I want to reply to
Will- maybe tag out to Durandal if I can swing it
I hope to write these on August 29th, however if earlier would really help you, you can let me know
ooh! I can definitely wait (I'm still so slow), but I'm excited. :3
Okay!! I've done my important tags!! So these are coming!!
We never did end up doing anything for event. Maybe should do something next time.
I'm sorry!! I have learned my lesson from the April flood
Oh? I missed that flood. It was when I went on break between characters.
Basically it was my first flood and I really overcommitted
Though I'm also learning that tag rates are different for everyone so it's really hit and miss on whether you end up with tags that are frequent or few.
Me before doing anything freaking else today:
SHAW REACTIONKing of Page 2.
BBitsaboi: would it be easier for you if the thread took place a little later? like Walter dropping off the heartburn stuff and Hanna has been getting SO many visits so then stopping to actually talk to him is like a couple days later
after Shaw's announcement...
so like Walter messaged him day 1 but is trying to give him space
That is totally fine! I'm good with either timeline. He's just chilling in his room and beating himself up.
Good, now Hanna can see Walter's simmering fury with Malcolm in real time
Just had the most galaxy brained inmate thought ever. Scott Pilgrim
I don't think I'd actually app him lmao Walter might be ALL I have in me. But. It would be so funny
Malcolm is not going to be happy when the next stage of Walter's journey is "Malcolm, you're in a cult"
If Walter ever lets on how pissed he is at Malcolm to Yelena, she’ll have to let him know that technically, pairings can be dissolved.
Walter honestly would rather not be repaired from Malcolm at this point because oh well... He already has a lot of dirt on Walter, might as well not give a second guy more... That said, Yelena is like, practically next in my queue
If you want Yelena to reach out first, you're totally welcome
Walter won't find another Warden he can scream at with basically no consequences, who won't watch him on his warden device, read his file without permission or read his messages!
Don't make him take another poll about this lol he's been under the impression it's a lot more common than you'd think
Walter is offering help with death flu on Erskine 's club post so if Yelena is forthcoming. Yeah
Walter is probably going to show Pyotr this conversation just... What the actual fuck
Well, I don't think Abel does those things either, but that's because his inmate is Fitz. Want to swap Malcolm? They'd both hate it

Fitz already hates Malcolm more than Walter does. Which, consider it: that's a LOT.
Abel just like Yeah, but look how cute he is and he's gorgeous playing guitar. Can't be mad at him that long.
Walter is PISSED at Malcolm, but even now genuinely has a platonic love for him underneath it all, though if he gets a closer bond with Hanna and Malcolm does anything to Hanna that role might finally snap
It's like if you have a family member that is addicted to drugs and keeps doing more and more stupid things and it's hard to even talk to them and you're angry but you love them
"this isn't the real world" is sure gonna. Hm. Maybe push him into. Things!
Do what you gotta do, Walt.
Also Malcolm and Hanna are good. He left Hanna a gift after the flood.
Also he's pretty sure any other warden would not have shut down the riddles in thatparticular way
He does a lot of things not like other wardens. There's a reason he's not popular.
Hanna just crying over business cards in his room while he thinks the counselors on this ship both suck and are really sweet at the same time. Let him hate himself please, don't reward him for this.
this is happening. Various relevant interactions well probably be mentioned