I've just ordered some LED lights for the dog's collars because they're tiny and when I walk them in the evening I can't fuckin see em in the woods in the dark
they're both not particularly well socialised (thanks mother) so I have to keep them on the leads where possible, unless I take them out at around 9pm where there's no one else at the place I walk em
I'd live to have like. an actual dog park around with a fenced enclosure but unfortunately this town doesn't have one, just loots and lots of nature reserves (which! I love about my hometown! but it's terrifying for walking dogs you don't necessarily know will come back to you when you call them)
they do like me a lot though, and Bella at the very least is very Papillon in that when she's tired she just sits down and that's her done gg ezclap, so she's usually easy enough to re-leash