6 months ago
Possible September plotting! Inmate shenanigans edition!
Inmate shenanigans?
latest #91
6 months ago
The options are
* small meeting of the "movie club" where a secret ledger is debuted where they write their opinions about both inmates and wardens in terms of gathering support as well as other info
* Office Space movie viewing party. Casual gathering of more inmates though not necessarily everyone, Job griping!
6 months ago
-- so what you are telling me is a bunch of Inmates are gonna watch Mean Girls and start their own Burn Book
6 months ago
- Inmate filter post - this would be some type of address to all inmates asking them to make some kind of group petition related to wardens such as having one warden step down and another take over an important supervisor position. Due to circumstances, it will take time for a confirmed plan here. In particular I'm looking for an accomplice warden
6 months ago
(cause Trevor is not on board THANKS TREVOR)
Circumstances being like some supervisor wardens, their respective plots are in progress or on hiatus, so we will see what makes sense with the emerging situation if anything
6 months ago
- Option 4: this is for if someone else has a good idea, such as a person who is not my character Walter who would like to host a gathering related to his ideas, and then all the players can get together in the poll like "hell yeah let's do option 4"
6 months ago
- accomplice warden: see above
6 months ago
also, to be clear, this isn't literally just "I'm gonna do whatever option wins" just a tool for gathering ideas. but sadly. I cannot do all the ideas at once. there are multiple days in Walter's month but I only have so many tags a month in me
6 months ago
also this is relevant to the fact that September will probably be a port month so that will also provide inmates the opportunity to be less bothered than a flood/breach and time to gather resources so that will probably be something that can emerge from any of these options
6 months ago
ImpureTale: you laugh but Eiffel (warden. collaborator. hiss) did hold a Mean Girls viewing
but yeah, that would be the idea. Gortash would probably be invited to Office Space version of the party
6 months ago
6 months ago
he has yet to be introduced to the idea of movies
6 months ago
that is also gonna be Walter's excuse for Office Space especially if he fully goes forward with little overlap with Movie Club group to make it more efficient. That he is presenting it to people who come from societies very different from Walter's own - Gortash, Sebastian, Thrawn
Ian out burger
6 months ago
I am 100% for gossip book because I love that shit xD
Ian out burger
6 months ago
characters talking about other characters is fun AF and I will stalk the shit out of that
6 months ago
I concur, if that wins I'm stalking like crazy.
Florian would be so amused to know that someone feels the need for their own private ledger
6 months ago
Secret ledger is definitely taking place eventually in SOME form (may be just Walters own notes, etc) so I'm very glad the people are excited
6 months ago
yarnzipan: This was my thought. It'd be the extra super spy edition ;-)
pyotr already has his own private ledger <3 inside his head and in notes in his room written in coded russian
6 months ago
Trevor would like to say that he is flattered but he needs to 1. keep an eye on sebastian, and 2. doesn't believe pyotr has the brains to carry a successful revolution
6 months ago
but hit him up when you have a plan that has half a chance of succeeding
Hit him up?
He clearly has no interest
and wasnt even interested in discussing possibilities
he both shut it down and from pyotr's perspective got a mysterious visit from trevor's inmate who stabbed him, not even just stabbed him, but slashed his legs also so he couldnt walk
so no, he wont be hitting trevor up anymore
6 months ago
I don't think he was trying to shut it down, I think he was trying to wheedle out the holes in the argument but they were talking at cross purposes. But to be clear, he has a long history of hating the ship, seeing other people revolt, and having it crash around their ears. So no I don't expect seriously for pyotr to hit him up
from pyotr's perspective, he wasnt even proposing an argument
6 months ago
Oh 100%
so thats why it just seemed like everything getting shut down
6 months ago
and like trevor also left out critical ifnormation, like inamtes dying after a year. pyotr figured that out on his own, but was hinting at it
6 months ago
Honestly that might have been my own spotty memory
and trevor didnt say "here's whats wrong with getting the bus and booking it. inmates die after a year."
so it just all seemed very fishy from pyot's perspective. and then he thought he made it clear he was content to let the matter die
and then still got a visit from blitz and trevor freaking out at him for trying to "manipualte him"
whereas pyotr thought he was being relatively straight forward, at least for him.
so he is honestly just confused
and the lesson he got is 'well, i need to be more manipulative"
6 months ago
tbh Silver would strongly object to the "secret ledger" idea. sounds like a great way to alienate everyone you write about when it inevitably gets out! keep that stuff in your head where no one can steal it and make it public!
6 months ago
he and Pyotr definitely need to hang out more because he approves of the coded Russian idea
secret ledger must be in code! but he also wouldnt trust the group to be able to keep it secret, esp after the allan thing. his expectations are rock bottom....
6 months ago
That is a valid point
when the group is properly terrified of incurring his wrath, then they can be trusted with a "secret ledger"
6 months ago
Walter's perspective is that, although he is currently totally unaware of the various stuff that Trevor and Pyotr went through (though might find out perhaps even through other means since Blitzø is not always subtle) , Trevor said no so he is looking for a different accomplice warden
6 months ago
He'd actually be really mad if he knew about this because first of all, the plan for Trevor to become a monitor again directly contradicts the idea Blitzø got into his head that Trevor would be harmed or demoted
6 months ago
And second of all, his post... Well, Trevor's interpretation that the post was trying to manipulate him into going for the position is kinda correct. But still it also legitimately is a field for other candidates. He did not bother Trevor again after Trevor's reply to the post...
