DWRP Replurk, please! Thank you
if this happens, I'm apping Deadpool prime ghfj
saruzake Yes they are! The rule is one AU per character: one player AU or one CRAU. So if no player au is taken, then a crau can be apped in!
so in the case of, say, a Spiderverse, there would only be a max of two Peters Parker?
Not exactly. There's one per version. So: original comics version, each of the movie versions, if you can dig out another vefsion like a cartoon that's allowable, then player au OR crau
We're just trying to limit hand crafted AUs to a certain point
What about canon AUs, like the What if Universe? Do they count as an original universe or an AU?
Great question! The thing I want is for each variant to be different enough that it's not the same iteration twice, if that makes sense? So it'll be a bit case by case with something like What If, but I will always tell someone if what they're reserving isn't going to float.
I know that very specifically, say, if you were thinking of the Earth 101 version of Peggy, she is valid even if the original Captain America movie version exists because there is a fundamental difference in who they are
This sounds really interesting! You had me at Zero Escape, Squid Game, and Until Dawn inspirations
These inspirations will play VERY hard in the monthly puzzles!
The Cube movies are also good fun so I'm very hooked on seeing where this goes!
Without tipping too much off without the FAQ to back it up yet, the mechanics inspired by Cube will help hook the puzzles into the exploration mechanic
I was afraid nobody would know it, I should have known better
Thank you for your answer! Last question! What sort of AC are you thinking of?
Proof of one exploration thread (at least 5 comments from yourself) and one puzzle thread (again, at least five comments) per month. Basically, it shows you're interacting with the game on the mechanics it's presented with
I want AC to directly address the mechanics so that things keep moving, if that makes sense!
It absolutely makes sense!
ooohhhhh I would be very interested in this 👀👀👀
just sliding in to say that this looks amazing 👀
This looks awesome; I think I’d have too much trouble making AC but that’s on me, it’s a reasonable AC and def would be interested in the future if my life chills tf out
We will welcome you! And the tdm will always be open!
....My best friend and I still have nightmares inspired by a mis-managed Cube event.
Oh dear! We will do our best not to cause any nightmares.
It was just puzzle clues got confused in the hand-off between runners to allow for active boomeranging in multiple time zones.
We're hoping to get other mods as to prevent such a thing
But the more active system is exploration, puzzles are intended between pairs
To make it less complicated!
Exploration is going to mix dice and checkins in a deviation/homage of other, older games such as
Just to check, is this an MCU characters only game, or panfandom?
Let me just... edit the term panfandom into the top.
Excellent! I'll put a tentative yes pin in this. I'd love to play Shiro from Voltron: Legendary Defender in this kind of environment
Ooooh, the potential. I love this
librariansheart ....don't tempt me to bring one of my voltrons out, I've never found a Shiro
I could bring Pidge. Tiny hacker gremlin
I've played keith, lance and matt so I could do any of them
lol I keep having the opposite problem! Every time I find a game that interests me, there's already a Shiro there! I rarely got to play off of other Voltrons, so I'd be happy for castmates!
oh lordy Shiro and the Holt siblings
or at least Shiro trying to control the chaos that is Pidge and Matt
Matt will always say "Pidge yes", because it's hilarious
Shiro at the rest of the game:
Shiro like "I'm so sorry"
on the other hand, best method of finding put wtf is going on with technology is to turn those two loose. Just gotta give them a direction and check back in.
make sure they haven't programmed the laser court into a giant 8-bit marquee instead of disabling it.
but the best way to test it is to program a simple game!
Update: We have decided to proceed ahead! Setting a tentative date for docs launch/tdm of September 22, how does that feel for everyone?
I’ll take what I can get!
Seriously though whatever works for the mods
that's right after my birthday
Part of why I'm asking is because I want to leave enough time to work out certain mechanics (for example, this game has a very specifically plotted out death mechnaic, you'll see more in the info docs), but I also need to decide when to launch the game proper based on how much time is Enough Time to tdm and write apps
I just need a week and a half to settle mechanics, so I picked an arbitrary date
I’m off the week of the 22nd and away with a friend who also rp’s so for me personally it’s the perfect week.
Oh I love scary puzzles and being doomed by the narrative
I’ll def be checking out the tdm at least bc this sounds super interesting
Do you guys mind if the infodocs have a more simplistic design? I know a lot of games manage these really pretty pages, but I don't really have any design sense when it comes to coding. (Alternatively, if anyone knows where I can get navigation game codes, that'd be great)
Simplistic doesn’t bother me
please give simple info pages lmao the big boxy ones where you scroll in each box are a headache on mobile
Oh gosh, I will enjoy sticking to simplistic then, and I will make sure to test everything on mobile
Quick q as I debate character options: on a scale of “the character deserved better/this is a doomed timeline where smth went wrong” to “this ended badly for the character but they kinda did it to themselves/their demise was thematically appropriate” what sort of flavors of Bad End are we allowed?
chaiteacup The rule for player AUS, if you go that way, is you can change one thing. You can pretty much do whatever you want with that change, as long as it makes sense with the character's core. What I'm concerned with is A) knowing that you know the character and B) that you aren't altering the heart of them, if that makes sense?
Oki-doke, read you loud and clear! I was mostly curious about what falls under the umbrella of “meeting an inappropriate fate” in terms of canon esp if I decide to play from something that hasn’t finished yet
Like would “villain protagonist who got fucked over by their own hubris” count, for example
chaiteacup Yes, that does count, because you can argue they were meant to perservere beyond that and eventually change for the better
rubnova: rubs my hands together this opens a few possibilities. I may have to save other questions for when a future faq opens up
I've been working on all the infodocs today so they may be up in a few days, despite the tdm going up on the 22! I just want to make sure i'm satisfied with them
I am
releasing one infodoc now, just to be completely transparent this game DOES have a few extra mechanics outside the exploration mechanic.
The interest check hinted at this but it didn't really have the space to get into it.
Will there be any world building elements?
Like can people make locations and such
There will be three zones: Friendly, Enemy and The Expanse. The Expanse will be something that people can add upon by making locations, yes.
That's fun
dormiveglia I hope it'll be fun! The exploration stuff is pretty much what's holding the infodocs up, I am working out the involved mechanics (how people can explore, how people can world build) actively at the moment
What’re YOU doing at the devil’s sacrament, Krystal
oh no, someone replurked this and I tripped into it,
oh I love the death/nightmare mechanic, that looks fun!
rodentia in case you're feeling a low AC game
wanna do puzzles, thor or cable? wanna do them sexy?
please, i'd get to rp with you
i will investigate further this evening
Maybe comment to the Interest Check post with links to info docs/posts?
Just so they don't get lost in this plurk.
Great idea! I'll do that in a moment.
Since we're starting on the 26th instead of the 22, releasing another infodoc to make up for it and drum up interest!
Adversaries and allies, aka your friendly neighborhood npcs you'll be working with
I hope all you clark Kent lovers spy a certain NPC |D
(yes any NPC is still appable)