queer power
6 months ago
[DS9] Since I've been sufficiently enabled, this is containment for rewatch thoughts
latest #23
queer power
6 months ago
I'm both jumping around for Garak episodes and also intending on continuing the rewatch I started a couple of months ago, so none of this is going to be in order lol
queer power
6 months ago
in fact I'm watching Afterimage tonight and - I have to admit to being an Ezri Dax hater
queer power
6 months ago
I honestly think it's just because she's a little too cringe. I had trouble with a book recently that featured an extremely awkward romance and I could hardly stand it despite the rest of the book being good... so it's not purely an Ezri thing
queer power
6 months ago
I think making someone super awkward when it's meant to be ~quirky~ for me is just.... no. stop it. I don't want it
i wanted to like ezri so much bc jadzia was one of my favorites....... and then i just couldn't
queer power
6 months ago
I feel that so hard, I legitimately really like most of the cast and then Ezri comes along and it's just.... yeah
queer power
6 months ago
to say nothing of how it feels really weird for her to hook up with Bashir, like even in this episode she says 'if Jadzia hadn't chosen Worf it would have been you'
queer power
6 months ago
what is Ezri then, a consolation prize for Bashir not getting Jadzia??? uhhh NO THANKS
queer power
6 months ago
not the first time DS9 has been extremely weird about relationships though /stares at Ziyal
queer power
6 months ago
it sucks because I do think the concept of Dax coming back as a new person is interesting but the way they designed Ezri as some sort of shoujo protagonist is just not good
yeah it. it's bad. i think it's extra unfortunate too just BECAUSE the rest of the characters are really strong. and coming in for like the very last season after everyone else has had a lot of time to develop, none of that helps
queer power
6 months ago
I know they probably felt like they had to fill a crew slot but Ezri really should've been like, a two-parter episode at most. have her show up for the drama for a short while and then leave
queer power
6 months ago
the way she acts in Afterimage is just .... Garak's over here having full blown panic attacks and she just stumbles her way through it all until Garak finally snaps enough to voice what's wrong lol
queer power
6 months ago
started slowly watching DS9 eps when work is slow... I'm doing the Garak episodes in order now since I really need to double down on his voice, I have a month!! and I wanna be ready
queer power
6 months ago
I'm on Profit and Loss and.... it is ridiculous how romantic Quark can be when he wants to me, like goddamn?? his attitude when he really cares for someone is sooo different than his usual misogynistic viewpoint
queer power
6 months ago
watching it makes me forget that this episode really did a romance between a lizard woman and a troll guy with a butt for a head
queer power
6 months ago
(the aliens are a huge part of why I love Star Trek tho so I see nothing wrong with this)
queer power
6 months ago
Garak's line at the end about killing Tolan because he loves Cardassia... I'm inclined to think that one isn't a lie because Quark clearly doesn't understand what's going on with the politics
queer power
6 months ago
and Garak knew Tolan hated his guts, that whole thing was def planned out... Garak knew the fucker would be keeping an eye on him both to see if he'd do it and then try to screw him over
queer power
6 months ago
Second Skin is SUCH a good episode too. love that this series has such strong female characters, Jadzia is good but I think Kira is my fav woman on the show
queer power
6 months ago
she has so much depth and character development, and this ep in particular is a fun mindfuck that also does a good job of teaching her (and the audience) that not all cardassians are fascist assholes
queer power
6 months ago
and I love Ghemor's warning at the end about not trusting Garak ... it's okay Garak is a little too sentimental to betray the only people that act remotely nice to him
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