a girl in love
1 weeks ago
can anyone find the tumblr post of ppl being subjected to the song Sticker for the first time
latest #27
a girl in love
1 weeks ago
the one where someone was like "my sister played her music in the car while I was driving and when this came on I nearly crashed the car"
a girl in love
1 weeks ago
a girl in love
1 weeks ago
Rin: I want to go deaf in the other ear
started playing it bc i could not remember how it went
and tom brady immediately was disturbed by it.
so i stopped playing it.
i don't think i lasted a full thirty seconds
i couldn't handle it
"subjected to" is the correct wording
doom triangle
1 weeks ago
oh. oh no
doom triangle
1 weeks ago
there were so many choices made in the production of this song and all of them were wrong.
a girl in love
1 weeks ago
I'm like in tears laughing again
https://images.plurk.com/4ZMDE6jrjx8DneslucXfJD.png https://images.plurk.com/5RQ7f4kI8nuePibkoDIQOT.png https://images.plurk.com/7B9wy4SMeifyrpnbJMaF4k.png https://images.plurk.com/1Iv4rEGnwETxVncnqp4RdS.png
more tags from when my nct friend was like LEAVE STICKER ALONE!!! so i was showing him people reacting
doom triangle
1 weeks ago
like ok yeah whoever produced this has a great future in deranged jarring ambient music but probably should give kpop a pass
anal railgun
1 weeks ago
i want to give these people a fiery furnaces album and watch their face journeys
anal railgun
1 weeks ago
but also it's still so funny to imagine this being unleashed upon kpop standom in particular
anal railgun
1 weeks ago
truly their ears didn't ask for this
anal railgun
1 weeks ago
honestly the bad rapping might be worse than the My First Recorder sample
a girl in love
1 weeks ago
I think what kills me the most every time is really just the sheer contrast between the vocalists putting their whole pussy into the performance vs the lifeless midi keyboard
1 weeks ago
i braced myself and still wasn't ready
God of Brats
1 weeks ago
Eye To Eye should drop this
1 weeks ago
I'VE SEEN THIS POST AROUND BEFORE BUT NEVER LISTENED TO THE SONG ITSELF, until now, and if i were driving i would have also nearly crashed my car
a girl in love
1 weeks ago
it's so much.
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