honestly more caught my eye than expected
but hm... I guess we'll be getting this in 2025 too
That would mean Daybreak 2 and Sky remake in the same year
I suspect Kai no Kiseki will come out 2026 since NISA has been getting quicker with localization
and Falcom will probably need to patch Kai like they did Kuro 1 + 2 before they hit stateside
I wonder how Sky 3rd wil translate for a remake... That is my favorite Trails game of all time
I haven't played Graces so this is nice to see
I was whining about Tales not getting anything for a while so this is good
I want an ACTUAL new Tales game tho'... I think enough time has passed since Arise for Namco to say "WE'RE COOKING SOMETHING"
or maybe I'm just spoiled on the years when we got a new Tales game per year
I just hope they go back to the original anime aesthetics over the more gritty realistic approach since I feel that's what gives Tales its uniqueness
Not to mention, it makes the heavy dark moments hit so much harder
Atelier is taking the Mihiyo pill
Looks like they're going for a more plot heavy/action game over the usual Atelier comfy vibes and honestly? I'm here for it
You can only milk Ryza's thighs for so long, she has been condemned to the gacha dungeons now
Looks like the story and protag will be more darker and serious too which is a refreshing change of pace
Ryza's games can be summed as a series where "things happen, yet nothing happens". It was more about the growth of the characters throughout their daily lives than a big quest to save the world
Ryza 3 was more serious, but still had a lot of comfiness Yumia looks more balls to the wall with shit happening
But color me interested! If people were baited into this series for Ryza fanservice and got none of that game in the actual game.. This should be more honest in what it is
ALSO I swear that's a Mihoyo artist... GOOD ON THEM IF SO
Capcom you really want me to return to my fighting game roots again huh
Both Power Stones... Both CvSNKs... PROJECT FUCKING JUSTICE
C'mon Tech Romancer, I NEEED YOU
This Direct for me has been less than I thought, yet more than I expected
weird that Project Justice is in there while the original Rival Schools remains in purgatory
OH YEAH I forgot about the first Rival Schools
Maybe the sequel was easier to port? Who knows
Remastered project too, so other Tales may come... and probably why they delisted the titles from PSN
I still need to play Xillia 1 and 2... I've heard good things about those two
the xillias are some of my favorites
I keep dreaming one day they'll give us the Destiny duo and Rebirth
Xillia series are a lot of fun
Xillia can let you switch active and reserve party members, so you can use everyone in battle. But they remove that option in Xillia 2, which bummed me out
It's funny how long the Tales games have existed and we still don't have all of them localized
hell even REMAKES of the older games
I'm so used to CS/Kuro aesthetics that this doesn't feel like Falcom did it
I like they're retaining the innocent whimsical charm of early Sky in the graphics... Feels like it reflects Estelle's mindset at that time
Also takes me back to the late 90s-early 00s era of JRPGS... Think that's what they're banking on

CS3/4 Estelles vs. Sky remake Estelle
Would be cool if they changed tone aesthetics once we hit Sky 3rd and possibly for the Zero/Azure remakes
Also looking at the Yumie trailer again... Are we in for multiple story routes or slight story changes due to our dialogue choices???
That would also be a change of pace
With the implications of the themes being "more than one way is right"... That would fit with it
One day I want to suffer the Tokimeki Memorial rng
The Godfather of VNs
Graces f remaster was the first thing i woke up to and i wanted to cry lmao... it's my fave. but man the new Atelier game really does look like a MHY game from the trailer
infel: I had a lot of good things about Graces battle system too
And YEAH that's why I caught off guard since I almost thought MHY was making a console game
I am 99% sure it's the same artist
I wonder if it's going to be a solo journey for the MC and characters join up occasionally... That would be another change of pace
I retract my previous statement about them not doing anything else with Tales
the Graces battles are a lot of fun, yeah!
some of my fave battle systems are Graces and Vesperia
i do hope they have something for us for the Tales Fest because aaaa
missed it, but did the no silksong meme still lives on or was there actually something
infel: We need happier news asides the passing off an amazing Tales artist
Xia_V: Sadly the meme still lives
GOD 100%, Graces f is happy for me, i hope there's more to come at Tales of Fest tbh
Comes in here and hoots and hollers about tokimemo, as per my sworn duty
carrieface: I THOUGHT IT WAS GETTING LOCALIZED FINALLY!! I was so hype for a moment
all this and still no fe4 remake announcement....
machaera: It would be nice to go back to the roots of FE
God I would lose my absolute MIND....
Literally a few months away

I love they just went "oh let's just borrow the building mechanics from Minecraft/ToTK"
Though with Simple Synthesis as a game mechanic, I wonder if they'll even bother with a cauldron anymore? That would very weird to have without in an Atelier game

Party looks edgier than Ryza
Even the red hair's motivations has "uncompromising feelings for both fashion and revenge" which is wild
the fucking vial heels...
I think they found the perfect balance between cute and cool for Yumia

Looks like we're switching things to more of an action rpg? Ryza was a hybrid combat system of turn based and action
And she's daying "That enough for you?"
Atelier Yumia is confirmed to be $70 dolla
The Ryza games are like $60... This is become a AA/AAA game now
70 USD so that usually averages around... 100 AUD for me LMAO
Even if I do see Atelier games usually on sale for cheap, Yumia will probably be chopped down to like $65 if lucky
This also makes me wonder if this will longer than the average Atelier game
On average, the Ryza games are 30 hours long when it comes to story. If you are a hardcore player trying to unlock all of the items, then you'll probably be playing for like 60 at best
There's no time limit on them, right? So that can help with the completion time
Nope! No time limit for item creation
A common thing is always people worrying about the time limit, especially if they manage to mess up. Plus people being more picky with their free time than before.
This game was inspired by HALO???
And I don't think it's a marketing ploy (well not entirely), I think he's completely serious
in... vibes? world building??
I guess that's why Yumia is all "I CAST GUN"