Charles Baudelaire"A meticulous translator, Baudelaire was known to hunt down English-speaking sailors for maritime vocabulary." 用hunt down描述真的太好笑了,追殺XDD T. S. Eliot goes SO far as to state that “there is no reason to believe that he spoke the language at all” (Eliot 1965: 36).
Hark, a vagrant: 213 無獨有偶,愛倫坡在法國還有一個自割大腿肉的狂粉,寫《環遊世界八十天》、《地心歷險記》、《海底兩萬哩》的儒勒·凡爾納,他寫了多篇論文讚揚愛倫坡,甚至為愛倫坡唯一一篇長篇小說 The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket 寫了兩冊的二創續集