3 weeks ago
the air guitar is so much more fun than the normal one
3 weeks ago
to be completely honest I think everyone should learn to dance. so often can experiences be accentuated through body movement instead of sitting still and not knowing how to dance is actually more of a miss out than I feel like people think cause knowing how to move right is a great way of raw expression. particularly music but it can really be anything
3 weeks ago
every night when everyone is asleep I just can't help but listen to some music and try and act it out in my room in the dark because I can't do it anywhere else and its really nice to do something like that as somebody that always lives in shame. I think the air guitar is the closest I can currently get to moving alongside how I feel in music though
3 weeks ago
if you're by yourself and listening to music, try just moving a bit more even if you're in your chair or bed or something. its good for the soul