wow, plurk has done no justice to these photos
god, half of those haven't even made it over here, I'm jelly
oh bummer, I hope they arrive soon
there's really a lot to like about them
yeah i didnt do gen 1 (tried not to become a collector as knew it would cost so much xD) but I was sad i missed out, so decided to start on gen 3
we mainly get the main girls over here, not the others sadly
and they are hard to find if they do make it over here :/
Is there anyone you particularly want? I could pick them up and send them to you...
ty so much :3 i do have a friend who also collects them, so shes grabbed me some (i think XD still waiting on them)
i am not upset enough if i miss them, at least
just try and grab what I can over here to at least have one of each, if i can
I'm just sad i missed out on Deuce here. He popped up then vanished real fast, and site i can find him on he's part of a 'random', so u cant pick just him, you just get... a random doll
I hope they arrive soon, then! that's rough about Deuce though
then again, he went fast even over here
yeah, from what i recall of Gen 1 everyone wanted the guy dolls. I even found some over here and sent to USA friend as she couldnt find them at all
randomly find them in the wild over here XD grab them and ship them over
I'd say 'everyone always wants the guy dolls' but Heath and Clawd have been sitting on shelves over here so
i havent kept track of reactions with gen 3, but i made sure to grab Clawd when i saw him. havent seen heath
He's in the budget beach line. I don't find him as charming as G1 Heath, but he does have nice hair
is it actually hair this time? if i recall it was hard plastic before?
oh, no, it's still plastic, but it's translucent this time
oh thats not too bad. so sad the boys get that treatment tho XD they deserve 'hair' too hehe
EAH Hunter had real hair, I gave him a mohawk as part of a custom I never finished