6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
[Cats/Pet Adoptions] Due to shenanigans, my fam and I have ended up with a bunch of foster kitties in need of homes in the Brownsville, Texas area (78521). Our local shelters are full, and our local rescue orgs are also all full, and the only advice anyone has had for me is "post on social media" so. Here I am! Pics/Links inside, replurks much beloved!
latest #80
Bobby Socks; 1.5yo male, fixed. Chill and a little shy, loves bum scratches, would need a quieter household or more time to acclimate. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Cheddar; 2yo female, fixed. Chill, a little aloof, not fond of pets but loves food. A quieter house would do her better than a loud one. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Colby; 1.5yo male, fixed. Vocal, friendly, affectionate (will flop on your feet!). Food motivated to the point of finding crumbs on the kitchen floor, would do well in an active household. Lets you cuddle him like a baby! rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Fuzzy; 1.5yo male, unfixed. Very very very friendly (will stand on his hind legs to give you hugs!) and very very very very food motivated! Not so vocal and doesn't like to be held to be cuddled, but friendly all the same. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Mac; 17wo male, unfixed. Bouncy, playful, runs like an energizer bunny and plays with any moving thing. Partial to the plastic pieces that come off of buckets of Tidy Cats litter, and adores his soft food breakfast. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Songbird; 1.5yo female, unfixed. Incredibly vocal, incredibly friendly. Will let you cuddle her like a baby and rub rub rub herself on you the whole time. Absolutely food motivated! rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Mittens; 1.5yo male, fixed. Really rather shy and timid, but coming to love being pet. Would need a quieter household or more time to acclimate. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Peachy; 17wo male, unfixed. Bouncy as Mac (his brother), Peachy is a jumper who can clear the kitchen counter in a single bound while on the search for food. Loves rattling catnip mice toys and soft food. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Poofy; 17wo female, unfixed. V. bouncy, adores running around and chasing after her two brothers (Peachy and Mac), and will play with scraps of cardboard or anything else she can find. ABSOLUTELY food motivated! rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Princess; 1.5yo female, unfixed. Quiet, keeps to herself, hides under blankets and puppy pads for hours! Has the softest, most adorable little trill of a meow, and loves to play with stuffed catnip toys or even foam trays. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
Speedy; 1.5 yo male, fixed. V. quiet, needs a calm household or a Lot of time to acclimate. Would honestly need a one cat household with a calm person. May do well with an older cat to help him come out of his shell. rescue me and adopt a pet and facebook
All of the fixed cats have their rabies shot, though Cheddar's might have expired. None have been snap tested for FiV or FeLV, but all have been inside their entire lives and have shown no signs of either illness. All have constant, consistent exposure to other cats and get along well with one another, but have zero experience with dogs or kids.
I'm still figuring out the Facebook...thing, and don't have an X account, so if you'd like to take and repost these listings, please feel free! Any inquiries (either from here or elsewhere) can be sent to Christina (hi!) at [email protected].
I put my plurk on public for this, so any and all replurks are much appreciated! Cats, man. Just. Cats.
sunless sea
6 months ago
good luck! they're very cute :3
antler queen
6 months ago
ohhh my goodness look at all the oranges, I am nowhere near texas but replurked
so many oranges and not one braincell between them. thank you kindly!
6 months ago
"eeeeeeey, this right 'ere is Bobby Socks, he's a good friend of mine."
burupya: do you still know anybody down that way?
6 months ago
most of the people i knew moved or have dogs, but i can repost
P. ianthina
6 months ago
fuck, I do not live there anymore or I'd help
P. ianthina
6 months ago
(and my parents have three already)
P. ianthina
6 months ago
lemme throw it at some friends still in-area
6 months ago
I'm too far out and my old lady cat would RIOT if I brought home more but replurking with hope
Emily ✟
6 months ago
Oh my gosh, such beautiful furbabies. I pray they all get good loving homes, and are treated with much love, as they all deserve it. Have you thought about putting them onUrgent Need for Pet Adoption - Find Dogs & Cats & Mo.... I will also share. God bless you for caring for them.
yo I'm in the RGV, I'll put feelers out if anyone is looking for a cat friend. Bless you for caring for them (I don't need to tell you how we treat our animals down here, unfortunately especially the cats)
shesays_ Petfinder was my first thought! But as it turns out...they only allow rescue orgs to post nowadays. You can make an account and browse as a "civilian", as it were, but to post? You need to be a member of a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. We are. Not That. Thank you for the love and eyes all the same!
fourboars You really, really do not. This town. This. Town. But thank you very much for the eyes and the feelers!
and a lunch break bump; thank you to everyone for all the love and the replurks as well! this is so much more attention than I could have gotten them on my own. You're all gems. <3
Petfinder is only for shelters and rescues, but anyone can post to adoptapet! (I manage a rescue's petfinder and would post yours if I was nearby, but alas.) Maybe that's worth a try? Also we find a lot of volunteers and signal boosters via neighborhood groups on fb. Or ask a rescue to courtesy post on insta?
Idk what the Texas groups are like at all, but up here the right person boosting for you can make a huge difference.
Oh sorry I went back up and see you have adoptapets not just the rescue mes fhshjsshdjs -- still, fb specifically you wanna be in rescue and neighborhood groups! And the courtesy posts really are a thing.
cuddlebug I really need to dig into FB this evening, see if I can even find our local groups that aren't dog-only (which is. most of them, weeeh) but everybody's got AdoptAPet profiles already! :3 they're in the links below each description. RescueMe, AdoptaPet, FB, and I was waiting for Home2Home to take their profs off pending put. Pff.
