD (15,600 about in reais) and that would be struggling if I didn’t live with my dad
I don’t make that anymore but if I continued to work full time yea
If I was a person though who had to pay rent and bills that isn’t enough in the US
Maybe, just make sure you live somewhere cheap like the Midwest
lol I’m sure a blue state would love to take you
yeah in politics a blue state is the more liberal areas, they usually have programs to promote foreigners to come here
usually like school programs or housing
but they’re Usually very chock full
I think they’re a bit hillbilly, but I know Pennsylvania is very tolerant towards foreigners.
New Jersey may be a bit expensive as it’s close to New York and on the coast
(And when I say New York I mean the city lol)
Yeah Hillbilly means conservative people who live on a farm, usually don’t like foreigners (mainly those who aren’t white)
I don’t know what pulp is but good luck and enjoy it^^