6 months ago
talked with sleep study group about my test. Seems I have moderate sleep apnea and for now I'm trying to see if a mouth piece may be sufficient for it

if it doesn't work out I suppose I'll go with a cpap machine but that sounds so cumbersome to travel with
latest #7
duck bastard
6 months ago
yeah, i have friends with cpap machines, and they can be really frustrating, but what can you do, y'know?
6 months ago
trilies: yea, I know. my over active imagination just makes me think of all the stupid accidents that'll happen by having a tube connected to me every night, like knocking over drinking glasses on my night stand or some other stupid shit
6 months ago
You get used to it, actually. Also they make travel CPAPs specifically, but I don't think insurance'll cover that for you starting off.
6 months ago
I have both. A regular CPAP that can travel, and a travel-specific CPAP.
6 months ago
well, gonna see about the mouth piece first - if it doesnt seem good, then we'll opt for cpap
Water Friend
6 months ago
I've found the tube doesn't move nearly as much as I thought it would
Water Friend
6 months ago
I tend to toss and turn a lot, so I got a CPAP mask where the tube attaches at the top of my head rather than directly to my face, so I can roll around and it's safely out of the way
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