I didn't realize during the movie that it wasn't just taken from the album. It really does go super hard.
I am a sucker and a half for choirs adding Bonus Epicness
Guess I should edit in a link
I was reading some commentary and someone noted that the movie felt less like Deadpool's entrance into the MCU and more like a tribute and swan song to decades of Fox superhero movies and yeah, it kinda did
And god Jackman really was Downey-tier casting perfection
idk what they'll ever do for future Wolverines. Can't be matched.
How did they take the best Madonna song and make it better?! But they did.
MCU: Deadpool is worth money we should add him.
Ryan: Cool, gonna spend the whole movie loving everything about the Fox films.
MCU: ...not sure why I was expecting anything else.
They walked so the MCU could run
Ryan spoke to Madonna, and she basically did a new recording/mix that fit better under her supervision
Apparently she has never licensed this song before
So much of Ryan getting away with shit is he asks nicely. Which is wild given his general persona.
yeah they met with her personally and apparently she had some notes / changes she suggested for the scenes where the song was being used
court 🐸
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
reynolds was basically like "if she said no we'd be so fucked because this is how i was envisioning it the whole time"
but yeah, it being a love letter to the fox movies was really great

the montage during the credits...
and agreed, hugh jackman just brings his all to the role and puts so much pathos into some of those scenes ... clenches fist
It's wild that he Wolverine'd his little heart out in Logan and followed it up with. This. And they both work as a tribute/send-off to the character!
Though it might not be a send-off, who knows. "Until he's 90" and all.
The rumor is Ryan and Hugh are in the next Avengers crossover film.
But I don't think the plan is Hugh is Logan forever (in spite of fan desire).
He's not gonna be able to do the steroids forever
court 🐸
6 months ago @Edit 6 months ago
the fact that they were able to bring wolvie back without ruining what logan (the movie) did and honoring that memory (yes, even as wade desecrates the sacred corpse) was just ... man
logan being used as a weapon one last time even in death is kind of fitting tbh
i can see them showing up again bc it sounds like hugh and ryan just like to hang out together lmao
I wouldn't hate it if they keep up the quality
yeah LOL hugh jackman has said this was the most fun he ever had playing wolverine so i'm sure he'd be down
Though I'm mainly done with MCU
but i do suspect their next appearance would be a cameo thing idk
…I have to say though now that I’ve seen the Cavillrine I cannot unsee it and kind of do want
it's been cute to see how this has revived parts of the fandom tho, i've seen quite a few artists who haven't drawn mcu stuff since like 2019 who've come back to draw these bozos
i think everyone is just riding the high of a good mcu movie, lmao (though again, it was really more about the fox films)
I didn't even recognize Cavillrine but that dude is really living his best hot nerd life and good for him
“We’ll treat you so much better than those other assholes-” I frickin’ howled
I finally have a reason to dive headfirst into MCU stuff and just the art. there's so much art and it's all so good
Hugh and Ryan are stupidly good friends, so I imagine standing there shaking your head at Ryan's bullshit is a very fun way to get a paycheck.
God when will someone illegally upload the Like a Prayer fight scene already so I can just watch it on repeat
i can hook you up with a camrip stream ...
funny enough I randomly found it on tumblr then tumblr refreshed and I lost it... but it's under the deadpool & wolverine tag
i slid her the goods as well