2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Seven Deadly Sins For any of mine!
latest #23
2 months ago
I love me a good meme
18 and 21 for whoever u think would have the most fun answers!
2 months ago
2, 5, and 18 for Mur
2 months ago
stocke Imma answer for Dante because it's hilarious and I'm also going to respond with...
2 months ago
18: gestures at the entirety of DMC 3
2 months ago
The whole game is Dante is angry at. Everything. Forever. And proceeds to kickflip up a demon tower to fight his brother over it
2 months ago
And an old man, and a clown, and this random girl he met on the way up and.... so on and so forth
2 months ago
21 also for Dante: Tasks include- cleaning, paying his bills, answering his own phone, scheduling jobs, doing jobs, social obligations that don't involve drinking or eating pizza.... And 9 times out of ten he just straight up avoids doing them. Until the power gets shut off. Again.
2 months ago
Dante's a fucking disaster and I love him.
2 months ago
theavarice oh man 2 for Mur is fun
2 months ago
Okay so Mur's ability to understand scale is pretty fucking dreadful when it comes to where he stands in the whole Celestials are Absurd thing. He's... forever old. Since the beginning of existence old, so he falls into the trap of still thinking of himself along the lines of when they were all babby angels in a babby universe and Seraphim were just silly
2 months ago
but he's lived a really, really, really, long time and has since gained a vast wealth of knowledge legally and illegally that gives him a lot of boons when dealing with problems. In other words, he thinks he's a wimp
2 months ago
he's a wimp that dumped a 100 foot thick glacier on a city because he was mad
2 months ago
and another he stuck in a sinkhole also because he was mad
2 months ago
by himself
2 months ago
Mur has not yet realized that it used to take a bunch of them together to pull that shit off, and now he just. Does it. Old Testament style
2 months ago
And on the flip side he thinks he's really good at pretending to be human. He most certainly is not, and is regularly deeply unsettling humans just don't tend to jump immediately to "that guy's not human" and instead just think "what a weirdo"
2 months ago
5 for Mur: His original vessel. It got incinerated :c
2 months ago
18 for Mur: Didn't deserve it? No, but blood angels have a really hard time controlling their temper and uh... see 100 foot glacier and sinkhole. He'd never fatally harm a mortal, but I wouldn't be surprised if he took it upon himself to teach "men of God" a lesson if he caught them behaving in a way he didn't approve of. Catching them lying, for example
2 months ago
make them choke on their own lies
2 months ago
he can be an absolute monster once he's riled up
2 months ago
I don't know if any of that counts as stupid but it's definitely maybe a bit of an overreaction
2 months ago
you know thinking about it back on to 2 for Mur, I wouldn't doubt the whole dying and being resurrected thing probably bumped his power in ways he doesn't know/understand as well
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