latest #53
gonna try to keep up with a tag plurk again bc since i don't do a thread tracker this is really the best way to find my threads i realized lmao
starting september off with a stupid tag. that's the spirit.

they're nailing this
Red looking forward to his new cap:
me looking at this art and only now realizing someone has thrown a tankard of beer at ciri?!
LMAO did she Blink out of the way, i was wondering why she had the magic glow
claire and red are making me emotional i love this cr already babybananas
omg me too i was just thinking that this morrrnninnng
he makes her so homesick aahhhh
it's so beautiful and perfect, i didn't even know i needed this
it's going to be such a comfort to him that she knows his home and he can talk to her about it.... weh. (meanwhile, me googling scotland and sweating)
lfjklgfdfg listen i had to google where tf lallybroch was in relation to everything lmaooo /grips ur hands harder
oh good i guess if we both need to google scotland at least i won't feel like a clown tagging you LMAO
ok time to blast thru some ancient tags don't look at time stamps

Claude x 2
ok im caught up to... within a week
tomorrow. i will continue.
your claire tag made my heart warm aahhh
or rather, your tag to claire
once again blinked and lost a week, my life is so crazy rn. we persevere

ugh the girls.... they're so cute
slowly getting through the backlog. a few things left, all less than a week so that's progress.
if anything is too old to tag back that's ok just lmk!! i am just trying to finish up these older threads while i'm on hiatus but i plan to clean slate in october
i think i could use something short and stupid in this trying month lol
Aloy uuuugh they're cute help
Cid they are also cute :T
Feeling a bit more caught up!! And slowly wrapping / clearing stuff out before October, so I think I'll be in a good place to start fresh next month.
TheMightySra this is how i find out Mid was adopted?! lmao

I somehow completely missed this in the game (it completely makes sense for Cid, I just never thought about it afkl)
KGHKFDGDF SURPRISE? i don't think they ever say it out loud you find out in the very last info card they give you for her
oh lmao I guess I never read it
I was like I MISSED THIS?!
i kinda like that it's not brought up.... she's his daughter and it doesn't matter!!
yeah same ;; no one even thinks about it
Oh God I forgot about gains lmaooo
I'm way too stupid to be in this game
I finally have some time to focus on tags this week, sorry I'm only tagging once a week these days klafg I hope October will be easier
I'm taking a hiatus pass this month but I think I still need to say the gains I want from last month or it sort of expires...
ok i did some brainstorming and plotting and i feel better... i'm working on wrapping most of my threads coming into the new month and eager for the new folks coming in soon too
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