if the evidence is pointing to them all being in a computer simulation.... give Morph one good reason they shouldn't break it
the first Matrix movie didn't come out until 1999 but I think it's still plausible enough for them to assume that everyone might just have their brains hooked up to the same computer
Break the shit so they can be in the real world and go home
plus they don't have any fondness for AI in general (see: Master Mold)
are we going to be baddies for this plot?! lmao
I'm gonna.... put up a post on the OOC thread about this.... at the very least it'll be fun friction
And if the real world ISNT their world/not new York/other timeline, they'll figure it out
yeah like either way Morph would find it preferable to be in a 'real' world than a fake one
I mean that's...the cliffhanger of xmen 97
To rogue, the world glitching is a good thing. It's just annoying that the monsters pop up at random
I think the mods are planning on an IC debate later?? we can see if anyone agrees with our characters rofl
christ Toph even told them at the casino last month 'yeah we get brainwashed all the time' like hell Morph wants to sit around and let these things keep happening
if Douman finds out he'd probably tail Morph just to keep an eye on what's happening
and maybe drag them by the collar out of some sudden danger's way if thing really go awry
he's not attached, he just has nothing better to do. what are you talking about?
scott will disagree so this might be interesting
glitch-boy over here is fine with the possibility of glitching in the future, I see
that's going to be part of Morph's thing tbh... the reset might stop the glitching but for how long
not his fault they're the only drinking buddy he has rn
he's like what if destroying the place just makes the glitching worse!!
Rogue is like fuck reset, let's break the shit. If we die, we'll live somehow. Jean died 29394038384 times
but no the point is to crash the program completely! shut it all down!!
Douman's take is that breaking it could either toss them all back to where they came from, or it could just kill them all. So he's going to get in the best position and let somebody else pull that switch. he might also bring popcorn and an emergency escape plan
lmaooo that's probably wise
But...tbh rogue is also kinda like...you know if I die, whatever. And that's because
he's got experience with weird shit
and Morph's already died once so they're already past yolo
we're going to have to see if anyone else at all agrees with Morph and Rogue because otherwise they might be vastly outnumbered LOL
Douman has been murdered once just to be brought back as one of the monsters he's used to fight right away and he'd like to stay alive, tyvm >[
either way, I'm gonna stalk that thread and root for you guys! :3
just see this as a gamble okay
gambling that they're going to wake up on the other side if the program crashes
Morph just likes to go splat
plz they only like it if a sexy guy is involved, maybe
okay /tosses them to Akira and claims they want a full checkup
That's okay. Morph 🤜🤛 rogue always
Until they talk about magneto
also rooting, this would be a such unique development
guess we gonna fight
seimei does not know enough about modern tech to make any kind of educated guess but he's also worried about this killing everybody
if this ends up a jocks vs nerds sort of debate I'm going to be endlessly amused tbh
Seimei can chase Douman if you want to get him involved
listen if they can find enough evidence to point towards breaking it not killing everybody, break it
ironykills we'll see how their little talk at booty camp goes
idk how the hell they'd find that evidence honestly, it's going to be tough while they're trapped in the machine.... tho idk if. the fact that everyone comes back to life after death counts
marco would like to hopefully find a safe way to break it but like also yeah fuck being in a simulation y'all break the damn thing
lol yup! and I'm sorry for hijacking this plurk so much, but all the cool ppl I'd love to thread with are here
heck yeah Marco on the jocks side!!
i can't believe matrix came out in 1999 and neither of them can make the extremely obvious references
and I don't mind plurk hijacking, go for it

we're all cooking here
(also the slim possibility of morph meeting the guy douman killed twice makes me giggle)
he does have robot buddies but like they're dogs so they don't count??? ai is not a dog??? fuck em
that could def be awkward... all Morph knows about Seimei is that he's some sort of irritating overachiever
funny thing about being a mutant is that people tend to use science and technology against you a lot, so that's sure a thing
that's all he needs to know tbh
nope, he also needs to know that he already got away with stealing Douman's pants at least twice
fauna and morph high five
🙌 I don't think they'll always agree with her methods but sometimes. superheroes gotta cause property damage
time for some x-men infighting--
sometimes you just gotta cause property damage.
sometimes, you just gotta kick a guy into a wall so hard that he leaves a crater in the wall shaped like your logo.
also scott doesn't want to admit but he doesn't want to go home right away
but mostly doesn't want to take the chance of everyone dying
or getting more fucked up if the program is destroyed
unless more information is revealed
like if it's cemented that they won't perish if the world is destroyed, then he'd go for it more
I just honestly don't know how anyone's going to find that kind of info in... /checks watch, less than a month
in Morph's mind it's way more likely that they're all lying in some lab with their brains hooked up to the same computer is all... like THEY don't remember dying and would've had no reason to die
so isn't everyone going 'we're def going to die' just... paranoia?
it's legit the difference between 'do you think we're all computer programs or real people in a program' honestly
^^ that's how rogue is imagining it. They're all just hooked up to some computer. Wearing a computer helmet
maybe morph can convince scott?? but
he's going to have some major doubts
yeah the plotting post says there's going to be a post for IC discussion sometime soon so they can all yell about it there
hey with the amount of people wanting to preserve the AI I expect yelling to happen!