--hahah yeah, it's been a bit of a kerfluffle (LOL) Probs need to consolidate a post with everyone in one or two images to not clog up someone else's page, but that'll have to wait for off lunch break. Thank you for the advice all the same! (heart_beat)
I do work with two orgs that have partner rescues in Texas but I believe they're Houston area? I can check after work and see if anybody is nearby enough to be helpful.
Am I counting right that there are 11?
Yep! 11; 3 kittens under 6 months, 8 adults over 1 year of age. Any info/eyes would be much appreciated!
Okay I'll shoot some messages out after work! They're also dog rescues but a courtesy post is a courtesy post, sometimes people with cats or no pets at all follow for good vibes, and kittens often do great with dogs anyway.
Emily ✟
6 months ago
saratogaroad: Oh no, really. That's not fair. I'm glad you were able to check, though.
Breaktime bump! Was able to post to one FB group yesterday, digging into joining more and posting there as well. Also have a tumblr to fill up a queue for (thank you sideblogs)! Thank you everyone, once again, for all the love and attention! You're all tremendously kind, I appreciate you!
Breaktime bump! Three more FB groups posted to, couldn't find any local or even regional ones on Insta (though that site is A Mess) and the Tumblr is filled for the week. Once more, thank you all for the love and eyes. I'll need to try and track down some phone numbers and start calling rescue groups come Monday, but you've been wonderful to me and mine <3
Morning bump! I think I've run out my options on FB. All the remaining groups are dogs for months or so quiet there's been no posts for weeks. Even the dog-only posts aren't getting much attention, it seems. Hrm. Two licenced rescue groups located, both closed for the weekend. Deal with that on monday, I s'pose. Thank you all for the nearly 100 replurks!
(soggy) Monday Morning bump! Thank you all so so so so much for the 100+ replurks, you're treasures.
Midweek lunch break bump! Saw a comment on FB about going further afield for getting rescues, so maybe...I wonder if there's such a thing as freedom rides for cats? Get them outta the RGV, give them better odds. Who would one even contact for that? Hrm. Must discuss with fam.
6 months ago
There are, maybe try to reach out to groups in like.... Colorado, there's a lot of cats and dogs that end up being brought here from Texas and New Mexico etc, they may be able to work with you
That's admittedly a lot farther afield than I was thinking, but thank you! That's a place to start.
Weekend bump! Found the No Kill Network, will be making calls on Monday for advice before going back to FB. Time to stop being a stereotypical millenial and do the phone thing!
Emily ✟
6 months ago
Midweek bump! Posted everybody to the No Kill network and learned that, if you donate to "promote your pet", they'll post to Petfinder on your behalf! I'll need to handle that this evening, since calling folks ended with a lot of "There's this FB group...oh you already did that? Here's this adoption site...oh you did that too? Well..." from the phone folks.
Everybody's stuffed full these days. What a world!
Emily ✟
6 months ago
Weekend bump! Had a couple interested people on FB, they never replied once I mentioned applications and rehoming fees (which the group rules require? why are you here, then?) so. extra eyes are always appreciated (heart)
Emily ✟
5 months ago
Weekend bump! Chronic migraines make things Difficult. Need to figure out the NKN's pay to get them on Petfinder thing when my head stops exploding. You're all treasures for all this support i'm not giving up on these babies!!! (just my damned head...ow.)
Emily ✟
5 months ago
saratogaroad: I'm so sorry you are not feeling well. I hope the headache goes away.
Weekend bump! Had some interest on FB, all of which fell through. One had second thoughts (fair), two balked at the 20 buck adoption fee (No. Comment.) and one blocked me on everything while I was trying to set up a home check with them so. B| Uphill battle but we keep climbing!
Emily ✟
5 months ago
saratogaroad: If it didn't work out, then it is probably a good reason. The babies could have been in harms way. The right family will come along. I wish I could take some, but it is just not possible. My prayers are with you, and all those precious, little souls.
antler queen
5 months ago
Bumps for you! I still love the oranges 😭😭😭
Emily ✟
5 months ago
Are you worried of the unspayed females getting pregnant? Can the state help with at least getting the ones that aren't fixed, fixed? I am just wondering.
shesays_ The unspayed females are kept separate from the singular unneutered male by two doors with round handles and sticky latches even their humans struggle with sometimes, so the concern of another oopsy pregnancy isn't there. the issue with getting them spayed is that every clinic is booked solid for 3+ months out.
The state would be of no help as the local HSPCA chapter is utterly full and the actual County animal control (i.e, the State) is turning away actually injured animals or putting them down because they are also full. This area is overcrowded, underfunded, and much more a dog town than a cat town to begin with. It was a good thought! Just not--
--one that works in this area. I do not say THIS TOWN fondly. (LOL)
Emily ✟
5 months ago
saratogaroad: Ahh I see, that is terrible that everyone is like that right now. You are an absolutely amazing fur mom. Really you are. Thank you so much for loving those babies as much as you do. They are all so precious. Thank you for all you do for them.
Weekly bump! Songbird has her spay scheduled for late December (if the clinic doesn't call with an earlier availability first) but everyone's still here! God willing and the cow don't get in the road
Weekly bump! Presented without much comment as chronic migraines continue to flare, but I'm not giving up on getting them homes.
Emily ✟
4 months ago
Bump. Everytime I check the FB feed, I become more and more grateful that this bunch are inside and safe. What a world, folks. What a world.
Emily ✟
4 months ago
saratogaroad: I wish I could do that with my ferals. But they won't let me lol.
Bump. We persist! Somehow.
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