cass 🐅
2 weeks ago septemberrrr
latest #58
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
nts jump the cat post tomorrow-later
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
i don't have plans as of right now, i am just sort of vibing and going with whatever comes up
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
ore did get back a nice memory, he's been pretty open about most of it
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
except the part where the sister in the memory sure looks a lot like the woman in the photo he got
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
hm. hm!!
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
but i'm having lots of fun i'm glad people want to play with him
2 weeks ago
hmm, HMM, who could it be!!!
ngl aster got || this close to asking if the girl in the memory could be related to the girl in his photo and then he was like. nahhhh
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
cass 🐅
2 weeks ago
ok here is ore in the cat post, what water park, there are kitties
eutrope 🌸
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
one might call him.... a nueplicate
eutrope 🌸
1 weeks ago
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
i .
i'm right
eutrope 🌸
1 weeks ago
tragic that nue is pronounced eastern and ore is pronounced western
ok for real half the time i pronounce ore eastern in my mind tho
maybe 3/4 of the time
eutrope 🌸
1 weeks ago
i pronounce ore "nue", so
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i won't lie, i do the same - "new" and "or-eh"
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
yesssss ore's powers got approved
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
two useful ones and then cat
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
lovely mods made it more useful than just cat and i love them for it
eutrope 🌸
1 weeks ago
what's better than cat
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
ok WHEW i have been kind of out of it this week but ore on au backstory planning
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
i might edit with a link in the ll bakerstreet-esque post we'll see
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
ore has been told he's like a dad a couple of times lately and he is just. both taken aback in that "wait me?" way but also really touched too
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
it's really cute
1 weeks ago
he's the dad boss grampa
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
eutrope 🌸
1 weeks ago
he's totally a dad
go marnie
1 weeks ago
opens mouth. closes mouth.
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
go marnie
1 weeks ago
i won't ruin this
cass 🐅
1 weeks ago
hes such a dad
cass 🐅
6 days ago
adds "toaster parts", "why is my toaster smoking" and "how a toaster works" to the list of things i have googled for rp
6 days ago
6 days ago
To be fair, of all of the things we've googled for rp
6 days ago
This is probably the most normal
cass 🐅
6 days ago
YEAH this is a useful thing to google
eutrope 🌸
6 days ago
cass 🐅
6 days ago
most of my googles are when certain words started being popular
cass 🐅
6 days ago
last night was "ghosted"
eutrope 🌸
6 days ago
6 days ago
#@$@# the pain of rping a timelocked character
cass 🐅
18 hours ago
the game went great for forge, we sent the executioner to the hospital in an uber and then tried to enact social change
cass 🐅
18 hours ago
but we still got to see the real ending so we still came out like wtf??
eutrope 🌸
17 hours ago
forge was so good
cass 🐅
6 hours ago
forge was so good
cass 🐅
6 hours ago
ore is both like, surprised no one else played like they did (essentially just doing what wanted) but also is like "yeah forge just did a forge"
Apple ⚘
6 hours ago
I like how even the ones that were like "oh we're playing like this?" also just immediately went "ok yeah that still works"
cass 🐅
6 hours ago
cass 🐅
6 hours ago
are the kids happy, ok fine
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