and what did karlach get? oh just the ability to CLEAVE THROUGH REALITY ITSELF.
if you want karlach to meet an alternate reality version of your char I definitely can do that with you now 😜
lmao what the fuck is that what was going on
doitsun: yes!! it was a whole thing... i just realized karlach didn't mention it much to astarion bc she was like "no way that man is getting sawdust in his hair"
mikumo and karlach also got a new sponsor up for everyone! ENTRECHAT for dancewear and stuff... you could ask karlach if you want a costume design you want but it'd probably be a way better idea to ask mikumo or you'll end up looking like guy fieri
lmao well that was when he was being weird(er)
also it's a good thing they're next door because astarion keeps collecting creatures in the gachas
alternate realities you say
lmao astarion just acquiring critters and dropping them at karlach's door every night
missnaya: yeah ig karlach is now officially the only one who could escape ellie's pocket nana
as well as being the only one who probably wouldn't try
LMFAO you stay in her pocket dimension young lady!!
i feel like there'll come a time when ellie realizes she's actually trapped in there with karlach
she's gonna be the only one to get banned from there
holy crap shes getting too stronk for reality
find an AU lp where she's sane. ........... if that's. possible.
darkmorph: that'd be so sad she'd be like "wow i don't even want to lick her a little"
i can use it once a month i'm so excited
i cant even conceive of a mentally stable lp so. that tracks
lmao she just acts like karlach and karlach is REVOLTED
im literally trying to put serious thought into this and i think she'd maybe even be stupid and cute maybe she could still be bloodthirsty but actually happy. there. i cant separate the bloodlust thats lpcore
yeah that's just karlach but a wolf
i... i guess so?!??? huh?! k doesnt get along with kcore people?
i can't even think of a single other character in baldur's gate that acts that way
everyone else is an edgelord murderhobo
guess she was too strong to be edgy
apparently not she got her evil ass nasty bitch ending hallelujah
k: why edge when you can do this /flexes
oh well, that's extremely deserved
yeah it's really hard to be that hot but also be upset about existing
pls don't cut open the alternate reality where the seaborn won in AK because that's definitely where another laurentina exists 😂
well.... exists is a strong word.... seaborn laurentina scary
god everything is3 is horribly tragic |':
karlach is just gonna go around slicing up all the arknights realities
y'all get hotter the deeper she cuts hello
at least she died human in is3.... the new skalter skin has some seaborn creatures wearing the hats and memorabillia of abyssal hunters so that's another one
RIGHT WHEN I SAW skaspec puppets i was like jesus they're just rubbing salt in the wounds
RIGHT???? LIKE OKAY. just have to live with that knowledge now. anyways alternate reality laurentinas would just be Sad, Man.
wait is the implication they merc skadi ;;
oshi karlach just got her harley too!!!!!!!
skadi/abyssal hunters lore gets... pretty involved, and there's basically an AU bad end of it where the sea terrors overtake the entire planet apocalyptically and almost every living chara/being dies. hmm there might be like a lore video... but def take ur time reading or learning more about it.
przm: other way around, skadi awakened as a seaborn god and merc'd all the hunters and most of the world
i started reading but i got distracted by becoming a superfan of tableleg
yeahh there's more but it's like an AU they show
i'm changing my name to chairleg

what if best character is actually her. sorry laurentina for being an amaia apologist
plurk did not like that jpg i guess
owlits: the original axe? SOMEBODY got murdered and sent it back to the sea
darkmorph: this is why she lied to you about the chainsaw
and then forgot she did and also forgot she doesn't trust you
literally nobody should shes literally planning to CENSORED k's heart
the way i sent you that tag like "this is meant to show off zariel's carvings but also i hope it forces her to think about CENSORED-ing this hole"
there was like a negative infinity chance she would not do that
i do really love that her first impulse was to stick her fingers into the source of all the fire
there are only pros and no cons. pros: finger hole, get maybe horribly burnt, touch gf heart. cons: none??
i think at this point it's not so much "horribly burnt" as it is "your arm gone lol"
but she's got that insulator on it rn at least
wait i keep forgetting to link you this for ref
darkmorph: okay but like.... i get it. laurentina doesn't, but i do.
me thinking of lp losing a limb: oh no!... anyway
idk if her losing a hand trying to grab her heart is romantic or i'm just so tired my broken brain has lost its filter
it'd be worth. also i guess SIN healthcare OP. also go sleep smh!
also ugh that vid is cute... i guess there's one more cure other than be evil
this animatic is just her getting that part that allows her to touch people again

this lp/evil k
lp: i want to destroy the homeland
k: ok but what if we did it with fire and flesh eating devils tho
the 'this world isnt actually worth saving and is prob worth destroying to the ground' pair
god even k's first act during heel turn is going home to destroy it too ;; they were meant to be
me thinking: idk flesh eating might be a bit much wait lp literally ate a guy's face in one of her first threads
we could put strawberries on top then it's a classy dessert
wow dont let lp learn that or she'd just get even worse like that's even possible
just uses all my monthly axe charges to make our characters fall for their evil twins
i refuse to play it actually i petition sinducer to make it use for HAPPY AU'S ONLY there problem solved
TRY ME...... we'd still find a way to make it miserable
unfortunately the worse the better
ok but consider: mikumo's canon has an actual au timeline
please do intervene before we use it all on traumatizing threesomes
i demand mikumo gets first AU bc shes literally the best out of the 3 of them tbh
tbf movieverse mikumo herself probably isn't different enough to main canon timeline mikumo
she's just flatter because she has less screentime but she could meet the siren system.
best to shittiest ranking: 1. mikumo 2. karlach 3. (REST OF GAME GOES HERE) 999999. lappy
a.k.a. evil walkure a.k.a. "what if someone did the same cloning process that made mikumo but instead turned it into an ai (which would then later become an organic being)"
fuck off lp is the best girl
though for full impact she probably needs to find out mikumo is a clone first craughs
LMAOOOOOO revise comin in hot with more evil
look it's not my fault macross chose to go the evil twins route canonically in the movieverse
yeah and it's so fucking hard to get infodumps on karlach because she literally will not push anyone's comfort zone
the game needs an evil twins or evil au event or smth clearly
i think i'm gonna ask for it as my gacha thing
or... ig i could just suggest it somewhere and not have to pay anything
me: im never gonna roll gacha this is how i win against worst wolf
PS i fucking hate adnachiel
OH... he's not terribly good, its better to raise kroos! shes kinda cute and can hit pretty hard
even for a 3* i used her pretty often
i'm trying desperately to get my weasel and i just get him every time
good to know i just got her earlier!!
adnachiel is now potential rank 6 FUCK OFF BRO
if u just sign in on 8th day there will be another 10roll ticket
this is all from the recruiting thingie
oh actually i think... if u build ur base you can unlock 'recruitment', which is just free
wait what do i do my people are fatigued oh no
i thiiiink shirayuki will be 'sniper' and 'AOE' iirc
so if u see those then choose max time and hope it's her
i do and then it's adnachiel every time