艾草糖@星野純 喜歡
2 months ago
Steam極好評RPG《Soulash 2》拒新增同性婚姻元素遭炎上 開發者硬氣回應 | udn遊戲角落Artur 最終表示:「我的祖輩經歷過納粹時期,父母面對共產時代也成功挺過來了;我從 10 歲開始受到宗教壓迫,然後現在有些被寵壞的屁孩認為我該對彩虹旗下跪,否則他們就要開始對我打字了。」
艾草糖@星野純 喜歡
2 months ago
My grandparents survived the nazis, my parents endured communism, I had to live through religious oppression since the age of 10, and now some spoiled brats think I'll bend my knee to their rainbow flag, or else they'll type some words.