3 weeks ago
Guys I'm torn on choices. I want to buy one of two mounts, so which one?
latest #20
3 weeks ago
Mount: Chocobo Carriage (Account-wide) | FINAL FANTA...Chocobo Carriage (noting that I already have two four-person mounts, the Sky Slipper and the Regalia)
3 weeks ago
Mount: Cruise Chaser (Account-wide) | FINAL FANTASY ...Cruise Chaser (also have multiple two person mounts, the moogle bench, the garlond bike with Alpha, and the farm tractor)
3 weeks ago
(I cannot buy both but I am getting one for myself as a treat and they're both ones that I wanted and are on sale)
3 weeks ago
The Chocobo Carriage is classic final fantasy and I think it's adorable. I like it for that reason. But, again, I already have two four-person mounts, Thancred's PT cruiser and the FFXV roadtrip vehicle
3 weeks ago
Cruise Chaser is cool factor and transforms based on whether it's grounded or in the sky, and has an awesome theme. I do have multiple two-person mounts as well, at least three
3 weeks ago
chocobo carriage is also a bigger discount but it's only by one dollar T_T
3 weeks ago
I don't want to spend over $100 USD so I've gotta pick one x_x
3 weeks ago
That depends. Do you like birbs or mech?
3 weeks ago
I like both, but after crunching the numbers with the exchange rate I'm going for Cruise Chaser as that'll keep me under $100 CAD
3 weeks ago
(also getting a story skip and a level skip for an alt, otherwise I'd just get both mounts lol
3 weeks ago
Oof yeah $25 is a heavy price tag for a birb carriage
3 weeks ago
I wouldn't worry since that mount has been there forever
3 weeks ago
oh yeah the only thing that was prompting the thought to get it now was that it's on sale. that said, if it's still on sale by Saturday next week I might grab it then
3 weeks ago
I don't use either much because I end up buying bird barding to dress up the chocobco since he looks boring with his default
3 weeks ago
I also high-key want to change Masamune to a Hyur >_> not that him as a cat man isn't fitting, it just feels like it might be more interesting to play him as a hyur
3 weeks ago
I still have a fantasia active and I can change my mind later since A.) it lets you edit up to 36 hours after you first finalize and B.) I have extra fantasias if I want to change back after that
3 weeks ago
I'll probably save the appearance data for cat man and change him to hyur for now
3 weeks ago
oh nevermind it's only an hour lmao WELL I'm still happy with what I did for his Hyur appearance
2 weeks ago
aww. Carriage isn't on sale anymore. Ah well, I can go for it another time
2 weeks ago
oops too late...but give it time and it will be on sale again when you least expect it
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