6 months ago
And then also it's like finding a candidate is also going to be even more relevant if/when Xie Lian does go home.
6 months ago
(Walter does think Florian is at least competent lol so it's not the end of the world...)
6 months ago
Well anyway Walter made the "who was helpful when you first arrived" post back in July. Since then a lot of stuff has happened most notably the custodial warden conflict. So yeah, there is not an immediate plan.
6 months ago
Walter does consider Silver's opinion very important!! I was eagerly reading his thread with Hanna. He could definitely get into work shopping the casual Office Space inmate party idea with him
6 months ago
Walter is very indignant about Hanna's situation similar to Annie's arrival.
6 months ago
That said, I imagine it is possible for future discussions with Trevor and Xie Lian to go well. But if Walter gets Pyotr's perspective of what happened with Trevor and Blitzø, or an outside perspective like yeah he was brutally attacked a little while back... Oh boy...
6 months ago
Oof. Yeah, I think Trevor needs to lay down the law a bit with Blitzo, he didn’t fully appreciate how violent his inmate got
Blitz is also still taunting Pyotr weeks afterward, showing that Trevor... did not in fact lay down the law
i know there may be ooc reasons trevor hasnt done it yet, but it will be coloring pyotr's perception in the SH thread
i am also open to having him kind of ignore it though, if it is ooc stuff... idk
(i know theres only so many threads one can do, esp with a major event around the corner)
6 months ago
Yelena would also not be on side with a secret ledger. Too much risk of exposure if there’s anything useful there, and they already have a gossip book in the speakeasy if there isn’t.
6 months ago
Thank you for the voice of sanity Yelena. Well that's a decent critical mass of skepticism for the idea within the existing small group, so now Office Space scenario seems semi likely
6 months ago
Yeah I’m sorry I should have been more proactive about jumping on that
no worries!
6 months ago
I'm pasting it here too lol
6 months ago
Okay I think that pre-port broader movie party, and during the port secret group hanging out in some way like group house depending on what their wardens allow, could be a good way to go?
6 months ago
Well a group house might be too conspicuous but you get the idea
6 months ago
Alright here is my tentative invite list, any IC vetoes speak now or forever hold your peace
- Gortash
- Sebastian
- Thrawn
- Hanna (wouldn't be surprised if he says no based on comments)
- Durandal (might need to plot a little bit for this one)
6 months ago
"forever" I say even though, like, it'll be days before this goes up
Since its about jobs...
6 months ago
That is a good point. Especially since her and Thrawn's roles in the jobs were related. In my head Walters feelings about "finally" meeting her and throwing the party are a little separate but I think it could make sense like "I'm also having a party do you think it sounds cool"
Im rooting for Walter
to get to meet Frankie
6 months ago
It's so funny like I was saying a while ago wow Frankie's post gives him hope! And then... A lot of other stuff happened lol...
Ian out burger
6 months ago
....Hanna being invited to a secret meeting is such a bad idea after what he did. He isn't going to snitch but he'd remember.
Ian out burger
6 months ago
If anything ever happened later just points the finger like All y'all messed up for this
Pyotr probably wouldnt be a fan of inviting Hanna
6 months ago
That's fair. Hanna is freaking stupid. Walters plan is for this to be a lot more casual than the last one that was like WE SHOULD FORM AN UNMENTIONABLE BROTHERHOOD OF SOLIDARITY and then the bond was promptly broken
6 months ago
Hanna really would be kinda in the "you deserve better than what you got from the admiral" invite category similar to Annie, which was... Also not productive
6 months ago
So yeah it will likely not happen now
Ian out burger
6 months ago
That is a good choice Walter xD Though Hanna would protest that he isn't stupid, just has idiot tendencies. He can be pretty smart thanks
6 months ago
Unwise then.
Ms Properpants
6 months ago
Sebastian would be mildly puzzled at being invited to Secret Meeting, but he would attend.
Ms Properpants
6 months ago
I wish I had an accomplice warden to offer, alas. Gojyo could work well in the Inmate Supervisor position, but he'd have to be bullied into not being a jobless bum first.
6 months ago
Hakkai is available for bullying
Ms Properpants
6 months ago
Bully away
6 months ago
Gojyo's qualifications of being Very Heterosexual
6 months ago
I managed to work the Sebastian invite into our current thread (though this takes place some weeks before the party would, so it is not an immediate invite)
6 months ago
I've been very behind so I'm no longer sure I'll be able to post pre-port party
5 months ago
I'm bringing this very old plurk back just to say. THANK YOU EVERYONE for explicitly saying that any hard copy ledger is a bad idea. These are game canon convos to me. Because Malcolm might FINALLY search Walter's stuff and there WOULD be notes there if this had not happened
5 months ago
I would be open to that outcome, but I never really solidified any form of it all this time, so I'm glad it worked out naturally so there's not some turn of events anyone would be super unprepared for. That's all
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