i am once again throwing a tantrum about wol haters
latest #57
if your game allows tav/durge, fandom ocs, and all malleable protags except for the WoL? fuck off
after dropping lehna i realized how fucking toxic it was to be in dwrp with a wol. i will not be bringing her back anytime soon.
4 months ago
do games actually have a "No WoLs" rule now?
just saw one!
4 months ago
ugh. what game, if you don't mind my asking?
sticks and bones
as a former game mod, we had to have rules about the WOL mostly because of other players. initially, we had a pretty lax rule about the WOL and we treated them like any other malleable protag

but then someone joined and was like "ACTUALLY, THIS PUTS MY CHARACTER IN A REALLY WEIRD SPOT"
this was a while ago so I don't remember the specifics, but another player basically said that having the WOL made apping y'shtola (not who it was but it's the first character I can think of) hard
So we had to like backtrack our WOL stance
it doesn’t. also the game mention doesn’t mention tav or durge which is the same thing.
i play estinien in games with wols and have zero issue
4 months ago
Yeah, as an npc player I'm struggling to imagine how having a WoL would make playing a character hard
Bc other players wanted a WOL that their character could recognize, basically. and the WOL is such an integral part to all of the other characters in the canon, that having someone play them differently than how your character perceived them in canon like

breaks your character

No, I also thought it was nonsense. I totally agree with you
sorry i just saw that so i am like. so grumpy about it
4 months ago
4 months ago
It's dwrp. Just play it as slightly different universes
no you're totally valid!!

we mods were like "??" but we were sorta new and overwhelmed and we didn't want to start a fight so we were likE OKAY WHATEVER NO WOLS
yeah and i get it used to be a lot worse than it is now and some people don’t know that rp is with other people so you can’t have your wol be the super special god’s favorite princess who is good at everything that they are in ffxiv canon
but yeah normally it's not the WoL player themselves, but the people playing the NPCs that have the issue
4 months ago
Yeah, that's a legit mod call but also absolutely wild behavior on the player's end
i mean! idk just dni them
i’ve been dni’d with lehna before and yeah it kinda stung but also it avoided headaches and i appreciate them being upfront
people need to dni more often if they've got a problem tbh I hate how dwrp doesn't communicate
4 months ago
missnaya: yeah or like. See if they can work something out with the other player?
yeah, it's weird that this is like the only canon where this occurs
we hawke players from DA2, which is also like a malleable protag, and no one complained
but the WOL was like "!!! CAN'T HAVE THAT!!!"
ice warden.
4 months ago
Every day I’m glad caldera has been the chillest game to play a WoL in.
4 months ago
Some people are just super over-invested in their WoL, I guess /shrug
that's what we thought, too. y'all just want YOUR wol and you don't like anyone else's
4 months ago
Yeah like...if you're going to app an FFXIV NPC then it kind of feels like a requisite that you'd accept you're going to have to interact with other people's WoLs and adjust accordingly. If you want your personal canon, write a fanfic or something.
as an npc player i have also never cared if someone wants to play their wol in a game with me.... in fact i tend to enjoy it!
4 months ago
Like my personal canon has my WoL in a relationship with an NPC, but I'd never dream of trying to force that on someone who played them, I'd just accept that in this version, it doesn't happen.
4 months ago
But also I'm safe because the NPC is Lyse, and who plays her really.
4 months ago
soulseer: this, yes! And I'm happy to touch base about what someone's WoL is like and what my dude should know
in my canon lehna is married to Estinien who... i play lehna and estinien, lehna isn’t even my Estinien’s wol.
and again! just dni a wol if you don’t want to play with them or think it’s weird
4 months ago
4 months ago
I have so many shippy crime pics of them
but it’s also no different than me playing estinien and some Aymeric player (not jan who is the only Aymeric I’ve played with lol) being like OUUUGHHH ESTIMERIC when i dislike that ship
SamuraiMarmoset: grabby hands send them (pp or i can give you my disc)
the reason i play hyth as never having confessed feelings to emet is exactly so that if i ever run into an emet who doesn't ship it i can just say "and then he never said anything and they stayed friends" lol
4 months ago
Same yeah, but with Emet
4 months ago
I'm happy to ship, but I'm not going to assume anyone else is
4 months ago
yeah drop your disco! I'll send you my favourites.
soulseer: exactly like. you should never put those expectations on another player unless it’s explicit canon. i feel like there’s this fear that wols will do it and it’s like. just tell them no and you’re uncomfortable
SamuraiMarmoset: it’s just “lehna.” !!! with the period. I need to change it lol
i've never run into any wols who Expect me to do shit lol
ice warden.
4 months ago
As also a WoL player, I like to talk to any npc players like an adult and we figure out what’s what. I never expect anyone to bend to my WoL lore, that’s just so rude.
4 months ago
Yeah, like. There's always psls too! Less pressure and ideally you'd be talking to your psl thread partner
4 months ago
I usually played non-WoLs and my WoL is just friends with the NPCs in canon because I didn't want anyone to feel like they had to adhere to anything personalized for my WoL unless they really wanted to.
4 months ago
But some people act like playing a WoL is holding the poor NPC players at gunpoint :-)
4 months ago @Edit 4 months ago
You literally do not have to acknowledge them as the same WoL they know and can always dni if it bothers them so bad! Communication! Who'd have thought!
4 months ago
we're mostly all adults! we should use our grown-up words
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