[fr] I have been lagging on tags for many reasons (work got stupid busy, energy = very no, busy house- and petsitting, other stuff) but I'm gonna try and do the all of like. lol two outstanding tags I got and then TRY TO READ THE MOD PLOT so I can figure out what to do
I've been real quiet here lately bc stuff happened and I've kinda been questioning if Iiiii belong in the game anymore but I wanted to see where the mod plot went and dive back into it with renewed vigor, etc
insofar as reading I have gotten as far as Just make sure you've memorized the list of which eluvian is which.
and I actually already love the idea of accidentally being somewhere else, starting to do work, and then going '...wait a second this isn't [x]...'
strange magic pockets in minrathous is fascinating
mobius has never set foot in tevinter before and he makes for a terrible spy but giving him some experience being there even just to help clear out basement space could be fun
Qarinus seems cozy. lighthouse nice
necropolis has potential wrt the rift
oh my god the mid-summer mummery is so good
the whale by Seere is neat
and? dwarven shit. dwarven shit is always good shit
saving a whale does sound like a canon plot for him tbh
like tonally to s1 hijinks at least, I never saw s2
listen if we can stack a lot of crates on a ship and then blast it with dank templar vibes
will I toplevel? wwwwwwwe'll see, depends on if I get hit with a wave of I HAVE IDEAS TO PLAY WITH WAHAHA but there's at least neat ideas
so it's not a no, it's an idk gotta let things percolate
okay okay there will probably be a toplevel, eventually, bc I really gotta whale if nothing else. whales yo. save that whale. there will be other stuff! not sure what. whale is the only certainty in life.
aight I have some ideas. I'm gonna try and get a tl up tonight but if I don't then I'll def have something started and it'll be up tomorrow afternoon. one of these things will be true.
I'm waffling about antivan gondola races. it doesn't look like anyone's bitten on that one either lol so maybe I'll just slide a little thing with that in for funsies
I did it I wrote it I posted it /lays on floor
this whole weekend has been very hangout centric when not working, I will tag back in the 'morrow
I do want to tag into other toplevels but since I'm a stupid dweebus who keeps getting socially busy I keep not, but I should!!!
there okay I haven't hit up more plot tls and I don't think I will but I've caught up on what needed caught up and also hit up some of the rookery stuff
very amused by
tav: btw thankfully I'm cured thanks to research
mobius, never having officially met tav before: ??? good to hear???