with a very important question
i think you mean GRAND THEFT AUTOMAIL
has anyone else had similar experiences

eh? eh????
(also the fact that Wrath is the one worried about being forgiven is killing me)
Not the felony tax evasion!!

he killed ALL THREE of his moms (not always directly) and also gluttony and envy was really mad at him???? he doesn't even forgive himself.
Envy can at least now inform him at some point that getting over being mad at him already happened the first time around
oh boy
hey buddy want to talk about a thousand year old grudge
he'll be impressed,.that's even older than envy and envy is super old
Kurama is only anonymous out of respect for the OP being that way, so he'd have no issue taking him aside and like talking to him about things
glad we waited now this is perfect
(Im putting my head down for a nap because meds are making me feel gross, but I'll hit that back atcha once I'm back at the computer)
YEAH honestly we could easily turn the thread action at some point, wrath is still in Violet
no rush, I'm the slowest person alive until this obnoxious weather shift leaves the area
"did you meet anyone you killed personally" WELL.........
Edward Elric is weirdly chill about a lot of things, 03 really made their own character there
Envy remembers Ed being unexpectedly mature and also a long while of Al being SIGNIFICANTLY LESS CHILL WITH IT (which was more what Envy was expecting from Ed too)
another thing Wrath and Ed can bond over: the bizarre outward calming effects of Severe Depression
ievakasku: lmao yeah Ed being from CoS and CoS GIVING US Ed's reaction to seeing envy again kind of informed that reaction for me
I do love this about their dynamic, because then they BOTH get to be kind of like ???? at each other
Envy expecting Ed to freak out and Ed's just like sup envy, still want me dead? I'm very exhausted.
the elric (and co) legacy: a bunch of very sad boys
my friend who plays manga Ed likes to call 03 The Darkest Timeline because I said that once before I got them to watch it and it proved too accurate
sticking all these very sad people in the pokemon game
therapy animals for the lot of you