cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
and yard adventures and probably complaining catch-all
latest #70
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago bruh
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
this week sure has been something. my parents' car starter went, and now the light fixture in my room may be dead
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
so i'm looking through possible replacements and you would THINK
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
people would take a picture of the room with the LIGHT ON
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
but you would be INCORRECT
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i did find like . . . almost the same model as the one that's in here now too
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
so there is that
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
ofc one of the lights has never worked so idk if that was user error or what
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
it's probably been like that for . . . hm, 15 years maybe
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
but god just show me how bright the fuckin light is, and noT WITH THE SUN SHINING IN THROUGH THE WINDOW
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
face in hands
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i have 7 different ones open in tabs and i think i have found TWO reviews who actually like. took pics of the room dark and then lit up
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
out of thousands
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
this room is just a fuckin mess tho
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
one day when there is light again i need to take pictures cuz
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i forget which attempt it was but i moved out and my sister immediately took the room over
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
painted it bright ass green
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
did NOT change the pink trim
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
and wrote all over the walls
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
then painted OVER that
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
not to mention
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
there are multiple holes in the walls cuz [waves hand sister's teen years]
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
oh good it still works
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
puts fixtures in bookmarks to promptly forget
sin town
1 weeks ago
is your sister my sister bc when she moved out I finally got her room which had been written all over the walls and holes in it bc she’d put holes in the wall when mad
sin town
1 weeks ago
my dad fixed the room and painted it a nice soft creamsicle orange for me and then she moved back and kicked me out lmaoo
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i think our sisters at one point were in fact the same
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
my power went out.....
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
and back
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i'm so confused
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
firefox stopped giving me notif sounds for gmail so i did a whole lot of messing around to try to fix it to no avail
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
so i was like ok fine be that way, i still have the lil notifier icon
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
whoops got distracted
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
anyway, i wake up this morning and mess a bit, give up again
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
and out of nowhere it just works
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
and not only does it work but it works the way i intended it to when i got back on firefox
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
ok gmail thank u but what
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago taking the monthly wrestle predictions seriously
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago my favorite season is here, absorbing football through seth rollin's tweets
cass 🐅
6 days ago
hides some gen rp stuff here
cass 🐅
6 days ago
you ever like, let your brain wander with ideas and come up a few hours later to a doc titled this:
cass 🐅
6 days ago
cass 🐅
6 days ago
it's already six pages
cass 🐅
6 days ago
will i actually do something with this? eh
cass 🐅
6 days ago
maybe i'll flesh it out a little more and see how it feels
cass 🐅
6 days ago
but i do like the plot beats i came up with upon re-reading my madness
cass 🐅
3 days ago
gettin' an overdue haircut wheeze
cass 🐅
3 days ago
i hate it it's touching my neck
cass 🐅
3 days ago
ok got my hair cut but also, we had to sit in the parking lot behind walmart for akmost an hour cuz they took me right away and so we had that long to kill
cass 🐅
3 days ago
i played 2048 on my phone instead of listening to dad complaints
cass 🐅
2 days ago
help my niece is here
cass 🐅
2 days ago
7 am this morning i was woken up by her arrival . . . and then again at some point by her rushing into my room cuz she thought i was awake
cass 🐅
2 days ago
in a shocker my parents decided to lay down and nap while niece was hanging out in here with me
cass 🐅
2 days ago
me, literally 30 minutes before: hey, i kind of don't feel good
cass 🐅
15 hours ago ehe
cass 🐅
38 minutes ago
there i am, standing outside, minding my own business as the deer wander into the yad
cass 🐅
38 minutes ago
and the mommy starts walking towards me
cass 🐅
37 minutes ago
no big, they do that, but she like . . . got REAL close and i was like NOPE OH GOD and noped briefly into the house
cass 🐅
37 minutes ago
she wanted the peanuts on the sidewalk
cass 🐅
33 minutes ago
cass 🐅
33 minutes ago
one of her babies that ain't a baby so much
cass 🐅
33 minutes ago
they're both boys
cass 🐅
33 minutes ago
they got the lil bumps on their heads where the antlers will grow
cass 🐅
33 minutes ago
babies weh
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